You Are My Gravity

Chapter 506: Marry him

How does it feel to be scolded by your own mother?

It felt like Zhen Baoer didn’t know how to describe it. It was very uncomfortable and painful...

There was a voice in my heart, since I hate my daughter so much, why didn't you give her away when she was born? Why not just kill it?

No, they will not kill.

They were thinking about raising a daughter and earning money for their son.

what a pity……

Zhen Baoer will not let them get what they want.

Didn't she say that she was self-willed to be inferior? Zhen Baoer thought to herself, simply...she was even more humble.

Tian Jinzhi refused to let her and Gu Zhixin be together, and didn't want her to make this boyfriend, so she just said directly...they got married.

See what else she can do.

Zhen Baoer had a cool smile on her face: "The two of us... just have a wedding. Of course, I don’t care about this wedding. I just want to tell you that it’s useless if you don’t agree. Willing to marry him, I want to live with him..."

In Zhen Baoer's view, although she and Gu Zhixin have not yet received a marriage license, they are... almost, she has identified them.

As long as his injury healed, she dragged him to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate.

Not willing!

Anyway, this marriage must be married.

"" Tian Jinzhi felt dizzy for a while when she heard Zhen Baoer's words.

The daughter is married, married to a fool, a fool...

What a fool can do, can't help the family, waste money all day long.

If relatives, friends and neighbors in her hometown know that her daughter is married to a fool, can she still be the laughing stock of everyone?

How is she going home?

Tian Jinzhi was furious, and suddenly rushed forward, extremely fast, and rushed at a speed that no one expected, and slapped Zhen Baoer’s face with a slap, "I will kill you this wolf-hearted thing, and I will raise you. You are so old, but you are married to a fool. Are you really going to spend a lifetime with this trash? What use is it for you to ask him for such a man?"

Zhen Baoer staggered under the beat and almost didn't fall. Half of her face instantly swelled up, first it was numb, then it was hot and painful.

Zhen Baoer gritted his teeth and said: "I am happy, I just like it, I just want to raise him..."

Tian Jinzhi's eyes were almost red, and he threw his teeth and claws on him and continued to fight.


The next second, Gu Zhixin, who was still in a cast on his leg, with the strength of his hands, he stood up from the wheelchair and pressed towards Tian Jinzhi.

With a bang, the two fell to the ground.

Gu Zhixin's hand slammed Tian Jinzhi's neck, "Do you dare to beat my wife..."

"Kill you, kill you..."

At this moment, Gu Zhixin seemed to have lost his reason, his eyes and face were all brutal and fierce, as if suddenly he had become the once cruel Gu Zhixin.

Gu Zhixin's two hands were so powerful that Tian Jinzhi couldn't move at all. After a while, his face changed and he kept rolling his eyes.

After Zhen Bao'er was frightened, she hurried to pull Gu Zhixin: "Zhixin stop, no matter how big it is to kill someone...stop can't kill her..."

"Zhixin, you listen to me, you can't kill her, let go... let go... be good, you are obedient..."

With Zhen Baoer's comfort, Gu Zhixin finally let go of Tian Jinzhi before she was about to suffocate.

His eyes were red with a murderous look, "Go away, dare you touch my wife again, I will kill your whole family."

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