You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 438 The new movie is released, no more pretense, I am the richest man in China and I have a

Liu Yifei was confused when Wang Quan introduced Liu Yifei: "This is Pony Ma, the founder of Tencent Group."

Liu Yifei reacted and asked, "QQ that Tengxun?"

Wang Quan nodded.

Pony Ma pushed up his glasses and smiled, "I still like you to call me Brother Pony."

Liu Yifei was even more surprised. When did they know each other? They called each other by their English names and called each other Xiao Ma Ge, as if they had a good relationship.

In fact, Wang Quan was not familiar with the other party and had only met him once, in his capacity as the chairman of the 2-Yue-2 Fund.

After that meeting, Wang Quan became a shareholder of Tencent on February 2. At the same time, Wang Quan also visited the WeChat working group that was just starting up at the time, and had a cordial exchange with Zhang Xiaolong.

The “check nearby people” function launched by WeChat last month was Wang Quan’s idea for Zhang Xiaolong. Zhang Xiaolong regarded it as a genius move, and there are even more genius ideas hidden in WeChat.

As expected, he is the Internet Bole who invested in YouTube, so Ma Huateng is one of the few people who knows the true financial resources of the royal power. He is as good as Li Jiacheng at a young age. His admiration for this young man is like a torrential river. Absolute, and like the Yellow River flooding, it is out of control.

The key is that he has so much assets, but he is willing to do his favorite job as a director. He is really a pure person, free from vulgar tastes, just like himself.

I just regret that my daughter is still too young, otherwise, she would definitely become very good friends with his girlfriend Liu Yifei.

Although he didn't know why Wang Quan and his girlfriend were here, Xiao Ma enthusiastically invited Wang Quan and Liu Yifei to his home.

"Is your sister-in-law here? We are empty-handed..."

"You're too polite. I'm the only one at home. I came here to work, and the mother and daughter are still in Shenzhen."

"Then we would rather obey orders than be respectful."

Brother Xiao Ma's No. 13 Tai Long Wan Road, Shek O is much larger than Wang Quan's No. 21 house. It was bought from the shipping king Zhao Shiguang two years ago for 480 million Hong Kong dollars. At that time, there was an economic crisis, and now the price is still low. To be higher, even in Xiangjiang, where there are many luxury houses, it is still number one.

And next door to Brother Ma is the family of Little Superman Li Zekai, who originally invested in Tencent, holding 20% ​​of the shares, but later sold it at a low position, and still regrets it.

In addition, there is another Xiangjiang boat king Xu Shixun living on this Tai Long Bay Road. His name may be unfamiliar, but his son is Xu Jinheng, and his two daughters-in-law are He Chaoqiong and Li Jiaxin. I don’t know if they will meet each other while strolling. This most beautiful Hong Kong lady has just given birth to a baby.

Xiao Ma got out of the car directly, the driver drove the car in, and he took the young couple in on foot.

Wang Quan looked at the house carefully, and after entering, he even asked if he could take a tour, "Sir, please renovate and renovate my house. I don't know if it's convenient."

He had just informed Brother Ma that he lived in Villa No. 28, and the two of them were neighbors on the same road.

Of course, Xiao Ma agreed wholeheartedly. His mansion was relatively old and had some history on the outside. Although everything had been renovated inside, it still retained the original overall style and looked very rich.

"I heard that the wealthy people in Hong Kong in the past were very cautious. They usually built some kind of doomsday safe house underground. Do you have one in your mansion?"

Brother Ma smiled slightly, "Although I don't believe in the Mayan prophecy, I do have this house. Anyway, there is no loss. I just put some pure water, food, and power generation equipment in it. Let's go. Let me take you to take a look."

While they were going downstairs, Brother Ma also reported good news to Wang Quan, "The number of WeChat users has reached 20 million!"

Wang Quan said "Oh" and then asked his girlfriend, "Sissi, do you have the WeChat software?"

Liu Yifei shook her head blankly. She did have Fetion, but she rarely used it recently.

Wang Quan looked at Brother Ma, "It seems that the coverage is not wide enough, but I am very optimistic about this software, and even optimistic that it can surpass QQ."

Brother Xiaoma laughed, "After the shake function is launched, I believe the number of users will definitely increase explosively."

As for surpassing QQ, he doesn't dare to think about it. It can supplement QQ and stabilize Tencent's advantage in instant messaging software.

Listening to the two chatting on WeChat, Liu Yifei was even more surprised. This horse always makes communication software, and her brother is in film and television entertainment. Why would he tell his brother this?

Wang Quan then asked about the situation of Tengxun’s video.

"I would also like to thank you for ceding the mainland online copyrights of a series of blockbusters such as The Twilight Zone to Tencent Video, which gave us a head start in the competition with established video websites such as Youku Tudou."

"The price you gave me is also very satisfactory." Wang Quan smiled.

Tencent Video is a Tencent product that was launched at about the same time as WeChat. However, WeChat relies on QQ to attract traffic and has an excellent product manager like Zhang Xiaolong. In just half a year, it has 20 million users, which is considered a breakthrough.

