You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 345: The dragon raises its head, Hollywood is number one! (2, monthly ticket 200 plus update

During the New Year's Eve on December 31, Wang Quan spent time with the crew in Vancouver, where the crew recently filmed the finale.

Vancouver will host the Winter Olympics in just over a month, and the atmosphere is already there, very lively and festive.

However, the excitement belongs to others. Wang Quan locked himself in the hotel room and worked hard, writing some script outlines for Dorothy to use slowly.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, little K? Ma Ling? Or Daddario?

Wang Quan asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me." A childish voice.

Wang Quan opened the door and looked down to see Mackenzie Foy, the young actress who played the daughter of the hero and heroine in "Twilight". She is 9 years old this year and this is her first movie.

However, she has filmed TV series before and has been a child model since she was four years old. McKenzie's father is a truck driver and her mother is a housewife. She is not a child of McDonald's or KFC.

The little girl was very beautiful, with delicate features, like an elf. Wang Quan knelt down and asked, "Why Xiaomai, why aren't you with your mother?"

What Wang Quan said was that his mother was Little K. In order to help the mother and daughter develop a relationship, Wang Quan asked the young actor to live and eat with Little K after she joined the group, and she had to call her Mom every day.

Unfortunately, little K is only 19 years old. It feels quite amazing to suddenly have a nine-year-old daughter, and it even makes her a little tempted. However, after returning to the crew, she has been taking the test and failed.

McKenzie told King Power, "We're setting off fireworks, do you want to come with us?"

Wang Quan looked outside. There were many fireworks blooming in the distance. There were many Chinese here. They probably brought this custom with them, and the young actors in the crew followed the local customs.

Wang Quan smiled, stood up and closed the computer, "Let's go."

On this night, the fireworks were brilliant, and Wang Quan made a ten-year agreement with the Twilight team members who had been with him since the first film, such as Little K, Robert, Little Wolfman, Ashley, and Daddario, and waited for the second episode of "Twilight" There must be a reunion on the 10th anniversary of the release of a movie.

After all, they have been together through the most glorious youth era. Everyone's destiny has been greatly changed because of this movie. Although not every actor can be as popular as the three protagonists, A Shri Greene and Daddario are also not short of film contracts, and some of them can even play the leading roles in small productions or TV series. Before Twilight, they were little transparent people in the entertainment industry, and no one took them seriously.

They also drank a lot of wine and talked a lot that night, and they all drank to pieces. It was like a big scene of "The Hangover 3". The next day, two handsome men, Little Wolf and Robert Pattinson, appeared on King Power's bed. .

Fortunately, Wang Quan was not in his room. He cleverly woke up from Little K's bed.

He was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. When he saw the caller ID Moodaro, he answered, "Hello, Taozi."

"Hey, David..." Dorothy was stunned for a moment, "Wait a minute, why are you holding Little K's cell phone?"

Wang Quan glanced at the apple in his hand. It was not his own. "Oh, we are together."

"It's just dawn at this time. You should still be sleeping, or just woke up, right?"

Kingship, "Yes, just rise."

"Well, you Wang Fugui, you can't pretend anymore, right?" Dorothy said angrily, "Is K holding back and covering his mouth now?"

Wang Quan, "You have watched too many movies. We celebrated New Year's Eve yesterday. Everyone was very excited, and then we drank too much. I ran to Little K's bed for some reason, but she was under the bed, and we slept separately. "

"Ah, will you catch a cold under the bed?" Dorothy was immediately worried.

"It's okay, the carpet is very thick, and the quilt is on the floor, so I put a short skirt on my belly." Wang Quan looked at his belly, "By the way, what do you want to do with little K?"

"Tell her Happy New Year. I didn't get through last night, so I wanted to call her in the morning."

Wang Quan, "You are so filial, how about I wake her up?"

Dorothy, "No, she didn't even wake up when you spoke so loudly. She must have been very tired last night. Let her rest."

Wang Quan always felt that she was playing tricks on him, "Then just hang up if it's okay."

"Wait a minute, I have good news for you." Dorothy.

Wang Quan, "What, you have it?"

"It's true, don't talk nonsense," Dorothy said happily, "The box office data of major companies in 2009 have been released. Guess where we rank this time!"

In 2008, Dragon Head ranked third, which shocked Hollywood. It was a terrifying impact on the traditional top six. This year, it will definitely make more progress.


