You Are My Gravity

Chapter 201: Very bad

The corners of Zhen Baoer's mouth moved a few times, and there was no more sound from her throat.

Really, this guy won, she gave up!

Although she clearly knew that she and Gu Zhixin really had nothing to do with each other, at most, she was jealous when the enemy met.

However, when these nasty words came out of Gu Zhixin's mouth, Zhen Baoer had an urge to believe it.

Paralysis, this guy, Daoxing is much better than when we met last time.

What skills has he unlocked since last time, now he is so good at teasing girls!

Zhen Baoer patted Gu Zhixin on the shoulder: "Brother, you won!"

Gu Zhixin smiled and said something in Zhen Baoer's ear.

"I still like to hear you call me...Little brother, besides, do you want to know what is going on with Qin Se now? If you want to know, just follow me!"

Zhen Baoer was taken aback!

I sneered twice in my heart, haha, brat, Qin Se sent her WeChat to hug her.

He still wants to use this to blame her, even his future sister-in-law can use it as a liar, this is really not a thing.

She would be the sister-in-law for Qin Se, and educate this little uncle so that he will be a good man in the future!

In the next second, Zhen Baoer took Gu Zhixin's arm backhand and turned to look at the crowd eating melons onlookers: "Sorry, everyone, I worry about you..."

Zhen Baoer raised her head, gave Gu Zhixin a shy look, raised her hand and hammered him in the chest.

"It's all him. It's too annoying. It always annoys me. It doesn't hurt people at all. Don't think he looks like a dog. In fact... it's very bad. No one will be her daughter except me. What about my friends!"

Gu Zhixin's ears were red, and he put his arms around Zhen Baoer, pretending to have a good temper.

"Baby, I was wrong, I won't annoy you anymore..."

Zhen Baoer's teeth are about to be sour, and goose bumps all come out all over her body, it's too numb!

Brother Fatty said bitterly: "I'm so angry, I's a waste of feelings..."

"It's too much, really, too much..."

"Although it's too much, but fortunately you are boy and girl friends. After all, many traffickers are using this kind of routine to deceive people. In the future, everyone will pay more attention to it. It is always right..."

Seeing the situation, the crowd quickly dispersed.

Zhen Baoer tugged Gu Zhixin, gritted his teeth: "Go, boyfriend!"

"Okay, baby."

Zhen Baoer's teeth are all broken, she is still addicted, isn't she? He can call a baby?

When I got out of the coffee shop and walked about 50 meters, it was a crossroad. This is a commercial street with many pedestrians.

Suddenly, Zhen Baoer's feet crooked and she cried out painfully: "Ouch..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhen Bao'er raised her head and looked at Gu Zhixin with tears in her eyes: "People's feet hurt..."

Gu Zhixin glanced at her feet: "It deserves it, who made you wear such high-heeled shoes?"

Zhen Baoer's mouth twitches, and the guy who is straight and cancerous seems to be going all-in!

However, I don't want this at the moment.

Zhen Baoer turned her eyes and looked at Gu Zhixin with tears, and sobbed: "I just kept calling my baby, but now I turn my face and I don't recognize it..."

She has a loud voice, and everyone who is waiting for the red light looks over.

Gu Zhixin was taken aback...

Zhen Baoer concealed her face and cried bitterly: "I knew that you didn't really love me at all. The baby was long and short on the bed. As a result, I didn't admit it when I put on my pants. You scumbag, get out. ..."

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