You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1992:

Zhong Wenqing roared hysterically: "I don't agree, I don't agree, you white-eyed wolves, I have raised you for so many years, you all betrayed me..."

Zhou Ping ignored her, the smoke from the burning of the three incense sticks did not dissipate, but drifted slowly in the room.

They seem to be looking for something...

Zhou Ping spilled a handful of rice and chanted a series of spells, and all the rice stood up.

And the thin wisps of smoke floating in the air slowly drifted to one place.

They seemed to understand Zhou Ping's spell and were being directed by her.

The flimsy smoke slowly got on something, and then more and more smoke got on it, and gradually everyone noticed it.

The invisible smoke twisted into three thin threads.

As the line slowly extended, they found that the link direction of the three lines stretched from Zhong Wenqing to the three little ghosts.

That is the invisible line of contract between Zhong Wenqing and the three little ghosts.

The master behind Zhong Wenqing helped her establish a contract with the little devil.

Once such a contract is established, it is not so easy to terminate it.

The three incenses that Zhong Wenqing ordered today are called soul-holding incense. They were originally used for those who have a long life but are in the soul. One end of this incense will hold the body of a living person, and the other will... The soul of the body.

Slowly, pull the soul back and return to the body...

However, today, Zhou Ping used it on Zhong Wenqing.

Although her soul did not leave the body, she signed a contract with the three little ghosts, and they were part of Zhong Wenqing.

However, they are not physical.

And this soul-holding incense happened to be an entity and a spiritual body.

It was used by Zhou Ping to find out the contract line between Zhong Wenqing and the little ghost.

Qin Zheng had never seen this move.

He opened his eyes wide, and his admiration for Zhou Ping was endless.

He felt that it was time for him to seriously consider inheriting the family business.

Everyone can't think of other words to describe it in their hearts. They can only: Damn, I wipe, what kind of fairy operation is this...

Those three lines extend from the three little ghosts to Zhong Wenqing's heart.

Zhong Wenqing was flustered, she stretched out her hand and waved wildly, trying to interrupt the contract line: "Go away, go away..."

But... useless.

Zhou Ping turned to look at the captain: "You go get some blood from her..."

The captain was stunned.

Qin Zheng urged: "Go, get some blood from her, my mother will use it."

The captain swallowed his throat forcefully, no, he can't, Zhong Wenqing has no good flesh on her body, so she can only pierce into the blood vessel and draw out...

However, Zhong Wenqing is like this, where can I get it out.

The captain whispered: "Madam, I have to find someone to help."

Zhou Ping: "Yes, hurry up."

The captain hurried out to find a forensic doctor.

The female forensic doctors in their team know a little bit about raising kids.

The captain rushed to the forensic doctor and dragged her over.

He thought that the forensic doctor would not be scared to death when he saw this.

The female forensic doctor who was called by the team leader to rescue her in an emergency, probably had anatomy of various methods of death and various kinds of decayed corpses in Chengdu, so...they are people who have seen the world.

After I arrived, I was shocked and shocked for a minute, and then returned to normal.

She asked the director, Xiao Liu, and the three of them to hold down Zhong Wenqing, and then barely withdrew a tube of blood from the vein in her arm.


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