You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 214: 214 Single-handedly drinking with the world

Immediately, Jian Yun knew that he was thinking too much. Huo Liancheng didn't sit next to her at all, but walked to Cheng Muze and sat down. After sitting down, he didn't look at her, but talked to Deputy Manager Chen.

Now the people in the all-boxes are not doing anything, they are all staring at Huo Liancheng, and the young female employees are so excited that they are all gathered together, either taking pictures of Huo Liancheng with their mobile phones, or looking excited and obsessed. .

"So handsome, so handsome!"

"If my boyfriend is so handsome, I am willing to be a cow or a horse!"

"Oh my god, how can I be so good-looking! I'm a shirt controller, I'm crazy!"


Listening to these discussions, Jian Yun suddenly wondered, if these people knew that she was married to Huo Liancheng, would they all drop their jaws in shock?

And after hearing these women say that anyone with a handsome boyfriend like Huo Liancheng would be jealous, Jian Yun would have a little sense of vanity.

Now, doesn't this man belong to her? He followed her for so long...

Thinking of this, Jian Yun was shocked. What was she thinking? How could there be such a terrible idea? She did not accept Huo Liancheng's pursuit because his temper was uncertain, which made her feel scared, so she could not fall in love with him.

But this is not a reason to show off vanity!

"What's wrong with Jian Yun? Are you cold? Why did you start shaking?" Wu Wenjing sat next to Jian Yun, so she felt it when Jian Yun was surprised. She thought what was wrong with Jian Yun, and asked quickly.

"It's okay!" Jian Yun waved her hand and walked in from Huo Liancheng. She didn't sing anymore. At this time, the fleeting years had just ended. She didn't have the mind to continue singing, and directly put the microphone in front of her.

At this moment, Jian Yun felt that someone was looking at her. She raised her eyelids and looked at her. She saw that Huo Liancheng was squinting and looking at her. It was obvious that she had heard Wu Wenjing's words just now.

Jian Yun pursed the corners of her mouth. She lowered her eyelashes for fear of being discovered.

"Who sings below?" Ruan Mian sat in front of the song table, and she looked back at the crowd.

"Mr. Huo!" Cheng Muze took the lead and exclaimed, "Mr. Huo, come one!"

The rest of the people think so too, but Huo Liancheng is usually too cold, everyone dare not open this mouth, since Huo Liancheng's special assistant Cheng Muze first proposed, everyone naturally agreed, and they all clamored, "Hey, come here! Huo, come here!" "

Deputy Manager Chen saw that Huo Liancheng’s expression had been faint, and he didn’t say anything to everyone’s humor. He thought that Huo Liancheng was unwilling to sing, so he quickly stood up and pressed it down with both hands, “It’s alright. Identity, how can I sing this here?!"

Everyone thought about it, Huo Liancheng was already a face-saving presence here, who didn't know that he was usually as cold as Bingberg, and everyone had an expression.

At this time, the box was also quiet, only the light on the LCD screen flickered.

"It's okay!" Huo Liancheng finally spoke. He stretched out his arm and picked up the microphone that Jian Yun had placed on the long table.

When everyone in the box saw this, it was quiet for a few seconds, then it boiled.

"Jian Yun, Mr. Huo really wants to sing! No, I have to record it with my phone!" Wu Wenjing was hurriedly excited, found the phone in his bag and pointed it at Huo Liancheng and clicked on the camera function.

Jian Yun is speechless, do you want to be so exaggerated? She turned her head and saw that almost everyone in the box acted with Wu Wenjing and took out their mobile phones. Jian Yun's forehead suddenly slipped a row of black lines. She couldn't help but think badly, in case Uncle Huo sang out of tune, then Just fun.

"Mr. Huo, is this honorable? Do you want to change the song?" Ruan Mian is also very excited, Huo Liancheng, a person who usually only lives in the economic news, even if he comes to Mingshi, it is not common for ordinary people. By the way, tonight they could hear him sing K with their own ears. Oh my god, if this were posted to Moments, what a shock and envy would be caused!

"Just this one!" Huo Liancheng said concisely.

At this time the prelude had already sounded. Jian Yun remembered that this song was a custom song for a certain brand of mobile phone. The lyrics were very atmospheric and the melody was nice. She suddenly looked forward to what Huo Liancheng would sing.

"Jian Yun, why don't you come out with your phone?" Wu Wenjing excitedly pointed the camera at Huo Liancheng. She was very surprised to see Jian Yun had enough time to sit there.

"What are you doing with your mobile phone?" Jian Yun turned his head and saw that all the people in the box were acting with Wu Wenjing, and even Cheng Muze was playing with her mobile phone.

In this way, she seemed a little out of place.

Jian Yun had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and pretend, then she found that Huo Liancheng glanced at her with a meaningful expression.

Jian Yun's face turned red unconsciously. Fortunately, the light in the box was very dark. Even if her face was green, others couldn't see it. How did it feel so strange?

"Hey!" Jian Yun stabbed Wu Wenjing and scared her: "You said, in case Mr. Huo loses his tone and sings out of tune, you will record it for him and post it online. Will he give you every minute? The group is gone!"

"Hey, it makes sense!" Wu Wenjing felt that Jian Yun was right. She quickly put down her mobile phone and looked at Huo Liancheng, who was already holding the microphone and was ready to sing, thinking that she should not take the risk.

"Puff." Cheng Muze sat very close to Jian Yun, and naturally heard Jian Yun's words, he couldn't help smirking.

"You listen to the sound of the siren in the distance, and outline the island in the dream..." Huo Liancheng heard Jian Yun's words as soon as he sang a few words, his face suddenly trembled, and the sound was less accurate. .

Jian Yun stabbed Wu Wenjing again, "Look, I'm right!"

"Thanks for the help!" Wu Wenjing looked at her former colleagues who were still holding her mobile phone and facing Huo Liancheng Lu with sympathy, but then she wondered: "Is the original sound unchecked?"

"I also think..." Jian Yun looked at the screen, then at Huo Liancheng, and suddenly became speechless, and couldn't say anything further.

"Look at the grass on the cloud with long warblers flying, blooming with tomorrow's red stamens, growing in a vast foreign land, and looking back, I still see the moon in my hometown."

Jian Yun had to admit that Huo Liancheng couldn't sing better, and his good baritone couldn't be more charming. The atmosphere in the box was already boiling from this song, and even Jian Yun felt a surge of blood, listening to this song, there was an inexplicable excitement.

"The dark night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find light, sweat condensed into a time capsule, pioneering in this fate alone, drinking with the world single-handedly, after hardships without forgetting the original intention, being a knight of my own glory, bravely chasing The red sun of dreams..."

All the light sources in the box are from the LCD screen, and there are the colorful lights above the head. Huo Liancheng is sitting there, leaning on the sofa, in a very relaxed posture. His black shirt has two buttons unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up. When he got up, he held the black microphone in his slender and beautiful big hands. He tilted his head slightly, and his Adam's apple kept rolling up and down with the sound, giving people a fatal temptation. The lyrics don’t account for the word count, the word count is sufficient every time.

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