You Are My Gravity

Chapter 328: Silly boy

Qin Se pointed at the TV, hating iron and steel: "Mom, look, he was so aggrieved that he was about to cry, a big man, shameless, mom... absolutely can't let him come back, just him. In this way, I don’t want to have any long objects and know nothing. What can I do after I come back..."

Zhen Baoer knocked on melon seeds and laughed at her: "Yo yo yo, it seems that you will be a lot better, hahaha..."

With a smile, Zhen Bao'er couldn't laugh anymore, covering her mouth and coughing, because Gu Jingyuan looked over with a cold eye, and Zhen Bao'er didn't have the courage to say the words behind.

Qin Se snorted: "I don't know anything, but..."

She took Gu Jingyuan's arm and grinned at Zhen Baoer: "I have a man to raise, but... what does Qin Zheng have?"

Gu Jingyuan petted her head.

Zhen Baoer kept her lips secretly, it's great to have a man, as if she didn't.

Uh... she counts... does it?

Qin Se continued: "If he is eliminated now, he won't even be able to marry his wife, but if he can fool around in the show, he doesn't need to think about his debut, but...maybe, he has a little popularity. Which Lei opera crew can see, pull to film two thunderous dramas, and if there is any girl with bad eyes who can really see him, she is willing to marry him."

Zhou Ping looked at her son on the TV and then at her daughter. She sighed. She and his father had good IQs. Why did they give birth to two such silly children?

Bad heart...

"I will ask Xu Mu to let him... think of a way to keep Qin Zheng for the end and get some popularity..."

Gu Jingyuan said very intimately: "Mom, if you are worried that Xiaozheng will be eliminated, how about... I will help him? Although I am not involved in the entertainment industry, it is also a bit of contact to find someone to walk through the back door."

Zhou Ping looked at him, but did not speak.

At the moment, the cameraman’s low laughter was heard from the TV.

The director said to Qin Zheng: "You may not know that after the first episode was broadcast, you were on the hot search, and it lasted for several days. The popularity is currently the highest among all the trainees... Many netizens When you pick you, it means that your divination is the motivation to support them after reading..."

Qin Zheng rolled his ugly eyes: "What are you thinking about? If you want to see fortune-telling, just go out and take the subway, subway entrance, under the overpass, 10 yuan a gua, good service, you want to watch it whenever you want?"


The director laughed.

The original stable picture also flickered twice.

After a while, the director held back a smile and asked, "Well... do you have anything else to say to the audience?"

Qin Zheng sighed: "Dear viewers in front of the TV and the mobile phone, can you be more mature, can you be more focused? Can you... don't do it? Let me go home, please everyone... let me fend for myself Right!"

The director asked him: "Then, if you can't leave the next issue, what do you want to say?"

Qin Zheng looked at the camera, and then smiled flatteringly, "Mom, you curse me twice and make me sick, so I can go home and honor you."

In front of the TV, Zhou Ping sneered: "Don't worry, Mom will make you as strong as a cow, free from disease and disaster."

"Xiao Gu, you can take care of Xiaozheng's business!"

Gu Jingyuan nodded and smiled: "Okay, Mom, just leave it to me. As a brother-in-law, Xiaozheng will definitely go to the end!"

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