You Are My Gravity

Chapter 963: So heartwarming

Chen Mo nodded: "Um...I can't waste everyone's time."

Li Junzhe sighed, fortunately, these two boys talked in front of outsiders, they were fairly measured, otherwise, he would really cry.

Qin Zheng's words moved the people present very much. Why don't you like children like this?

I'm so touched to be so considerate and considerate.

Qin Zheng said: "Sister, shall we go make-up? Where is the dressing room?"

The makeup artist hurriedly said: "I will take you there!"

Seeing Qin Zheng and Chen Mo leaving behind, a female employee of the magazine posted a WeChat message in the circle of friends: The best Qin Zheng Didi in the world is so heartwarming and touching. My sister will like you for a lifetime!

When they came to the dressing room, the makeup artist said to the two of them: "When you put your makeup on, you can close your eyes and rest for a while. We try to extend the makeup time as much as possible."

Qin Zheng smiled and said, “No, it’s okay, we young people, it’s okay to sleep less. Today’s shooting is the most important.”

The makeup artist is about to cry...

Why is my brother so good?

Before putting on makeup, the two had a quick breakfast.

After finishing the makeup and putting on the first set of clothes prepared for the two by the show crew, the two instantly shined brightly.

They took fashion photos first. The first set was hip-hop street style. The photographer wanted to show the sparks created by the collision of fashion and classic.

Until 11 o'clock in the morning, the fashion photos have not been taken yet.

The photographer is a very well-known domestic photographer who specializes in portrait photography. He has won many awards internationally. He is very rigorous in his composition and styling and his choice of shooting locations.

Although troublesome, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were very cooperative and did not complain.

On the contrary, the magazine side felt sorry for the two children and asked them to take a break after a while.

Finally at 11:30, the fashion photos were taken.

The two were already tired and almost paralyzed.

Dragging his heavy legs to the dressing room.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice: "Xiaozheng..."

Qin Zheng turned his head and looked at the two people not far away. He said blankly: "I must be too tired. I need to rest and sleep. I have hallucinations before my eyes."


Zhou Ping couldn't help but slapped Qin Zheng on the back of his head.

"Are you awake?"

Qin Zheng was full of spirits. He hugged Zhou Ping to this familiar slap: "Mom, it's really you, it's really you? I can't believe my eyes anymore."

Zhou Ping looked like a large canine, grabbing her child and asking: "That's because you have eye problems and you need to see a doctor. Are you awake?"

Qin Zheng raised his head: "How fight again?"

Qin Se rolled up his sleeves: "Don't do it with mom, I'll come..."

Qin Zheng trembled, and shook his head quickly: "Hey,, I won't trouble you!"

Chen Mo happily ran to Qin Se: "Sister, auntie, why are you here?"

Qin Zheng nodded: "Yes, why are you two here?"

Qin Zheng felt so amazing, his mother and sister would actually come to see him, my God... It's so shocking, I can't believe it!

Is this finally going to give him Qin Zheng's son (brother) the treatment he deserves?

Qin Se rubbed Chen Mo's hair happily, "Is it very hard to get up so early?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No hard work, sister."

Qin Se turned his head to Qin Zheng the next second and said, "Come and see, have you worked hard to make money? Mom and I are waiting for you to raise it."

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