You Are My Gravity

Chapter 382: No reason

If it were the former Qin Se, he would never do anything like this to an old man.

She would feel that this is a very, very immoral thing, after all, they are elderly people.

The education she received from Zhou Ping is that you must not bully people who are weaker than you. You must have your own bottom line in everything.

But now, Qin Se felt that he would not understand his hatred for killing this old thing.

At this moment, Qin Se, because of anger and hatred, had temporarily abandoned the bottom line he had held for many years.

Because she had no choice but to go and talk with someone who had killed her father in a friendly way.

Otherwise, when she went to the tomb of her father again, she was speechless as a daughter.

If there is real retribution, then the retribution will be on her, but... she won't regret hitting this old thing today.

The old lady Gu who slapped her with ringing in her ears and dizziness, the corners of her mouth were cracked, and she almost lost consciousness.

Old Mrs. Gu lay on the ground for a long time before relieving her strength. The butler next to her was already frightened by the murderous intent on Qin Se's body.

Frozen there, trying to help the old lady, but didn't dare.

He was very scared. What if Qin Se slapped his face?

Mrs. Gu pushed up her body strongly, half of her face was swollen, her eyes were cracked, " dare to hit me in the face...

Mrs. Gu just finished speaking, slap~~

It was another resounding slap.

Qin Se stretched out his strength again and drew down fiercely.

She said coldly: "This slap is for my mother. She believes that karma will stick to the bottom line. If you don't get rid of you, let me be a daughter to settle the account!"

To Mrs. Gu, a face-to-face son who is very important to see.

If you draw her face, it hurts her more than it kills her.

She was almost choked to death just now, and she had never seen her so angry.

But now she slapped twice, but she almost burst her angry eyes.

What Qin Se wanted was this kind of reaction. The older the older the better, the slap in the face was a fatal humiliation to her.

She felt more humiliated than stripped naked on the street.

She has spent most of her life living high, although she has lost her previous scenery with Gu Jingyuan in the past two years, but, except in front of Gu Jingyuan, anyone else sees her respectfully.

In this life, she has been slapped by anyone!

Old Mrs. Gu hated Qin Se now, she had never suffered such humiliation in her life.

With a hoarse, broken gong, she yelled, "Come on, come on, come on... Here, here... Catch this little bitch... Ah..."

When Mrs. Gu shouted, Qin Se slapped again.

"This slap was for my younger brother. You have never seen his father in his memory. You have made him look down upon him since he was a child, and you have made him enjoy a day of paternal love!"


"This slap was for myself. You killed my dad and our whole family..."

Qin Se finished this one, but the butler thought that this one should always be fine, right?

There is no one!

The slap of their family of four is finished.

But unexpectedly, Qin Se slapped him again!

And the strength is stronger than before.

The old lady lay on the ground and couldn't get up at all. Her face was sore and her head was dizzy.

Qin Se gritted his teeth and said: "This slap slaps you, there is no reason, my old lady just wants to hit you!"

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