You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 354: 354 Guoguo Photos

But Huo Liancheng frowned immediately, "Where are you? Why is it so dark?"

"The bathroom." Jian Yun turned on the light casually. She looked at Huo Liancheng's face on the screen, and suddenly had a feeling of comfort and her nose became sore.

"Don't tell me you are too boring to sit on the toilet, so you call me!" Huo Liancheng saw that the background was wrong, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

"Why! I'm so full every day, how could I be boring!" Jian Yun curled her mouth, her eyes rolled, wondering how to talk to Huo Liancheng about Huo Qingcheng, but Jian Yun thought about it, but still not Rest assured, according to what Huo Qingcheng said, Huo Chengfeng can put people around her, even the wheelchair is monitored, then this villa is probably not safe.

"Duo Duo, is there anything wrong with you?" Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun's expression wrong, he asked guessingly.

"No!" Jian Yun decided to be more careful, what if the bathroom was also bugged?

"Really?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows.

"Of course!" Jian Yun bent his eyes, laughed, and said softly: "Hang up first, I'll send you a picture of Guo, don't you see?"

"Look!" Huo Liancheng's eyes lit up with excitement.

Jian Yun pursed her lips, pouted her lips and kissed Huo Liancheng, hung up the phone, and then clicked on WeChat to send her the shaved Erha that Wu Wenjing sent her today. She found her picture and sent it to Huo Liancheng. She also said, get ready for a nosebleed.

Huo Liancheng sent a look with two staring eyes, Jian Yun sent Erha over, Huo Liancheng was silent for three seconds, and sent a depressed sentence: "You have all your pants off, just show me this?"

"Hahahaha..." Jian Yun could imagine Huo Liancheng's embarrassed expression at this time, and couldn't help but smile.

"Be careful to go back so you can't get out of bed for three days!" Huo Liancheng threatened.

"So scared!" Jian Yun sent a scared expression in the past.

The two of you came and went like this, the little couple was flirting and chatting fiercely, but Jian Yun still remembered Huo Qingcheng in his heart, so the conversation changed, she wrote: "Liancheng, I want to tell you something Don't get excited about it."

"Do you want to fool me with the dog's fruit again?" Huo Liancheng made a squinting expression.

"Qingcheng is awake." Jian Yun still couldn't wait for Huo Liancheng to come back to tell him.

"?" Huo Liancheng was obviously puzzled, "she came to you again without sleeping?"

"I mean, Qingcheng talked to me at night!" Jian Yun sent the news and immediately corrected: "To be precise, we were lying on the bed. She kept writing in my palm and told me All the rooms in her wheelchair were bugged, so we communicated like this all night."

Huo Liancheng was silent, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Jian Yun also knew that this kind of news was really shocking. If she were not the client, she would definitely not believe it.

"Qingcheng said that she recovered her sanity a year ago, but she was weak and lying on the bed at that time. No one knew she was awake. That's why she knew that there were people with Huo Chengfeng by her side, and that your mother was eccentric to Huo Chengfeng. Make her afraid that she will be hurt again, so..." Jian Yun gritted her teeth and sent the message.

There was still no response from Huo Liancheng. Jian Yun couldn't wait and couldn't help but press the video call. Huo Liancheng hung up quickly, indicating that he was always there. That means he was shocked by the news suddenly. Don't know how to respond?

Huo Liancheng really didn't know how to respond. At this moment, he was standing outside the conference room of the Huo's Building in the United States, his face pale, and his always sharp and wise eyes were filled with incredible shock and helplessness.

Yes, I don't know what to do. This is the first time that Huo Liancheng has such an expression. Even when the car accident overturned and was seriously injured, he had never had such hesitation and fear when he was so close to death.

Because he didn't expect Huo Chengfeng's hand to stretch so long!

He has been escaping all these years, unwilling to go home, unwilling to see Qingcheng's silent appearance, but he was wrong, I am afraid it is because of his escape that Huo Chengfeng is so bold!

However, does her mother really have no idea what Huo Chengfeng did?

If she knew that Huo Chengfeng had done such a thing, she was still blindly shielding and tolerating...

Huo Liancheng closed his eyes in pain, his hands clenched into fists, and the blue veins on the backs of his hands shrugged.

"Liancheng, are you listening?" Jian Yun thought that Huo Liancheng did not answer the video call. It must be because she saw that there was a bug in Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair. She whispered: "Liancheng, I'm so panicked now, I I always feel that there is surveillance everywhere in the house, and I dare not even speak."

"Don't be afraid!" Huo Liancheng finally responded. Although brief, but very firm, "You stay with Qingcheng, I will arrange Chen Xin to protect you, stay at home, don't go anywhere, wait for me to come back! "


Jian Yun originally wanted to mention what Huo Qingcheng said, "I dare not tell Huo Liancheng", but after thinking about it, she herself didn't know what was going on. Isn't it a nuisance to Huo Liancheng to say it rashly? It's better to wait for him to come back and ask Huo Qingcheng.

"Go to sleep, I still have things to deal with! I will be halfway through to answer the phone." Huo Liancheng was no longer calm, but he didn't want to show any emotions to make Jian Yun worried for him.

"Okay!" Jian Yun sent a message, and then quit WeChat. She is now in a state of insolence and feels that the phone information is insecure, so she hurriedly logged in again and deleted all chat records. This was a little relieved.

When Jian Yun came out of the bathroom, she found that Huo Qingcheng was still asleep. She turned to look at the wheelchair next to the bed, narrowed her eyes, and then went to bed quietly.

Early the next morning, when Jian Yun woke up, it was still dark and Huo Qingcheng was not awake. Jian Yun rubbed her forehead, only feeling the pain of her head jumping and jumping. After communicating with Huo Qingcheng last night, she She almost didn't sleep much, always thinking about what Huo Chengfeng wanted to do. Later, she fell asleep in a daze and started to dream again. In the dream, she was preparing for the college entrance examination. She was full of confidence. But the morning of the college entrance examination, I went to the exam, but found that she could not know anything except English...

At that time, Jian Yun had a cold sweat, and then woke up.

At this moment, Jian Yun was lying on the bed, her heart pounding, and she didn't know how she dreamed of a college entrance examination for no reason. How many years have she graduated.

Is it because I recently resigned and I have the idea of ​​going to graduate school, so I dreamt about exams?

Hey, no matter what, the matter at hand has not been resolved yet, so how can I be in the mood to consider studying for graduate school?

At a quarter past seven, Huo Qingcheng was still awake, but a knock on the door rang.

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