You Are My Gravity

Chapter 338: Damn it

Qin Se had just relieved his heart, and suddenly became nervous again.

Although the doctor didn't say much, the amount of information he revealed made Qin Se startled.

Three broken ribs are called light, but Gu Zhixin suffered multiple serious injuries all over his body. How serious would it be?

Qin Se only felt colder in his hands and feet.

Zhou Ping hurriedly reached out to help Zhen Baoer: "Don't be afraid, Gu Zhixin will definitely pass through, he will be fine... He may have a catastrophe in his life, but he will not die."

Naturally, Zhou Ping had seen the face of Gu Zhixin, who was not a short-lived person.


Human fate can also be broken.

What Zhou Ping feared at this time was just in case of an accident.

But the worry in her heart must not be told to Zhen Bao'er. She can only comfort her as much as possible. It's okay, don't be afraid. Although she is seriously injured, her life will be saved.

Qin Se hurriedly thanked the doctor, and then asked the doctor: "Can we see them now?"

The doctor said: "Dean Gu can see, but... Gu Zhixin will be sent to the intensive care unit immediately and cannot be seen."

Qin Se turned his head to look at Zhen Baoer worriedly, "Thank you, doctor...please use the best medicine, please...the best expert for consultation, that is...your dean's brother."

The doctor nodded, "We understand that we will do our best."

Qin Se turned around and helped Zhen Bao'er up with Zhou Ping: "Be strong at this time and don't be afraid. I believe there will be nothing wrong with Gu Zhixin. How could he die easily with such a scourge."

Zhen Baoer's face was pale, her lips almost the same as her skin color, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

She nodded: "I know,...I know, but..."

I'm afraid I can't control it.

I can't say what I'm afraid of, but I feel flustered and uncomfortable.

Zhen Bao'er raised her hand and touched her a little numb face, but all her hands were wet.

She didn't know when she cried just now.

Qin Se understood Zhen Baoer's feelings, and was flustered and terrified.

However, she still had to hold on.

It lasted until Gu Jingyuan woke up, and it lasted until Gu Zhixin passed the dangerous period.

Gu Huaizhang ran over in a panic, "How is it? How is it, is anyone out?"

Gu Huaizhang was almost soaked in his body and was very embarrassed. His car stalled halfway and it took a long time...

Qin Se replied: "Uncle, Jing Yuan is okay now, but...the situation is not good when we know the new..."

When Gu Huaizhang heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Jing Yuan is fine... he is fine..."

Zhen Baoer suddenly yelled: "What is Gu Jingyuan? It's okay. Isn't Gu Zhixin deserved to die?"

Gu Huaizhang was taken aback for a moment, with a guilty expression on his face, "I... I didn't mean that..."

In fact, he meant that subconsciously. Gu Jingyuan was his son, so he was fine.

As for Gu Zhixin, although he also hoped that he would be fine, but... if he really died, it would have no effect on Gu Huaizhang.

Zhen Baoer said with red eyes: "That is your nephew, the person who cares for your family, and you are related to you by blood, and that is also your family..."

Until this moment, Zhen Baoer really knew why Gu Zhixin wanted a child so much, so he wanted a home...

Because these two things are commonplace to others.

To him, it was so far away.

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