You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1411: Think she is dirty

However, for Jin Yumeng, this is already a huge stimulus, as if sprinkled with chili noodles and salt on the wound, it feels hot and painful...

Jin Yumeng shook her body, tears rolling down one by one.

She cried: " still despise me, you despise me...dirty..."

Speaking of the word "dirty", Jin Yumeng seemed to have exhausted all his energy.

She has known Song Mingjue for so long. At first, she liked him, but she didn't regret her previous energy.

What age is this, why can a man change his girlfriend one by one but not return his boyfriend?

Life is alive, of course it is a little happier to live!

In her opinion, it doesn't matter whether you have had a boyfriend before getting married or have many boyfriends.

If someone really likes her, how would they care about this?

The social atmosphere is becoming more and more open, so men and women should be more and more equal in concept.

However, she didn't expect that she hadn't met the man who really liked her, but first met a man who had completely fallen into it.

And this man's thoughts are not as open as hers...

Jin Yumeng never cared what others said about her, but... Song Mingjue was different. His words made her feel painful.

Song Mingjue looked at Jin Yumeng's desperate and sad eyes, and suddenly felt a little bit unbearable. that a bit too much?

However, that's what he thinks in his heart. He doesn't like Jin Yumeng's style...

In some foreign countries, the concept of the relationship between men and women is very open, but in China, many men have the same idea as Song Mingjue.

The vast majority of men wish they could sleep countless beauties, but they wish their wives were a ***.

Although Song Mingjue was a little hesitant in his heart, he did not stop...

He thought for a second, and then said: "I am not despising you, but you are not the type I like, and for a while, I don't intend to talk about feelings. I return to China to develop my career and inherit Song Home, not for the love of children!"

Although this is a redemption, it is useless to Jin Yumeng.

Because, after all, he still hates her dirty!

Jin Yumeng had never been so humiliated in her life, she bit her lip tightly.

The tears on his face almost washed away the delicate makeup.

There are people passing by, and many people will look back and think they are quarreling men and women.

Jin Yumeng is also a relatively proud person. She feels painful and uncomfortable in her heart. Anyone who is said by someone she likes will feel uncomfortable and want to die.

The only pride and dignity left in Jin Yumeng's heart told her that she couldn't do this, she had to say something...

Jin Yumeng raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her face. Regardless of what her face looks like now, she said with a trembling voice: "Song Mingjue, I like you. I have had many men before. I didn't hide it. Tucked in, everything I associate with them is fair and fair. I like you to be fair and fair. When I pursued you, I never said that I had no girlfriend before... I..."

Jin Yumeng's voice trembled and couldn't tell.

After Song Mingjue hesitated, she handed over her handkerchief.

However, Jin Yumeng did not accept it. If it were before, she would be very happy...

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