You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 329: 329 Lin Lanlan, why are you drooling?

After finishing these words, Lin Fen's red face suddenly faded away, and it seemed as if all the blood had been drained. She stared at Huo Liancheng in disbelief, her lips were trembling, as if she didn't believe that such poisonous words turned out to be him. Speak out.

Jian Yun also thought this was poisonous, but it was in line with President Huo Da’s style. She shrugged, “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. For beauties like you, as long as you walk around in front of men, you can guarantee that men will definitely I fell under your pomegranate skirt, um, it is!"

While talking, Jian Yun stood up and picked up the bag on the chair. Without looking at Lin Fen and others, she glanced apologetically and smiled, "Sorry everyone, thank you everyone for remembering me. ,but--"

Speaking of this, Jian Yun glanced at Li Fang, Lin Fen and others, raised the corners of his mouth, made a look of loneliness, and whispered: "But I think I am unwelcome. I will disappoint everyone. Leaving, goodbye!"

Huo Liancheng took the bag in Jian Yun's hand, always looking cold. He should have been shocked when he spoke so poisonously, but because of his identity, there is also such a handsome face that makes people unable to move his eyes, and that coldness. With little breath, all the people actually ignored his ungentleman's words, and only felt that whatever he did was justified.

"Don't, Jian Yun, don't leave, everyone finally got together, you ignore them, they just can't eat grapes and say grape sour, how can she be worthy of such an identity as Mr. Huo!" Some people wanted to prank Huo Liancheng, and they really felt that Lin Fen's words were too much, so they stood up to keep Jian Yun and attacked Lin Fen.

"Yes, yes! Look at Huo Zong and Jian Yun, you are the most natural pair, how good they are, and those vulgar fans can only be used with the fat old man!"


Suddenly, everyone at the banquet began to condemn Li Fang and others, rushing to compliment Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng, desperately trying to stay, can eat at the same table with Huo Liancheng, saying that you will have face when you go out, send a circle of friends , How many people would be jealous!

But Huo Liancheng only looked at Jian Yun from beginning to end, and no one was bothered to take care of it.

Lin Lanlan was sitting next to Jian Yun. When Huo Liancheng came in, she immediately stood up, her eyes were fiery, looking at him directly, hoping that he could take a look at her, but Huo Liancheng didn’t even fall in his eyes. On her body, it was as if she hadn't seen her at all, only Jian Yun was in her eyes, and Lin Lanlan's heart was suddenly lost, and her loss filled with jealousy and hatred for Jian Yun.

She didn't understand why she looked like Jian Yun, but her life was different. Jian Yun's luck was always so good. She hated Xu Haiyang first and then Huo Liancheng.

A few days ago, Jian Dongming told her that she wanted her to hook up on Huo Liancheng, saying that she was afraid that Jian Yun would not be able to keep it alone. She said that if there is such a good thing, she must share it with the two sisters. Although she was worried that Jian Yun would not agree, Jian Dongming was right. She packed up the ticket and said that Jian Yun had always listened to him and she would agree to it. She had an illusion in her heart. She planned that Jian Yun would not do it. As long as she could get close to Huo Liancheng, she would definitely be able to make him feel for her. interest.

Once in bed, Jian Yun's temperament must be the same as seeing Xu Haiyang with her before. She couldn't bear breaking up with Huo Liancheng. In this way, she could not only stabilize Huo Liancheng, but also severely hurt Jane again. Yun once, in the past few days, she has thought about thousands of excuses for how to approach Huo Liancheng, so that he will not dislike her, but it was a good opportunity to have such a close contact with him today, but I blame Jian Yun. Here, why else would Huo Liancheng not even look at her?

As long as Huo Liancheng glances at her, she is absolutely sure that he will be interested in her!

Lin Lanlan stared at Huo Liancheng with scorching eyes, and her thoughts turned back and forth. Suddenly, she heard Jian Yun's voice sound.

"Hey, Lin Lanlan, why are you drooling?"

Lin Lanlan was startled, and quickly lowered her head, retracted her eyes from Huo Liancheng, and subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, but immediately realized that something was wrong. She looked up and saw that everyone in the box was looking at her, and one by one. There was no concealment of ridicule and amusement in her eyes, Lin Lanlan's face was blue and white at the time, and she glared at Jian Yun angrily.

"Jian Yun, what are you talking nonsense!"

Jian Yun raised her eyebrows and said sarcastically: "Did I talk nonsense? Everyone is watching, your eyes are almost on my man, Lin Lanlan, don't tell me you are just admiring my man!"

Everyone laughed.

Lin Lanlan's face was red and white, biting her lips tightly, trying to refute, and holding back the words when she saw the strange eyes of everyone present, she turned to see Huo Liancheng, and said sadly: "Huo Anyway, I just lost my mind just now, and I have no other meaning, I hope you don't get me wrong!"

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Lanlan touched the nail and became even more embarrassed. Jian Yun felt extremely disgusting. She couldn't see Lin Lanlan's mind. When she was with Xu Haiyang, Lin Lanlan stuck behind her every day. At that time, Lin Lan Lan also looked at Xu Haiyang with this look, but she was too stupid and didn't care about it. In the end, she didn't fully realize until she caught the **** in bed.

Heh, when Lin Lanlan came in just now, she was ashamed to tell her that she would not agree to Jian Dongming's proposal. Did she really think that everyone else was a fool and was a tool that she played with?

"Let's go!" Jian Yun turned around to greet some familiar classmates, took Huo Liancheng's arm, and walked out without looking back.

This classmate gathering tonight obviously failed. As soon as Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng left, Lin Fen and Li Fang cried and scolded Jian Yun while crying. They didn't dare to say anything when Huo Liancheng was there. But let go of the curse.

"What kind of face is there to cry for a self-humiliating person? I knew you were there. I won't be here tonight. I'm bad luck and go!" Several men and women who seemed to be well-dressed also stood up and took Pick up their belongings and leave.

Originally, Lin Fen and Li Fang wanted to seek support and sympathy from everyone. Not only did they ignore them, but all the people at the table left. In the end, Lin Lanlan, Wang Pingping and one of them had a relationship with Lin Lanlan. A nice woman, named Wang Hui.

"It's all Jian Yun, if it weren't for her, how could we be humiliated!" Li Fang patted the table angrily.

"I also think, look at her like that, what are you proud of, don't you have a bit of beauty? I have to wait and see, how long can Huo Liancheng like her!" Wang Hui curled her lips and said harshly.

"Huh, what's so great!" Lin Fen wiped away her tears and sneered at the delicate corners of her lips. She took out her phone, clicked on WeChat, and sent a few photos to a number, as well as recordings. What Jian Yun recorded during the dispute ignored her own part, leaving only Jian Yun's words.

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