You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1723: Grievances

Qin Se asked Zhou Ping: "Mom, speaking of it, do we want to mourn, after all... are relatives?"

Zhou Ping thought for a while and said, "This, I have to ask Jing Yuan and see what he says!"

It stands to reason that they should go, after all, there are relatives.

However, in this situation, it is still up to Gu Jingyuan to decide what to do with this matter. ,


Gu Jingyuan didn't wake up until 10 o'clock in his sleep. Because he was busy with Gu Meiyun's death last night, it is rare for him to rest at home today and do not need to go to work.

Zhou Ping asked Gu Jingyuan: "Jingyuan, do you think we should go to express our condolences, after all, we are relatives."

Gu Jingyuan thought for a while, and said, "Go to two people. Since I've got involved, I still have to go to this matter."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Shanshan is pregnant. The place in the mourning hall is too yin to go. If you rest at home, Bo'er shouldn't go there. Girls are not suitable to go there."

Moreover, Zhou Ping heard from Qin Se that Gu Meiyun died with a huge grievance. Therefore, the death is not peaceful. It is estimated that the grievances will gather after death, and the spiritual sorrow will be very heavy.

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "What Mom said is that this matter is not suitable for good and good, and rest at home."

Zhou Ping looked at the sky: "It's already late today, let's go tomorrow."

"it is good!"


The next day, it was still cloudy, the temperature dropped several degrees, and the temperature was very cold.

Just after breakfast in the morning, Zhou Ping took Gu Jingyuan, Gu Zhixin and Gu Zhige to Ji's house.

As soon as they got out of the car and walked through the door, they heard screams from the mourning hall.

Zhou Ping glanced at the mourning hall and shook her head, and said to Gu Jingyuan: "Look, I told you, this is definitely not peaceful!"

Gu Meiyun's uneasy life in death was a violent death.

With so much resentment, where can I go far?

As soon as she stepped into this yard, she felt that there was no world inside and outside the gate.

Although there was a lot of rain yesterday, it stopped after noon yesterday, the water on the road has gone down, and the road outside the gate was dry.

But inside this gate, it was obviously much wetter than the outside, and there was still water in the cracks on the cobblestone road, as if the rain had just stopped.

If moisture is heavy, yin qi is heavy, and yin qi is heavy, resentment gathers.

Last night, the first night of the watchman, Ji's family, will definitely not be better.

Gu Jingyuan said: "Mom or you are good, this Ji family is indeed impossible."

Zhou Ping said: "Go, go in and see what's going on."

Gu Zhige swallowed his saliva and leaned against Zhou Ping: "Aunt Ping, something happened here, why are you so calm?"

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "It must be other members of the Ji family who caused the accident. Why am I worried?"

Gu Meiyun's resentment and hatred were all toward the Ji family. As for the family, she only cared about his son.

No matter how she vents, the object cannot be her son.

Since it was to clean up other people, Zhou Ping naturally wouldn't worry about it.

People from the Ji family deserve it!

Gu Zhige nodded: "What you said is!"

They walked into the mourning hall and found that, except for Ji Chenxuan, who was still kneeling and burning paper silently, everyone else had been messed up.

Old lady Ji was riding on her son Ji Cunshan, pinching his neck with her hands.

Others screamed, some backed up and some went forward to drag the old lady.

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