You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 341: 341 You're Here

"But, I still think how your father has the heart to beat you so hard!" Jian Yun pouted dissatisfiedly, and complained: "And your mother, standing next to him, if nothing happened, I suspect you are not theirs!"

"This is the family motto of our family. I really violated it, so I should be punished!" Huo Liancheng didn't care, did not show the slightest resentment, and did not express any opinion on his mother's indifference.

"Then what should I do now?" Jian Yun sighed, a little worried, "I ran into your father so much today. Your father definitely doesn't like me. Your family has such a prominent family background. It's embarrassing for me to be like this."

"You regret it?" Huo Liancheng squinted.

Jian Yun raised her long eyelashes, looked at Huo Liancheng's eyes, and deliberately said: "Yes, I regret it! If you insisted on not accepting you at the beginning, it would be fine!"

Huo Liancheng heard this, his handsome face was dark at the time, and he bit Jian Yun's neck angrily, "Bad girl, when did you become so timid!"

"Hey, bite me again, are you a dog?!" Jian Yun exclaimed and dodged while pushing Huo Liancheng, but she was afraid that she would hurt him and didn't know where to put her hand. A little frustrated for a while.

"Don't bite you, you don't know how good it is!" Huo Liancheng pretended to be angry.

Jian Yun wouldn't pay attention to Huo Liancheng. She couldn't stand this man a bit. The contrast between the predecessors and the posterior was too great. On the surface, she looked cold, like a walking iceberg, but the queen was cheeky and clearly a man. But like to bite her!

But immediately, Jian Yun noticed that it was wrong, and she immediately stared at Huo Liancheng angrily, "It's all like this, it can still be--"

Huo Liancheng smiled hippiely, "That's not something I can control!"

"No!" Jian Yun gave two words directly, "Get out of the way!"

"Why is it so rude!" Huo Liancheng curled his lips and raised the corners of his lips. Regardless of Jian Yun's resistance, he directly bowed and entered.

Jian Yun was so angry that he slapped Huo Liancheng's shoulder with a slap. Huo Liancheng's figure halted, and he took a breath of air, cold sweat on his forehead, his entire handsome face wrinkled together because of the pain.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I, I forgot, does it hurt?" Jian Yun ignored Huo Liancheng and was busy blowing on the piece of his shoulder that she had photographed.

"Murder your husband!" Huo Liancheng gave a wry smile, "The attack is so cruel!"

Jian Yun was also very annoyed, "Who called you so rude!"

"Obviously you are the first to be rude!" Huo Liancheng couldn't help kissing Jian Yun.

"Don't you hurt?" Jian Yun couldn't stand it anymore, frowning and asked.

"It hurts!" Huo Liancheng's voice was rough.

"Then you come!" Jian Yun gritted his teeth.

"Isn't I just to relieve the pain?" Huo Liancheng replied grandiosely, very naturally.

"Shameless!" Jian Yun shot her eyes blankly, and she was speechless. She also understood that it was like this, and she couldn't refuse to refuse, so let him go.

The next morning, Jian Yun woke up very early. In this foreign country, in a completely unfamiliar environment, she couldn't sleep at all without Huo Liancheng by her side.

Huo Liancheng hadn't woken up yet. In the early summer of the morning, even if the sun hadn't come out, the sky was still bright. Jian Yun lay on the pillow and stared at Huo Liancheng's face.

Although he was still asleep, he was obviously unsteady. Bo was loosely wrapped around his waist, and the whiplash on his back was still shocking. Jian Yun looked at it and his nose was a little sore.

Unexpectedly, a big hand suddenly stretched out, hooked Jian Yun's slender waist, and brought her into his arms.

Jian Yun looked up and saw that Huo Liancheng did not know when he had already opened his eyes. Deep in his dark eyes was her reflection. He looked at her reddish smoke ring and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Do you love me? "

"No!" Jian Yun replied stiffly, and then asked: "When did you wake up?"

"When you stared at me!" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows and scraped Jian Yun's nose. "I can't bear to look at me like this early in the morning!"

"Bird-beast!" Jian Yun wrinkled his nose.

"Duplicity, you obviously like it!" Huo Liancheng curled his lips, "Why didn't you admit it?"

"I'm not as dirty as you!" Jian Yun blushed, and she was embarrassed to go to see Huo Liancheng again, pushed him away, turned and got out of bed, "You sleep for a while, I'll go out and go around!"

"Don't go far! I'll find you in a while!" Huo Liancheng asked.

When Jian Yun heard Huo Liancheng tell her not to go far, she was still laughing at first, so she went to the garden for a walk. How far could she go? But when Jian Yun stood on the garden terrace, she took a look and realized that Huo Liancheng's explanation was not groundless. His house was a garden, obviously a manor, it was too big!

In the night last night, she only saw a piece of wood. At this moment, she realized that that piece of wood actually stretched far, and the plan of the manor was also very good, and each piece was neat.

Jian Yun had a bad sense of direction. She was afraid that she would get lost and didn't dare to run far, so she just wandered around. The environment here is very good and the air in the morning is fresh. She stopped by a rockery and was attracted by the koi in the pond. Gaze.

This is a lotus pond, the lotus leaves are already slim, and groups of koi are playing among the lotus leaves, very beautiful.

Jian Yun sat on a rock, bent over, reached in, and immediately a koi carp came over and bit her finger, itchy and crispy in her heart.


Suddenly, something was thrown in the water. The Koi was frightened, and all of them scattered. Jian Yun was also taken aback. She was also thrown away by the water. She wiped her face and the corner of her eyes Yu Guang caught a glimpse of someone next to her, she turned her eyes to look, and just about to get angry, she realized that the person was Huo Mu.

Jian Yun's words were swallowed back, "A-Mrs. Huo, early!"

Shen Fangqi didn’t look at Jian Yun, she took the fish food from the plate in her hand and threw it into the pond. She was wearing a blue dress with a white shawl and her long hair scattered. She looked lazy and elegant. If the look on her face is not so cold.

Jian Yun touched the nail and couldn't help but touched her nose. She secretly looked at Shen Fangqi. When she saw that she didn't even look at herself, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She rolled her eyes and said with a grin: "Then I won't disturb Huo. Madam fed the fish, I'm leaving now!"

With that, Jian Yun turned around to leave. After all, she was not so thick-skinned that she knew she was unpopular and she had to stick to it.

"Young people, live in a modest life, and toss less at night!" Shen Fangqi suddenly said, she poured the fish food in the dish into the pond, then turned around and walked to Jian Yun's side, her noble and beautiful eyes No ground swept across Jian Yun's neck and then walked away.

Jian Yun looked inexplicable, wondering what Shen Fangqi's thoughtless words meant.

"Why are you stupid standing here? What did you just say to my mother?" Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun and Shen Fangqi standing together from a distance. He hurried over, only to find that Shen Fangqi had already left, and Jian Yun looked like a circle. .

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