You Are My Gravity

Chapter 573: Curse me

Zhou Ping's first reaction was that the old lady should slap this **** to death!

However, she rang out Zhen Baoer, gritted her teeth and endured it. She could also understand the mental state of people like Tian Jinzhi, but she was jealous, and she could not see that others had better lives than herself!

Zhou Ping’s face is painted with extremely delicate makeup, her eyes are cold, her red lips are pursed, and her smile is cold. Tian Jinzhi is panicked when she sees it, because Zhou Ping is really different now from before, not just The makeup on the face and the clothes on the body are not just the jewelry worn on the body!


That kind of high above, the temperament exuding from the bone!

Make Tian Jinzhi feel like a gray mouse!

Zhou Ping showed a disdainful sneer: "For you, a poor worm who can't eat grapes and say grape sour, but will only be jealous, I don't bother to tell you more, because you and I have known each other for so many years. Give you a piece of advice!"

Zhou Ping looked at Tian Jinzhi up and down: "This Kyoto is not where you should be. If I were you, I would go back to my hometown as soon as possible. Stay honestly and never leave for half a step!"

This severely stimulated Tian Jinzhi's self-esteem, she was angry, annoyed and hated, if she had a knife in her hand, she might have stabbed it on impulse.

"Zhou Ping, don’t go too far. You just relied on your daughter to find a rich man, so that your ability to survive is so dissipated. I don’t steal or rob. My daughter also walks upright and doesn’t learn from some bitches. I don’t need anything for the money, and I’m sitting on the right side!"

Zhou Ping laughed immediately after saying this.

Yoyo, is this still what Tian Jinzhi said?

Zhou Ping sneered: "Tian Jinzhi, you are not good or bad forever. You don't look at what you are now. Don't blame me for speaking harshly. The day after tomorrow, before noon the day after tomorrow, you If you still don’t go home, then wait for your son to collect your body..."

Tian Jinzhi roared: "What are you talking about? So you bitch, are you cursing me?"

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth and endured, she really wanted to give her a shot for this kind of dog that didn't know good or bad!

Zhou Ping snorted disdainfully, "If my old lady cursed you, do you think you can live till now? In this place in Dongdu, you will be in conflict with your fate. If you come here for a day, it will consume you a month in other places. Yangshou, besides, even if I don’t say it, don’t you have any feelings yourself? Don’t you think that everything went wrong after you came to Kyoto? Don’t you feel that you have been flustered recently, often dizzy, and have insomnia at night? "

What Zhou Ping said was really poking every word, making her very scared!

Tian Jinzhi's body trembled even more severely. This time it was not angry or jealous, but... scared!

She thought about Zhou Ping's words.

is not that right? Since she came to Kyoto, there has not been a smooth day.

Every day is very unlucky. The daughter is against her, and the son doesn't listen to her.

Not only that, but after going out to find a job, he was robbed.

Even the money earned after hard work will be stolen!

The heart often feels palpitations, poor sleep, dizziness, cold limbs...

Seeing Tian Jinzhi's pale face, Zhou Ping rolled her eyes in her heart: Heh, the life in Kyoto is so bad, it's only blame for you to be fine...

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