You Are My Gravity

Chapter 597: Kidnapped

Zhen Baoer was terribly scared in her heart, but she still spoke very clearly: "But you have seen his physique. Taking him back will only affect your speed. Grasping one person is better than the goal of two, let alone. , My brother will spread the letter, they will be more worried and nervous, right?"

The leader thought for a moment and said, "Hey, fat man, I can let you go, but if you want your sister to be safe, please be honest and don’t call the police. If you call the police, then our boss will be unhappy. , I don’t know what to make, after all...your sister, but really beautiful!"

Zhen Jinbao trembled angrily, "If you want to catch me, just catch me...what's bullying a woman..."

Zhen Baoer really didn't have time to be moved by Zhen Jinbao's words at this time. She turned her head and slapped Zhen Jinbao's head: "You shut up!"

Zhen Jinbao looked at her wronged!

Zhen Bao'er pinched his arm and said in a low voice, "Can you not be so stupid, you can save me if you go out!"


Zhen Baoer stuffed the bag in her hand to Zhen Jinbao: "Go find Qin Se, go find her, she will save me, go...find her...tell her that I was taken"

Zhen Jinbao refused to move: "But..."

"Stop it, if you still think I'm your sister, just give me a hand and call Qin Se. If you hate me...what happened today, you just haven't seen anything!"

Zhen Jinbao looked at Zhen Baoer and was suddenly sad!

He suddenly understood today that in the whole family, only Zhen Baoer's love for him is the most normal.

I hope he can become a talent, and I hope he will not be cultivated as a waste.

Try to protect his safety at a critical moment!

Zhen Baoer turned to the people in black and said, "Don’t worry, my brother is just a trash. He is raised at home by my mother just like a pig. He doesn’t know anything. You shouldn’t have investigated it, so don’t worry. , He will go to the police, he is not so courageous..."

Zhen Jinbao was so touched that he had nowhere to put what was said for a while.

Do you have to say something at this moment?

it's not good?

Zhen Baoer squeezed her hand and asked, "Don't you go? Although there are not many people in this alley, it is not that no one comes. When someone comes and sees this scene, it may not be so easy for you to want to go. Are you okay?"

The person taking the lead raised his hand: "Take it away!"

Immediately two people stepped forward and grabbed Zhen Baoer's two arms.

Zhen Jinbao shouted: "You let her go!"

Zhen Bao'er interrupted sharply: "Jin Bao, shut up, listen to them, don't call the police."

"Go to Qin Se!"

Zhen Jinbao watched Zhen Bao'er being taken away by the man in black!

He had never experienced anything like this before. He had lived too easily before, and had not eaten for a few days after suffering hardship.

It's pretty good not to be scared!

Looking around, Zhen Baoer has disappeared.

Zhen Jinbao shivered and took out his cell phone.

His first thought... was to call the police!

When such a thing happened, he felt that he should call the police first, and then call Qin Se!

However, after trying several times, the three numbers 110 were not dialed out.

Finally, I finally dialed out. When I was about to get through, my hand was empty and the phone was stolen.

Zhen Jinbao looked up and sat down on the ground in fright. The people in black returned unexpectedly!

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