You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1650: Don't blame me

Shui Xingyun stood up and looked behind him, a little disdainful: "Like the kind of inferior person who has never seen the world, you are so good to him if you commit a crime, just give him a few hundred dollars, give him so much. doing what?"

Song Mingjue's original sympathy for Shui Xingyun disappeared in an instant after he finished speaking.

Perhaps before, Song Mingjue felt like Shui Xingyun in his heart. He somewhat felt that they were born noble. But now, he doesn't think so at all. Those who work hard to survive, to survive, are all worthy of respect, all They are more worthy of respect than so-called superior people.

Song Mingyue said lightly: "If it weren't for that inferior person, you wouldn't be able to return to Kyoto even if you had run away with both legs now..."

Shui Xingyun whispered hoarsely: "He just brought me back easily, it's not a big deal..."

Song Mingyue said: "Yes, it's not a big deal, but you come along this way, except for the train driver, who will help you, who will bring you back? They saved your life, mom, be a human being. If you don’t even have the most basic gratitude, who will help if you encounter problems in the future?"

"I..." Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth and couldn't say anything to refute.

There was water in the rear seat. Shui Xingyun picked it up and unscrewed it with great effort. He gurgled up half of the bottle before he felt his fiery voice healed.

This is domestically produced mineral water, which is sold for two yuan in supermarkets. In the past, Shui Xingyun didn't know how to drink it at all. If you want to drink it, you must drink it imported from abroad.

But now, where does she still have time to deal with these, she has not eaten a bite since yesterday at noon.

"I'm starving to death. After a while, you stop by the side of the road and buy me something to eat. I'm dying, hiss..." As she said, Shui Xingyun's foot accidentally rubbed on the pad, tears bursting out of her eyes. coming.

Shui Xingyun's two feet, now a layer of skin has been removed from the soles of the feet, the blood is sparkling, and the gravel and mud are sticking to the soles of the feet.

Shui Xingyun cried and cursed, "Gu Zhixin, this little beast, I will kill him sooner or later!"

Song Mingjue asked: "What did you do?"

At this moment, Song Mingjue no longer wanted to ask Shui Xingyun, what Gu Zhixin did to her, he wanted to know what she did. Let Gu Zhixin deal with her like this!

Shui Xingyun roared, "What do you mean by what I did? Do you know what wicked things Gu Zhixin did? He buried me in the soil and he wanted to bury me alive, do you know?"

Her voice is particularly unpleasant now, words can't describe it, anyway, after listening, it makes people's ears extremely uncomfortable.

Song Mingjue said indifferently: "I believe that if it weren't for what you did that made him really intolerable, he couldn't have done this to you!"

After speaking, he stopped the car and got off to a 24-hour convenience store on the side of the road.

I bought some bread and threw it to Shui Xingyun after getting in the car.

Shui Xingyun opened the bread and stuffed it directly into his mouth regardless of whether it was delicious or not.

The stuffed mouth couldn't fit anymore. After the water was filled with a duck, Song Mingjue asked, "Mom, what have you done, can you tell me?"

Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth, "I...I...I can't blame me. If he could agree to donate a kidney to Taotao, would I give him a drug?"


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