You Are My Gravity

Chapter 361: Domineering

Zhou Ping's voice was blasting, like bullets shot at the target. Without the slightest hesitation, each one hit the target.

Zhou Ping's words made old lady Gu feel weak in her heart, and her back chills.

Feeling a chilly chill, drilling up from the soles of the feet.

Mrs. Gu knew what the Zhou family was capable of.

When Mr. Gu was alive, Zhou Ping's father trusted most.

Mr. Gu mentioned to Mrs. Gu more than once, Zhou family, don't offend!

However, Mrs. Gu did not listen to this.

Later, Zhou Ping's father died and her husband passed away. She took her children back to her hometown alone and never came to Kyoto.

Mrs. Gu regarded these as her own victory.

In the past ten years or so, she has always been proud. Isn't she talking about how capable Zhou's family is?

One by one is not obedient, curled up in the country to be a silly hillbilly.

But at this moment, looking at the sharp sharpness in Zhou Ping's eyes, there was some timidity in Mrs. Gu's heart.

But at this time, how can she shrink back.

It's all for this. If she quits, wouldn't Zhou Ping take advantage of it?

However, Mrs. Gu did not expect that after Zhou Ping was insulted by her, she was not fooled, and instead gave her a heavy blow.

Old Mrs. Gu adjusted her mentality, lowered her head and smiled: "It seems that you have grown a lot more than you did in the past. After all, you are a mother, it is different!"

"It's a pity... why didn't you have a good daughter? To be honest, I am not the kind of picky person, but... your daughter..."

Old Mrs. Gu shook her head: "Hey, it's really hard to pick a place to like. Girls, they should be more serious, instead of focusing on how to please men all day long. I advise you to look back. Teach her more so that she won’t be able to marry her, and it’s okay to lose our family. The main reason is... people who lose her, if things go on like this, in the future, how will they go out in the future... how can they meet people?"

In fact, Mrs. Gu was already in a state of nothing to do.

That's why they repeatedly belittle and humiliate Qin Se, hoping that this will anger Zhou Ping and let her retreat.

However, if Zhou Ping is such an easy person to follow her, he ran away just now, and has to wait till now.

Zhou Ping sneered: "My daughter is absolutely not good, but as long as your grandson likes this, it's enough. In addition, I also advise you that when you are older, you should spend one day and one day less. It’s nice to live, but don’t rush to die."

Zhou Ping is not a young and energetic young man who does not fear the consequences.

She is a mother. No matter how much she hated, she didn't make any tricks, because she had the most basic bottom line and principles.

From the first day she came into contact with metaphysics with her grandfather, she was educated not to use what she learned to harm others.

But today.

What if Mrs. Gu ignores her warnings and strikes at her children.

Even if she fights, there will be retribution, and her life will be lost, and she will make Mrs. Gu uncomfortable.

She didn't know how to use malicious tricks, she just insisted on her principles and didn't use them.

"I'm going to rest, please leave the place my uncle prepared for me."


Zhou Ping interrupted her: "I have many ways to let a person die silently. I hope the old lady will not let me waste these methods"

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