You Are My Gravity

Chapter 344: Does it hurt

One second~

Two seconds~

Three seconds~

The touch on Gu Jingyuan's face retreated cleanly.

He looked at Qin Se's tear-stained face and sighed, "Isn't it good to be alive?"

Why do you have to die?

Just now, Gu Jingyuan was almost fainted by Qin Se.

She is always so capable and destroys the atmosphere!

Qin Se sobbed: "What I said is true, think about it, if you die, what should I do? I'm still young and beautiful, and a beautiful girl like a flower. I definitely can't be on your grave. Hanged...I always find myself another man for the rest of my life..."

Qin Se stretched out his hand, held Gu Jingyuan's face, and said seriously: "So, if you don't want you to die and I will paint your grave with green paint, you will live well and no more accidents will happen."

Gu Jingyuan tried his best to show a smile: "Don't worry..."

"In your life, there is no chance to find another man."

She actually wanted to wait for him to die and paint his grave with green paint, she could really think of it.

So angry!

However, the wife who was kidnapped by himself can only bite her teeth and spoil her!

"It's best if you don't give me a chance. Find another one like you, good-looking, rich, and good-looking. Before meeting me, there are too few rookie men..."

After Qin Se finished speaking, his face couldn't help but blush.

She said less just now, she has good physical strength!

Gu Jingyuan asked her: "Anything else?"


Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "Since you want to do it this way, just do it today."

After waiting for him, he would keep her from getting out of bed for a few days if she was a demon today.

She always has to do it when she comes out.

Gu Jingyuan's smile made Qin Se tremble for a moment. She recalled what she said earlier?

Qin Se shook his head again and again: "No, no, what I mean by telling you this is to make you cherish yourself, and...look at me...I was robbed..."

Gu Jingyuan said: "Don't worry, I will never give others a chance to get in with you... From now on, until the day you die, it will only be Mrs. Gu."

"By the way, what happened to your car accident? The doctor said you were okay, but Gu Zhixin's injury was too serious. He has been sent to the ICU. These two days are a dangerous period. If it can pass, there is still a rescue. If you can't make it..."

Qin Se sighed, "You have to get better quickly, and then go and teach your brother well, he is too disobedient, how can he lie down forever? You are going to wake him up..."

As Qin Se was talking, his nose was sour, and tears came out again, "If he is really good or bad, what should we do, Boer?"

A murderous aura flashed quickly in Gu Jingyuan's eyes.

This car accident is not that simple.

He comforted Qin Se: "Well, when I can get out of bed, I will go to teach him..."

The two talked for a while, Qin Se leaned over and asked him softly, "Does it still hurt?"

Gu Jingyuan said: "It hurts..."

"Then should I go to a doctor so that they can give you a painkiller?"

Gu Jingyuan casually said: "The doctor is afraid that he won't be able to beat me. The anaesthetic on my body has not passed..."

Qin Se was anxious, "What should I do?"

Gu Jingyuan frowned and made a painful look: "I can only... endure it like this..."

"Or, I'll go to the doctor quickly..."

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "The doctor is useless."

"Who is useful then?"


Qin Se looked puzzled: "Me? What use do I do?"

Gu Jingyuan took her hand and said slowly: "Kiss me and I won't hurt anymore."

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