You For Eternity

Chapter 1078: One twin for a lifetime (57)

Chu Chu glanced at Lan Ye worriedly: "Young Master Lan, don't mess around. I watched you take away your thoughts with my own eyes. If the thoughts have little hairs, you will wait for the second master Bai and Fourth master Li. Go to you to settle the account."

"Don't worry, I promise to return to Zhao after finishing," Lan Ye twitched his mouth, "Oh... it's not over."

This sentence made Chu Chu and Nianxin frowned.

They all knew the specific meaning and knew that it was a fact, but when this sentence came out of Lan Ye's mouth, the level of suspicion more than doubled.

"Don't pay attention to him," Nian Xin was afraid of Chu Chu being angry, soothed her, "I'm used to it."

"Disgusting." Chu Chubai gave him a glance.

Lan Ye shrugged, it seemed to mean: What if I am sick? What are you doing to me?

Particularly owed.

Chu Chu really had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't tell Hengzhi about this.

She could only watch Lan Ye take away her mind.

When she returned to her office, she suddenly remembered when she saw the mobile phone on the desk, Nian Xin didn't take the mobile phone away.

At this time, they were chasing out, and they had already gone far.

At noon, Zhang Yang, the director of the TV station, came to the news department, and everyone in the open office stood up and said hello to the director.

Zhang Yang waved his hand, motioning them to be free.

"Director Qian is here, right?"

"It's inside." Someone replied.

Tong Tong just came out of the pantry and glanced over there with the tea.

Why did the director come to see Chu Chu again?

The protagonist takes care of everything every day, and usually doesn't go to various departments when he is fine, but it seems that the news department has been a little too many these days?

Gu Tong always felt that something was going on, and he planned to wait for the director to leave before going in and asking.

"Gu Tong? Why are you in a daze?" Shen Li, the second group leader, came over with a pile of documents.

"Oh Sister Lili... sorry."

"The next issue is the issue of wastewater and sewage discharge in factories. Let us pick the subject matter this week. You have been working in the TV station for a long time. I think this task is... let you do it?"

"Really!" Gu Tong immediately opened his eyes, "Great Sister Lili! I am very willing!"

This is a great opportunity. If it is done, her qualifications in the TV station will be improved. If she performs well, she will be able to earn more money if she gets a promotion in the future.

Whether or not she wants to marry the Li family in the future, she doesn't have too much money, and this does not conflict with her future decision.

"Well, these files are all information about Factory X. Take them back and have a look. If you need an assistant, you can pick one from the group. You must get the materials back for me next Monday," Shen Li finished, a little worried. He glanced at her, "Can you do it right?"

"Of course! Sister Lili, don't worry, I will complete the task!"

"I think you seem to have fallen in love recently. You have to put more thoughts on your work. Women's future is not only for men, but also for careers. Don't waste your career because of your feelings."


When Gu Tong took the information back to his place and went back, Director Zhang had already left Chu Chu's office.

She slipped in: "What is the chief of the station looking for you again?"

Chu Chu looked up and said, "You will know after a while?"

"I saw it all." Gu Tong found a place to sit down very casually.

"It is said that there will be an important dinner tomorrow night, and all ministers and above will participate."

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