You Are My Gravity

Chapter 331: So sour

Zhen Bao'er understood right away, she... she fell into Gu Jingyuan's trap.

Just now, he asked that on purpose.

Zhen Bao'er gritted his teeth, Gu Jingyuan is a bastard...

You are jealous and don't find your wife to settle the account, why do you want to find me!

Zhen Baoer looked at Gu Zhixin's eyes, and her heart trembled, but... she couldn't let Gu Jingyuan get what she wanted. She wanted Qin Se to know that a woman must have a backbone, isn't it just looking at other men more?

have what? Isn't this normal?

Zhen Baoer stubbornly threatened with Gu Zhixin's eyes and said, "Thank you, no, I don't want to sleep yet. The show is not over yet... I think these little boys are already very pleasing to the eye, and I don't want to watch others!" "

Qin Se gasped, oh, Dabao, okay!

Gu Zhixin sneered, took Zhen Baoer up and put it on his shoulders and left.

Zhen Baoer exclaimed and patted Gu Zhixin on the shoulder and shouted: "I know that you, a scumbag, say that you want a child to be fake. Just like you, no matter how many children you have killed... They are so young, what's wrong, you who are a father, don't love them at all..."

Gu Zhixin staggered and almost didn't fall.

He quickly put down Zhen Baoer, and then hugged him sideways.

"Sorry, I was so angry just now, are you okay?"

Zhen Baoer lifted her chin, and sure enough, those little tadpoles are still very useful.

Of course she will not let go of this good opportunity, saying: "Why is it all right, of course something is going on, my stomach hurts, my heart feels uncomfortable, and my whole body feels uncomfortable..."

Gu Zhixin was a little at a loss: "Then let's go to the hospital?"

Zhen Baoer snorted: "Which hospital to go to? Do you think I am not very bumpy?"

"Yes, don't go to the hospital, there is a doctor at home..." Gu Zhixin turned his head and shouted, "Brother, brother, come over and show Bo'er..."

Gu Jingyuan's own account hadn't even begun to be settled, so he was disrupted by Gu Zhixin's sentence?

He said coldly: "I am not a gynecologist, but..."

Gu Jingyuan scanned the two of them: "It's okay for me to brainstorm for you two!"

Zhen Baoer shuddered and said quickly: "No... this is not necessary..."

She glared at Gu Zhixin: "Hold me back to the room and see you soon. I close my eyes and rest for a while, and I can rest soon..."

Without saying anything, Gu Zhixin quickly picked up Zhen Baoer and ran upstairs.

The two finally left, Gu Jingyuan's ears were completely clean.

He showed a smile to Qin Se, which was much better than the little boy on TV.

"Come on, let's continue..."

Qin Se patted his head: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that I have something to find mom..."

Gu Jingyuan stretched out his hand and took Qin Se's arm: "Xu Mu called just now, and the mother-in-law went to answer the phone..."

So... no one can save her.

"I seem……"

Qin Se hadn't finished speaking, and his body had been lifted into the air.

The program on TV is about to end, and the preview of the next issue is playing.

Unfortunately, no one saw it.

After closing the door, Gu Jingyuan put Qin Se on the bed, stood in front of her, showing a particularly nice smile, and asked, "Is it delightful?"


After reacting, Qin Se swallowed his saliva: "Appreciate...heart..."

Gu Jingyuan stood in front of Qin Se and slowly opened the button. Qin Se never had the slightest resistance to his movement.

It's so... TM sultry...

The buttons were unbuttoned, revealing a large chest. Gu Jingyuan asked, "Is it pleasing to the eye?"

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