"How dare you think about it!" Dorothy smiled, "See for yourself."

Wang Quan didn't have a computer at hand. Seeing that Little K's computer was on, he asked her to send it to Little K's mailbox.

When Wang Quan got out of bed, he accidentally stepped on Little K's palm, which caused her to scream "ouch" in pain. Dorothy on the other end of the phone was so heartbroken that she didn't even cover her mouth, right?

The seventh place is Universal, with a total of 790 million. The highest-grossing movie is "Fast and Furious 4" starring Gadot, which cost 150 million US dollars in North America. Other than that, there are no hits, but it is a pity because Gadot is pregnant. She turned down the invitation for the fifth film.

The sixth place is 20th Century Fox, which owns "Avatar", with 1.12 billion. Although "Avatar" is powerful, the majority is in 2010. In addition to "Avatar", Fox's "Ice Age 3", "The Wolverine" and "Night at the Museum 2" " also performed well, but "Dragon Ball" and "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li" adapted from Neon IP both hit the center of the earth and became the laughingstock of Hollywood.

The fifth place is Disney, with annual box office revenue of 1.15 billion, mainly relying on the word-of-mouth masterpiece "Up", as well as "A Christmas Carol", "Guinea Pigs" and other movies with over 100 million levels.

The fourth place is Sony Columbia, with $1.23 billion. Its main film is "2012", in addition to "Angels and Demons", "Fantasy", Michael Jackson's biopic "This Is It", etc.

The third place is Paramount's 1.25 billion. Although it broke up with DreamWorks, the North American distribution rights of "Transformers 2" and "War on Aliens" are still owned by Paramount, plus the self-developed "Star Trek" ""The Rise of Cobra", this is a small victory over Sony.

In second place, King Power came to the penultimate page, saw the name Warner Bros., and read it out.

Dorothy laughed, "Surprised or not!"

King Quan, "Not surprisingly, I can do the math myself."

He continued to read. Warner's annual box office was 1.67 billion, and its largest revenue was "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" which exceeded 300 million in North America. This series can only be eaten twice, and Warner is very reluctant to part with it.

In addition, Warner also has films such as "Terminator 2018", "Weakness", and "Watchmen". In addition, New Line has merged with Warner, and small and medium-sized films such as "Dead Man 4" and "Back to 17" have performed well. , so they left Paramount far away.

If Long Toutou hadn't been too brave this year, Warner would definitely be No. 1, but it's a pity that there is no if.

Wang Quan took a look and found that the North American box office revenue of "Dragon Head Up" in 2009 was 2.233 billion, ranking first in the gap!

This data is quite different from Wang Quan’s previous estimate.

The first is "Inception" and "The Twilight Saga 3", one is 650 million and the other is 385 million. The two movies of King Power have already exceeded 1 billion, which is more than the entire Universal company combined.

There are also "The Hangover 2" and "World War Z" with a level of 200 million.

Although "Zombie" did not recover its cost in North America, it has a box office of 387 million US dollars overseas and is very popular. Moreover, this movie can create a game of the same name. The good days of making money are still behind, so the second part is already on the agenda.

This year, there are three films with a 100 million-level movie. They are "Taken", which was purchased from Europa Pictures for 20 million U.S. dollars. It sold for 145 million, and Luc Besson said it was cheap.

There is also a platter movie "Valentine's Day" specially created for Valentine's Day with 110 million, and "Silver Linings Playbook" co-starring Bradley Cooper, Anne Hathaway, and Robert De Niro with 130 million.

In addition, "Slumdog Millionaire", which was released at the end of last year, was very popular during the awards season and swept the Oscars. It also made almost 100 million US dollars at the box office in 2009.

In addition to these blockbuster movies, "In the Cloud", "The Orphanage", "Purge 2", "Ex Machina", "500 Days with Summer" and "Zodiac" have also successfully fulfilled expectations.

The lowest is "The Hurt Locker" by Cameron's ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow. This movie was released at the end of the year and the box office was less than 10 million, but it is regarded by the company as the top seed for the Olympics. If it can be nominated, it may even win. , there is bound to be room for improvement at the box office.

Dorothy on the other end of the phone couldn't help but read, "22.33, what a beautiful number!"

Wang Quan poured cold water on him, "Maybe this is the peak of the dragon's head, so be prepared for the decline."

