You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1946:

For the first time today, Zhou Ping felt that the four guys Gu Jingyuan arranged were quite useful!

The four younger brothers were very happy: "Okay, don't worry, the tip of that technician is absolutely indispensable. It is our greatest honor to make you happy, madam, and you must never say thank you to us."

He asked by the way: "Look, do you have time tomorrow? Should we also plan for you tomorrow's itinerary?"

Zhou Ping hesitated for a moment: "Well... if it's okay tomorrow, I'll call you."

After all, Zhong Wenqing's affairs have not been handled properly, so Zhou Ping dare not tell now whether the other party will have time tomorrow.

What if something happens tomorrow?

"Okay, okay, ma'am, we are on call..."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay, you are tired today too, go back and rest early..."

"Serving Madam is not hard at all."

Zhou Ping waved the car with them, and Qin Zheng closed the door and said, "Oh, the value of today's play, if it weren't for that vicious woman, we could live in the city today, so we won't go back..."

Zhou Ping is also a little bit regretful, but it doesn't matter, just solve Zhong Wenqing's matter!

She was quite satisfied with her play today.

Xu Mu said to Zhou Ping: "It's already over 10 o'clock now. When we get back to the hotel, it must be early in the morning. If you are sleepy, go to bed first."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay..."

The car was driving on the road, and Qin Zheng's cell phone rang suddenly for about an hour.

When Qin Zheng saw that it was his agent Li Ge, he was a little puzzled that Xu Mu took care of this scene, so Li Ge was very relieved that he hadn't harassed him for a long time.

what is it today?

Qin Zheng hesitated for a while, then connected, "Hey..."

As soon as it happened, I heard a series of bombardments from Brother Li, "My little ancestor, what are you doing? You can't let me save snacks. When you talk to fans, can you be a little more careful? It’s okay if you don’t speak, don’t let me say anything, okay..."

Qin Zheng was at a loss. Except for the hotel this morning, he spent the rest of the time playing outside. Didn't he cause trouble?

Qin Zheng said: "Nonsense, don't just wrong me, what did I say?"

Brother Li was angry for a while and didn't know what to say, this little boy was quite righteous.

"you you……"

After you have been around for a long time, Brother Li said, "Go and watch the hot search for yourself. It's not easy to get whitewashed. It's not easy. Can you stop doing this..."

Qin Zheng was curious, "Hot search? Then let me see."

After speaking, Qin Zheng hung up the phone and opened Weibo to see what was going on.

Zhou Ping asked Qin Zheng: "Something happened?"

Qin Zheng nodded: "Brother Li said that I was in trouble again, but I didn't think I was in trouble... How honest I am recently, I didn't say anything that shouldn't be said..."

Zhou Ping cupped her face: "You forgot what you said to those two girls in the morning?"

Qin Zheng: "Huh?"

He hurriedly clicked on the hot search rankings, and he saw that his name was in a #秦筝刑迷#.

After clicking on it, Qin Zheng found that it was a secret video of himself, but he didn't deal with him. The camera was always facing the ground, but the sound could be heard.

Those words Qin Zheng said were fully included in the video.


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