You For Eternity

Chapter 1074: One twin for a lifetime (53)

As Tongtong said, she certainly couldn't do it.

Chu Chu sighed and went in.

Before taking a few steps, Tong Tong made a call.

Strange, I just met, what do you call her for?

It was strange, but Chu Chu still picked it up: "Hello? What is Tongtong?"

"Where are you? Your sister-in-law is looking for you."

"Sister-in-law?" Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, "Ah Nianxin..."

No one had ever shouted like this, and she didn't respond at once.

"I'll go in right away."

How did Nianxin come to find her on TV?

Because of Bai Erye...

She could only think of this possibility.

Chu Chu went in and saw Nian Xin really waiting for her on the lounge chair of their news department.

Fortunately, other people here don't know Nianxin, otherwise they know that she is Hengzhi's younger sister, I'm afraid everyone is rushing to hold the thigh.

"Nianxin, why did you come here so early? Is there anything wrong?"

"Sister-in-law..." Nianxin's eyes were slightly red.

Chu Chu was taken aback, and everyone was watching. He pointed to the office in front and said, "Let's talk about it in my office."


The door was closed, and the two sat down on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" Chu Chu asked with concern, "Second Master Bai...?"

The eyes are not only red, but also a little swollen. It seems that they cried a lot last night, otherwise they won't swell like this.

"He is getting married..."

Chu Chu understands that this "he" refers to Second Master Bai.


Nianxin shook her head and said, "I don't know... but he promised my father that he will get married within this year."


Bai Erye and Lan Fei were engaged last year. Although there is no exact date for marriage, Chuchu privately believes that it is not impossible to get married this year. After all, Bai Erye and Lan Fei are not young anymore.

It's not that Nianxin doesn't know this, but knows it too suddenly and can't accept it, right?

"I know he is going to get married... The world cannot tolerate our forbidden|break|love, and I also know that one day I will lose him, but... But knowing all this, I still feel sad... …"


Seeing Nianxin like this, Chu Chu felt uncomfortable.

"Then what are you going to do?"

After asking, Chu Chu knew that he had asked the wrong question.

If she knew what to do, she wouldn't come to her helplessly.

Nianxin shook her head: "I don't know... Chu Chu, what do you think I should do? If I could forget it, I would have forgotten it a long time ago. What can I do now? If I cut off my thoughts at the beginning, don't give it I hope that I may not be so persistent. But what to do, I am worse than before. After getting him for a day, I can no longer control my own feelings. I want to be with him so much... …"

If there is no hope and no expectation as before, she can still control her feelings, but these days, after she tasted the little bit of sweetness, she realized that that feeling would go deep into her bones, like terrible Like drug addiction, people can’t control it.

"Nianxin... You came to me suddenly, and I don't know how to answer you..."

She hadn't encountered such a situation before, and she didn't dare to ask her to give an idea suddenly.

That's a lifetime of Nianxin, how dare she call the shots for her brother? Once Nianxin is hurt, what can she do to compensate?

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