As for Tencent Video, it's almost interesting. After all, there are now many video website giants. In addition to traditional giants such as Youku and Tudou, there are also peers such as Sohu, LeTV, iQiyi, and PPS. The competition is very fierce.

Nowadays, video websites do not make any money at all. They rely on burning money, and what they make is future prospects. With this money, it is better to invest in some game companies, right?

It is precisely for this reason that Wang Quan did not rush into this field. Instead, he chose to cooperate with the newly established Tencent Video. In addition, he also invested in some emerging small video websites, such as AB Gemini, and let them interact with each other. I will give my full support to whoever wins.

After looking around the safe house of Brother Ma's house, Wang Quan nodded frequently. When he returned to the living room on the first floor, Brother Ma turned the topic to Wang Quan and congratulated him on the amazing achievement of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", "This time I hit The momentum of our Chinese-language films has increased, and I heard that the higher-ups are very happy and want to elect you as their representative."

Wang Quan has also heard about this matter. With his personal achievements, he can completely represent the industry he is in. If the living environment of this industry can be improved and the industry atmosphere can be improved, he will of course be happy.

Xiao Ma is very envious of Wang Quan, not only for his far inferior wealth, but also because Wang Quan can impress foreigners. Unlike Tencent, there are still no products that can enter the international market.

Then Brother Ma took out another notebook and asked Liu Yifei for an autograph on behalf of his daughter, saying that her daughter's favorite movie was "Human Fireworks".

"Because of this movie, our family traveled to Wuyuan last year."

This movie and Liu Yifei have played a great role in promoting the local tourism industry. Some of the filming scenes in the movie have become tourist attractions. The old buffalo from Zhuzhu’s family has become a famous animal star within ten miles. Generally, Only the distinguished guests brought by the leaders have the opportunity to sit down.

Liu Yifei smiled and signed. Wang Quan looked at the time and saw that it was already dinner time. It was probably time for Sister Xiaoli to call them back for dinner, so she stood up and left.

Brother Ma also offered a few words of reservation, "Why don't you just eat it at my place."

Wang Quan declined politely. It didn't look like his house was open to fire. He instead invited, "I'll invite you to my house for a meal in two days. Forget it today. I just got home and I have nothing to prepare."

Xiao Ma asked with a smile, "In two days, it will be the day after tomorrow. Okay, Xiao Sun, help me free up my schedule."

He told his assistant that he would definitely keep this appointment.

After walking out of this super mansion, the sky was getting dark, and the two of them were strolling in the sunset under the stroller. Liu Yifei finally couldn't help but ask, "Brother, are you familiar with this little brother Ma?"

Wang Quan thought for a while, "Sissi, there should be no secrets between lovers."

"Yes, there shouldn't be Mimi!" Liu Yifei agreed very much.

Wang Quan added, "Actually, there is something I haven't told you. Now it's time to let you know."

"What, what's going on?" Liu Yifei was a little nervous.

Wang Quan, "Actually, I still have an invisible identity."

Liu Yifei said "Ah", "Are you an agent?"

Wang Quan poked her forehead and said, "You've seen too many movies."

After laughing, Wang Quan asked seriously, "You should have heard of the Two Moon Two Fund."

Liu Yifei shook her head.

Royal power, "Uh~"

"February Two Fund is a financial company that emerged during the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. This company was responsible for the listing of Longtouhead. It is also an important holding institution of Longtouhead. In addition, this company also holds many well-known and well-known Internet companies. The company’s shares, although not prestigious, are very powerful.”


Wang Quan decided to test Liu Yifei, "The day when the dragon raises its head is February 2nd. Do you think there is any deep connection between the two companies?"

Liu Yifei's eyes lit up after hearing this, yes!

"On February 2nd, the dragon raises its head? Does this fund company also belong to Dorothy's family?" She knew that Dorothy, like Wang Quan, was born on the second day of February, and Dorothy's maternal clan was very energetic.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "Sure enough, the boss of Two Moon Two is Dorothy's mother Wendy, but the man behind it is"


Liu Yifei stopped pushing the cart.

Wang Quan smiled slightly and said, "I won't pretend anymore. I'm the richest man in China and I'm showing off my cards."

"Don't make trouble~" Liu Yifei suddenly laughed.

Wang Quan became serious, "To be honest, although I am not sure how much money I have, my wealth on the surface is much less than the part that is not revealed. I think the total wealth should be able to compete with Li Jiacheng. Of course, these wealth are basically the market value of each company, there are not many real industries, and the fluctuations will be relatively large."

Liu Yifei's little mouth opened slightly, Wang Quan had already got on the car, "Okay, it's much easier to say it, but don't think too much about it, I won't say it just because I am young, rich and rich with tens of billions and tens of billions." Handsome super rich man, and I know you don’t like me like that, so I didn’t mention it, you won’t blame me.”

"No, it won't be." Liu Yifei, who was confused, followed, "I just think, if Sister Li knew about this, how happy she would be."

