You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2127:

Wen Xiaoyun gritted her teeth and said with a solemn face: "I don't know why you say that, but... I can use my life as a guarantee. I have never harmed you, let alone hurt you. If so, just It makes me want to die and run to death on the street."

She took a deep breath and continued: Qin Zheng, this kind of thing is not a joke, don't wrong me, although...I am alone, but I can't be framed casually. "

As soon as she changed her face that was weak and fragile, her words suddenly became sharp.

Wen Xiaoyun was very scared at this time, because Qin Zheng looked very different from before.

He didn't just say it casually, he should be really sure that she had a black hand behind her back.

At this time, Wen Xiaoyun didn't have time to think about how Qin Zheng knew. She just wanted to go back to the room quickly, burn those things and destroy the evidence.

The eldest brother ghost said disdainfully: "Do you know that the curse will really come true, especially... you are a woman who is full of lies and rotten in the dark!"

Xu's father and Xu's mother looked anxiously, and they all felt that Qin Zheng seemed a bit too much.

This kid, why is it different from the previous few days.

Wen Xiaoyun shouted angrily: "Qin Zheng..."

With red eyes, she looked wronged and innocent, "You are young and easy to be used by others, so I don't care about you, but you shouldn't deceive others too much..."

Wen Xiaoyun's words have already begun to cause trouble.

Zhou Ping could guess what she would say next without even thinking about it.


"Mrs. Zhou, you are Qin Zheng's mother. He suddenly said this. I don't think you didn't know that I did speak inappropriately to you before, but you can't slander me like this in order to drive me away. "

When Zhou Ping was about to speak, the eldest brother yelled: "Fuck your mother's fart, your **** heart is really dirty and smelly, I can't even taste the soul of a person like you."

Father Xu was shocked: "Wait... he, what did he say..."

Xu Mu: "I'll talk to you later."

Xu's father and Xu's mother only felt that things were developing in a weird direction.

Wen Xiaoyun's body was trembling with fear, she stubbornly supported, and said angrily: "I don't understand what you are saying, don't you just want to drive me away, okay... I will go now, I will let you get what you want, who will let me? Helpless, I deserve to..."

Zhou Ping: "Stop..."

"Who let you go!"

Wen Xiaoyun clenched her fists with tears in her eyes, as if she was a poor woman who had been bullied and humiliated. She yelled in disintegration, "I have made you get what you want. What do you want? Zhou Ping, don't go too far. "

Zhou Ping shook her head, really **** home.

Zhou Ping walked over: "Too much...heh, it caused my son to almost die. I just want to pass it so easily. Why do you think so well."

Wen Xiaoyun was so frightened that she took two steps back and forth: "You are talking nonsense, I want to kill him, so he is still standing upright? You slander me at least to show evidence."

At this time, Wen Xiaoyun still had a fluke in her heart.

I feel that Zhou Ping and the others will definitely not find it.

Zhou Ping waved at Xu Mu: "It's okay. You can argue with me. Anyway, you can't tell you too much. After I show you the evidence, I'll let you know what it means...too much."


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