You For Eternity

Chapter 1006: Cut off the love thread (19)

The numb feeling came from my feet, and my whole body was shaking.

"Let go of me--" Nianxin shook her hands into fists, shuddering unbearably, and shouted her maximum decibel.

Lan Ye saw it almost, and didn't make too much noise all at once, and said hurriedly: "It's OK, don't scare her, take it easy."

Lan Ye waved away the two people around him, walked over and kicked the cowboy away, and drew a few tissues to wipe her feet clean.

"Huh..." Nianxin's heartbeat finally calmed down.

It's really scary.

I can't tell why, but watching others lick her feet, that kind of scene is really...really shameful!

And all this is because of Lan Ye! Bringing her to such a place, she also called her a new world!

Lan Ye held her ankle with one hand, and he didn't seem to mind at all.

Her feet are as white and tender as a newborn, with no smell. Both visually and tactilely, they are very comfortable.

When Nianxin was worried about what he would do while holding his foot, he really lived up to her expectations and stared at her other foot and said, "Or, let me come?"

Nianxin's feet slammed back, "Neuropathy!"

What's wrong? Like to lick people's feet? ?

"I don't dislike it, what are you doing so dislike? This is my first time, and I am going to dedicate it to you." He raised his eyebrows when he finished speaking.

How stupid he thought she was, would he believe it?

She gave Lan Ye a fierce look: "Have you brought a gun?"

Lan Ye smiled evilly: "Which'gun'?"

Nian Xin was stunned.

"I have both, which one do you want?"

The mind that finally understood it grabbed a piece of orange on the fruit plate and threw it at him: "Rogue!"

How could this little trick hit Lan Ye, he grabbed the orange in his hand as soon as he lifted it, ate it directly, and smiled while eating, "You know? I've been a gangster since the first sight of you. , Don’t you know? Bai Nianxin, you should be thankful that you didn’t grow up to be my food when you were a kid, or else I would take care of you at that time."

Nianxin sneered: "Really not?"


"Do you think I don't know anything? I have heard the conversation between you and Bai Xi. Bai Xi wants to use me to kill you and give you courage. Even if you really break my body, Bai Xi still has him in the house. No one will hold you accountable, and the ugliness of the family should not be exposed...If I pretended to be sick for a week, could I hide it?"

This is one of the reasons why she hates Lan Ye.

He didn't care if she was his dish, but irritating.

At that time, Bai Xi and Lan Ye were nineteen years old, and she was fifteen. Even if they really did what to her and she stabbed the matter out, they would only say that it was Lan Ye she seduced, one of whom was the young master of the Lan family. One is an illegitimate daughter who can't be seen or favored. Who will everyone believe?

At the end of the matter, she was the only one who silently swallowed those grievances.

Lan Ye was not surprised after being dismantled. Instead, he smiled: "Oh... I said, how come I was ill, it turned out to be ill. By coincidence, Bai Xi died a week later. That relieved you."

Lan Ye originally came to the Bai's house often because of Bai Xi's. Once Bai Xi died, he had no need to go. In addition, after the incident occurred in the Bai family's martial law for a period of time, the idlers could not enter.

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