You For Eternity

Chapter 1137: One double for a lifetime (116)

Nianxin and Bai Yujing still sleep in their separate rooms, separated by a wall.

Nianxin lay down on the wall with her ears on it, trying to listen to the movement there.

But I don't know if the soundproofing is too good, or Xiaobai is too quiet and has not heard any sound.

She thinks it should be the latter?

Xiaobai has never been noisy, let alone Lan Fei is not there, what can he make?


Thinking of the words Lan Fei, her brows frowned.

Hey, in fact, even if she wasn't his niece, it would be difficult for her to be together. They are already engaged, no matter what, she is a third party in the eyes of others.

Nianxin sat on the chair, lowered his head, thinking about these things melancholy, and felt very depressed.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

Nianxin glanced at her head, and the word "Xiaobai" was displayed on the screen.

As soon as these two words appeared, Nian Xin's heart shook, and instantly her eyes became energetic.

She hurriedly took it over and opened it.

Xiao Bai: Are you asleep?

Nianxin quickly replied: Not yet.

In fact, she was not sleepy yet, but after thinking about it, she made an obedient appearance and added one: she was about to sleep.

Xiaobai: Then I'll talk tomorrow, good night.

! ! !

How can I say it tomorrow?

Nianxin: Don't, half of you say that I will suffer from insomnia until tomorrow morning.

After Bai Yujing sent the message, he put the phone on the table. He hesitated, his expression solemn, as if he was worried.

After taking a shower, I came out, poured a glass of red wine and drank it. When I passed by the desk, I turned on the phone and looked at it. There were several messages I wanted.

--Hello? Don't tell me?

——Reply! I rushed over if you didn't return.

——Really asleep?

The corner of Bai Yujing's mouth hooked slightly.

She said that when she had insomnia until morning, he probably didn't believe it.

They lived under the same roof for many years, and he thought he knew how much her temperament was.

The bed is too tempting for her. She has no resistance. After so long, he hasn't seen her insomnia. How could he not fall asleep because of this?

So he put the phone down after sending the message, but unexpectedly, she held this point for so long.

Bai Yujing made a call, and the call was answered quickly.

"Not asleep?" The voice was low.

"I can't sleep if I say..."

"Weiyang is asleep."

"She went to bed early, I coaxed it for a long time, and I have to sleep with you."

"come out."

Nianxin hung up the phone, thinking about something with her mobile phone.

She always feels that Xiaobai tonight is a little weird, has something happened?

After seeing Wei Young sleeping soundly, Nian Xin put down her phone and went out.

As soon as she walked out of the room, before the door was closed, she was pulled over by a sudden force.

When she smashed into that familiar embrace, Nian Xin was still confused.

Xiaobai had a familiar smell on her body, as well as the fragrance of the freshly showered body. Together, it smelled particularly good.

She likes it anyway.

Nianxin was held by Bai Yujing, like a well-behaved cat, who did not resist at all.

She raised her head slightly and looked at the person above herself.

Soon this hug doesn't belong to her anymore. It's just a while to hold it for a while.

Nianxin's eyes were a little dim, and she said nothing.

"Xiao Bai...what's wrong with you?"

It took a long time before he replied: "I will go to the Isle of Man tomorrow, we will be together."

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