Wang Quan looked back at her, "Then let's go back and make her happy?"

Liu Yifei thought for a while and then shook her head and said: "It's better not to do it. She already feels that I am not good enough for you now that you are like this. If you let her know those things again, she may not be able to think about it. She will feel insecure." "

Although it is not Miss Xiaoli who is in love with Wang Quan, she has much more inner drama than Liu Yifei.

Wang Quan laughed and said, "Okay, I'll tell her when our relationship reaches the next stage."

Liu Yifei was immediately overjoyed. The next stage must be the marriage hall!

Back home, Wang Quan took the initiative to mention that Ma Huateng would be a guest the day after tomorrow, and asked her and the Filipino maid to prepare and cook some hard dishes.

Liu Xiaoli knew Ma Huateng, a new Internet upstart, and she still used QQ in their company. He was a very impressive person, and of course he was much different from her son-in-law Xiao Wang.

Wang Quan suggested, "Auntie, Tencent's WeChat is actually very easy to use. I'll give you the next one, and Sissy."

He helped them download the software and taught them how to use the voice function. They fell in love with this brand-new function immediately and tried it several times with each other. The interface was also very simple and very friendly for people of Liu Xiaoli's age.

However, considering that WeChat is about to usher in the hookup era, Wang Quan has set up friend settings for them, so that they can only add others, but not be added by others, to avoid encountering scammers or bad people.

The next day, Wang Quan and Liu Yifei continued to go out, but this time they were not in Shek O, but in the Mong Kok area of ​​Kowloon.

Wang Quan also bought a small house here, but the people living here are all the people from the lower class. Wang Quan just came here to recognize the door. If he really wants to experience the life of the people at the bottom in detail, he can come here by himself next time and bring his girlfriend. If so, be more cautious.

This place is far away from the Shi'ao mansion, and it is definitely not for Xiao Wei, so Liu Yifei is very curious about why he bought such a house with only more than 40 square meters.

Wang Quan replied, "Because my position is too high now, and the people I come into contact with are all rich and famous people. I'm afraid that if I stay away from the bottom for too long, my works will become ungrounded, so I plan to do this kind of work when I have time." A place where you can live and feel grounded.”

Liu Yifei understood, "It seems that directors also need to experience life."

"That's because some directors don't understand the lives of the people at the bottom. It would be ridiculous if they filmed a scenario where the delivery boy lives in a 100-square-meter rental house."

Liu Yifei smiled, "How could there be such a stupid director?"

"Who can say for sure~" Wang Quan hugged his girlfriend, "Let's go to Jiahe with me and let them get to know the boss lady."

The next day, Wang Quan entertained Brother Ma at home. Unexpectedly, this guy called his wife and daughter over yesterday. The family of three came to Wang Quan's house happily. Liu Yifei even cooked two dishes herself for Mrs. Ma. Amazed.

"I didn't expect you, Concubine Yi, to really know how to cook?"

Wang Quan smiled and said, "My mother runs a restaurant. The art concubine has specially learned from our master chef, and she is very savvy and her craftsmanship is quite good."

Xiao Ma joked, "No wonder you are so loving. Miss Yi Fei not only captured your heart, but also captured your stomach!"

She was also catching mushrooms. Wang Quan laughed and touched one with Brother Ma.

After spending another two days with Qianqian, Wang Quan was about to return to the mainland for filming. He planned to fly directly to Gansu, join the crew directly, and finish filming before returning to Beijing, so he and Qianqian were about to be separated.

Before leaving, Wang Quan asked Sissi about her future work arrangements, whether she wanted to make movies or TV series, sing, work in China, or try to hit Hollywood or European movies.

Liu Yifei said, "The new film that Director Fei Hong is preparing is a group portrait film. She has made an appointment with me and may play a role, but she has not yet decided when to film it. She is adjusting the script."

Apart from Sister Fei Hong's project, Liu Yifei has no other work arrangements for the time being, but after two films that were more literary and artistic, she expressed her desire to try commercial films.

"Okay, let me help you think about it. You should have a good rest during this period. When you have rested enough, you can come to the set to see me. Let's go."

Wang Quan said goodbye to Liu Yifei and his wife and flew directly to Gansu.

At this time, all the main creators related to the new film have gathered here. Deng Chao, Zhang Zilin, Wang Baoqiang, Yu Feihong, Ge You, Zhang Guoli, Jiang Wu, etc., especially the male actors, are all good at comedy.

The set was the ancient western village where "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was filmed, and village elder Zhou warmly received Wang Quan.

Wang Quan asked him to keep the venue for himself, and after he finished filming this new drama, they could start tourism under the banner of being the filming location of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

"It's a pity that the National Day holiday was delayed." Wang Quan said sorry.

Village elder Zhou Han said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Why is this place so lucky to have director Quan shoot two movies in a row? Our village will definitely become popular next year!"

Wang Quan didn't say much. He arrived on the same day and announced the next day that the comedy movie "Rich Second Generation" was officially launched!

(In the name of the poet of the Tang Dynasty, please give me some monthly votes~)


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