You Are My Gravity

Chapter 906: Guangjide

These old neighborhood neighbors all know that Zhou Ping is great. Usually, if something goes wrong in someone's house, they will go to Zhou Ping if something is wrong.

As long as it doesn't take much effort, Zhou Ping doesn't charge money.

So everyone still respects Zhou Ping.

The point is, they know Zhou Ping's ability.

If she can say this, everyone thinks that there will be no falsehoods in all likelihood. Sister-in-law Yang's ineffective son, maybe, is really going to die outside.

Almost every one of them has been stolen by Yang Xin. Regarding Yang Xin's character, I just want to say it.

If such a person really died outside, they would not feel much surprised in their hearts.

But Sister-in-law Yang was so angry that she yelled and said, "Stubborn, dare to curse my son. If my son has something to do, I will find you to pay for my life..."

Sister-in-law Yang rushed forward while cursing, and directly wanted to scratch Zhou Ping's face with both hands.

But before she met Zhou Ping, she was kicked away by the bodyguard.

The bodyguard's kick is very powerful. If it weren't for the crowd blocking her, Yang Sister-in-law could be kicked for several meters.

Everyone backed away, and Sister Yang fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Zhou Ping looked at Sister-in-law Yang who was kicked by the bodyguard, and sneered: "Heh, if I can curse people to death by just saying a word, do you think you can live to this day?"

In the past, Zhou Ping led her two children to live at a young age, and she looked good again, and there were many men who offered courtesy.

However, Zhou Ping did not accept any of them.

However, Sister-in-law Yang spread rumors everywhere, saying that Zhou Ping started a marinated meat business and that she picked up several customers a day.

This made Zhou Ping so angry that she rushed to Sister-in-law Yang's house with a knife, and smashed his house into a mess, and then made Sister-in-law Yang a month of mute.

Later, Sister-in-law Yang was jealous of Zhou Ping and didn't dare to bully her so blatantly.

However, it is difficult to change the country's temperament, so Sister Yang's virtue cannot be changed.

Sister-in-law Yang, who was lying on the ground, was not reconciled, she was still cursing: "You shameless stinky wait for me...ah..."

Before she finished speaking, Sister-in-law Yang screamed.

Her hand was stepped on by Zhou Ping, and she was howling in pain.

Zhou Ping did not seem to have stepped on anything. She looked down at Sister-in-law Yang and said indifferently: "If you have time, call your son more. After all, the mother and son don’t spend much time together, so cherish it... I don’t have to say anything if I want to talk."

Looking at Sister-in-law Yang's face at this time, compared to the last time he met, there has been a change.

Sister-in-law Yang is the life of her life's hard work. She is mean and unkind. She is almost defeated in the path of good luck, and there is little interest in the children's palace.

However, looking at it now, there are a few more textures in people, it is hard to have children to send off their lives in old age.

To put it bluntly, the white-haired person is going to send the black-haired person.

In short, her son's fate cannot be brought back.

Zhou Ping sighed, forget it, don't care about her.

After all, the subsequent pain of losing a child was enough for her.

Sister-in-law Yang was bluffing in pain, and she was still swearing vaguely.

Zhou Ping let go, Sister-in-law Yang's hand: "I persuaded you in the early years to be kind and accommodating. It didn't listen at all. No matter what you end up in the future, you made it yourself."

She said to Gu Jingyuan Qin Se: "Let's go!"

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