You Are My Gravity

Chapter 540: Demonstration?

Director Huo interrupted impatiently: "Are you a little eye-sighted? Can't carry it clearly? Hurry up and shut up. If it weren't for the luck this time to meet such a great master, our family would have died, this house. , But Yin House."

"Do you think that money is scarce? They don't lack money at all. Don't do it. As you are, people simply look down on you. You think you are too much."

Hu Ying's face damaged by Director Huo is very ugly. After all, all the children in the family are there. She has been married to Director Huo for so many years, and he has never had a face like this.

Hu Ying gritted her teeth and said: "I...I don't...I think that this the same as taking advantage of the fire."

Director Huo snorted: "If you don't even meet a person who took advantage of the fire, then you will cry. 20 million is a lot, but is our family short of that little money? How about the lives of our 6 people? A lot of money is worth it, otherwise, life is gone, and you can't spend a cent with so much money left."

Huo Tianen also said: "Mom, Master Zhou said about you just now, don't stingy, and you are right. If you die, you won't be able to spend money."

He had been thinking about what happened last night in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid.

Although the family's affair was resolved, his affair was really terrifying.

Director Huo turned his head and said to his elder son: "Zhong Lin, you can help me transfer the money to Master Zhou, plus the talisman issued yesterday and today, the total is 20.12 million, hurry up."

Huo Zhonglin nodded: "Okay!"

Hu Ying looked at her stepson about to transfer money, and she didn't dare to show her distress.

Director Huo asked his younger son: "What happened to you last night?"

Huo Tianen said with a panic expression: "I don't know, Dad, can you help me find that master when I look back, and help me see again? I'm really afraid that the woman will leave unclean things on me."

Last night, Huo Tianen drank a lot of wine, he was a standard dude.

Relying on the wealth of the family, it is possible to toss.

There was a lot of drinking and drinking last night, and the woman's figure was extremely hot among a group of tasks, and she deliberately came up again.

So Huo Tianen didn't control it at all.

Director Huo thought for a while and said, "This...Let's talk about it later, don't wipe anything off your face these few days."

Huo Tianen nodded repeatedly.


on the way home.

Qin Se kept flattering.

"Mom, you are too good, mom, I want to learn too."

Zhou Ping turned her head and asked, "You really want to."

Qin Se nodded repeatedly: "Think about it..."

Zhou Ping thought about it for a while, "Okay... I will officially teach you tomorrow."

Zhou Ping had never thought of teaching Qin Se and Qin Zheng before.

However, she has been hesitating because there are too few people who believe now, and she doesn't want them to delay their studies because of this.

But, now, Zhou Ping feels that if her daughter can learn a little bit, she might be useful in the future. ,

Because recently, Zhou Ping always feels that the surrounding dangers are everywhere.

And... it seems that more and more masters are appearing.

Just like the woman Huo Tianen met last night, that should be amazing. Zhou Ping thought that this method of supplementation would have disappeared long ago, but she didn't expect to meet her.

Zhou Ping frowned, her thoughts flying wild.

She didn't know if Huo Tianen met the woman by coincidence, or... the other party deliberately demonstrated in the air.

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