Dorothy, "Humph, how can you go downhill if you don't walk~"

"I feel like I've hit a bottleneck, so I'd better switch to a different track to get a feel for it. I'll be back to work for Long Toutou when I get back into shape."


King Quan, "I swear on the little K on the ground, it's true."

Little K opened his eyes, eh, he seemed to hear his name.

Wang Quan said, "Okay, no more talking, I'm still busy."

Dorothy, "Is Little K coming soon...dududu~"

Little K rubbed his eyes, "Why did I sleep on the floor?"

"I still want to ask you. You brought me back, but we probably didn't do anything."

Little K lay down on the bed again, "It's done. We don't understand anymore. Anyway, I'm already sorry for Lao Tao, so I won't do it again."

Wang Quan glanced at her aunt's scarf, huh, childish.

Wang Quan got dressed and left, rested in the morning, and started filming in the afternoon.

However, when the stock market opened in the morning, the stock price started to soar straight up, setting a new high again.

The box office revenue and market share data of the seven major Hollywood companies in 2009 have been made public. The dull people are still marveling at the news that Long Tioutou has reached the top of Hollywood, while the smart ones have begun to buy Long Tioutou's stock. This company is incredible!

With the market's continued optimism, the dragon raised its head and took off smoothly. In the offices of the presidents of the six major Hollywood studios, they were silent, roaring, or laughing maniacally, with different reactions.

For several days, entertainment news and Internet-related communities have been discussing this matter. Some netizens asked, should Long Toutou join the MPAA? They felt that the high box office of "The Dragon Head" did not match its status in Hollywood.

MPAA said, never heard of it~

Don't think that a high box office will really make it a Seventh Group. As long as one of the Sixth Group won't let go, you won't be able to get in. It's a bit like the Wuchang.

King Quan is not that urgent about joining the MPAA. They will not go too far in grading movies. If it goes too far, King Quan will have solutions, such as the outrageous rating of "Slumdog". As for the quota of mainland films, King Quan is not rare, and still passes China Film. You can make more money by exploiting the relationship through the back door.

In the past, other senior executives of China Film Group may have complained, thinking that it was okay to give special treatment to King Power's films, but it was inappropriate for other films of Long Toutou. However, after "Inception" brought such a big political achievement to Han Sanping, it is not appropriate anymore. No one expressed a different opinion.

The box office performance of "The Dragon Head Up" in 2009 has also spread to the country, causing heated discussions among movie fans. They all find it incredible and at the same time proud of it. This is the company of director Wang Quan, who is half Chinese.

In addition to looking at the data of various companies, Han Sanping also focused on the total annual box office in North America. This year, the total box office in North America exceeded 10 billion dollars for the first time, reaching 10.6 billion dollars, setting a new historical record!

The previous highest record was 97.8 in 2007, and 97.5 last year. The total box office in North America has been relatively stable for so many years, and the market has basically been finalized. In 2009, it ushered in an increase of nearly 10%. It can be said that the decisive factor is "Inception" "Space" and the half-released "Avatar", these two 3D movies are almost billions.

Han Sanping put his hands on the case. It seems that 3D is definitely a big trend in the future. Even the box office in North America has broken through the ceiling. The mainland film market is already growing rapidly. If 3D is used again, it will be a rocket. Get up!

Han Sanping's eyes were firm, 3D must be implemented, it will be impossible if it is not implemented!

"By the way, how much was the box office in the Mainland last year? Haven't you calculated it yet?" He asked his secretary.

The secretary immediately went to urge him and came up with a rough figure, "8.7 billion!"

The secretary was very excited, and so was Han Sanping. He clearly remembered that the total box office in mainland China in 2008 was 4.7 billion, which increased by 4 billion in 2009, an astonishing 85% increase!

This is even more exciting than the 10% increase in North America! This shows that the mainland market has great potential!

If 8.7 billion is converted into U.S. dollars, it is about 1.28 billion U.S. dollars. Well, it will soon catch up with the global box office of "Inception". It should be almost the same in 2010.

Han Sanping immediately began to draft a proposal, hoping that the superiors would support and encourage 3D movies and provide policy support and exemptions.


Vancouver, with a royal click, he announced, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is finished!"

(First of all, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I’m ashamed that I just started to pay back the monthly tickets for August. In August, it was 200 plus one update. I owe more than fifty chapters in total~)

(Although I had a lot of debt, I still shamelessly asked for a monthly pass and got in within the first 100 dollars!)

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