You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2011:

He grabbed Zhou Ping's hand: "No... listen to me first..."

Zhou Ping wanted to take her hand out: "What else do you want to say, don't tell me it's too late, they are all here."

Xu Mu...

He whispered: " all know?"


Zhou Ping felt like a loud noise in her ears, which blew her up.

Zhou Ping grabbed Xu Mu by the collar and asked ferociously, "You... why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you mean it?"

Zhou Ping's voice was a little loud, which attracted everyone around her to look over.

They all thought it was Xu Mu and Zhou Ping who had a quarrel. They were thinking about whether or not to persuade them, but they really want to watch the excitement...

I want to know, if Mr. Xu is so temperamental to spoil his girlfriend, will he be forced to go crazy.

Xu Mu's grievance and innocence at this time, of course he did it deliberately, but even if he did it deliberately, he couldn't let Zhou Ping know it. If she let her know, it would be fine?

He can't live through this day, and all the efforts in the past will definitely come to naught, and he will become a single dog again.

Xu Mu's parents had already said that they would come to visit the class. He had long hoped that Zhou Ping could meet his parents so that they could discuss marriage.

However, Xu Mu also knew that Zhou Ping was...

Xu Mu was aggrieved and sad. He felt that he had taken a hand. If the other women didn't wait for Xu Mu's arrangement, they themselves couldn't wait to see Xu Mu's parents.

However, Zhou Ping had never said that.

Therefore, Xu Mu had to arrange it himself.

However, although Xu Mu's parents had been talking about visiting the class before, they didn't come. They suddenly asked to come two days ago. Of course Xu Mu would not refuse it. It happened that Zhou Ping was here too.

Xu Mu's parents wanted to come over because they saw the photo with Zhou Ping that Xu Mu posted on Weibo a few days ago and knew that Zhou Ping had gone to visit the class.

The two old men wanted to see the woman their son had finally come to love after being single for so many years, so they quickly booked a ticket and came over.

The two old people were desperate for Xu Mu's marriage. They even wondered more than once whether he had a problem with his sexual orientation. They liked a man, so they didn't get married or find a girlfriend.

But Xu Mu made a clear promise to them that it was definitely not because of sexual orientation, but because he felt that he hadn't found someone he liked, and he didn't want to make do with someone he didn't like.

Therefore, I have not looked for it.

Seeing that this person has reached middle age, but the marriage is still in the foreseeable future, the old couple has no hope anymore. How can they think that one day his son suddenly fell in love with sleepwalking.

The couple was so excited that they always wanted to see Zhou Ping, but Xu Mu told them earlier that it was not yet time, so they never met.

Xu Mu held Zhou Ping's hand and said, "I didn't lie to you, nor did it intentionally. You know, I'm really not that kind of person. It's just that my parents came too suddenly this time and didn't notify me in advance. , I didn’t know before. I just received the news. If you don’t believe me, ask Xiao Wang..."

The assistant Xiao Wang on the side nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, sister-in-law, it is really like this. Uncle and Auntie really called just now and said they are here... Teacher Xu was also shocked just now..."

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