You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1105: Can be awesome

"You are really lucky this time. When you met our Doctor Gu, he was amazing."

This little nurse is a super fan of Xiang Qiuchi.

Doctor Gu, who praised them, is really like a torrential river.

"With Doctor Gu, even if your parents are here, it is impossible to take you away. Our Doctor Gu is like the character who opened the plug-in in the game, and the male pig's foot with the gold finger in the novel. Surprisingly, the man has good medical skills, good character, and... a strong family background, he is backed by a large backer, and he is not afraid of any trouble. Since he decided to intervene in this matter, you are safe in your life, unless it is you I can't think about it and want to go back, otherwise, no one should think about it and **** you back. What are your parents, they are not worth mentioning in front of our Doctor Gu, right?"

When the little nurse said these words, she raised her head and her chest was louder unconsciously. She looked proud and seemed to be able to work with Doctor Gu. It was a matter of great pride.

Mu Chaochao was attracted by the little nurse's words: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. You saw it when you came to register. There are a lot of girls here. They all come to the doctor. They come to register when they are not sick. It takes up the resources of the patients who really need it. Doctor Gu is fast. He was very angry. Every time he went to the clinic, his temper was very explosive. Did you see him cursing that day?"

Mu Chaochao nodded: "Well, I saw it."

The little nurse patted Mu Chaochao’s hand and said, “But don’t be afraid. Doctor Gu is too responsible for the patient, so he is very angry, because the girls have taken up the patient’s resources, but are really Patients in need, he is really considerate and not stingy at all. Have you seen this too?"

"Hmm... I saw it, Doctor Gu is fine..."

"Where is this, you will feel more and more that Doctor Gu can be better... He is really, super handsome and super domineering, the famous female star last time, Tong Xinyan..."

The little nurse told Mu Chaochao Barabala about Xiang Qiuchi's great achievements.

The patients on the two hospital beds next to him were also awakened. They all wanted to curse, but after listening, they were just like Mu Chaochao. They were fascinated and excited.

When she finished speaking, the patient next to the bed said with emotion: "Dr. Gu is really a good doctor with due diligence and a sense of justice..."

"That's not the case. The point is, is there anyone so handsome? Let me tell you, that is the prince charming of unmarried female doctors and nurses in our hospital..."

Seeing the fear and anxiety on Mu Chaochao's small face, being replaced by worship, the nurse smiled: "Now you don't have to worry, there is nothing wrong with Dr. Gu."

At this time, Xiang Qiuchi didn't know that the little nurses in their department were about to call him a superhero.

Mu Chaochao nodded: "Well... Doctor Gu is so amazing..."

The little nurse squeezed Mu Chaochao's cheek: "Of course, you only need to listen to the doctor's arrangements, and you don't have to think about anything else, eat well, sleep peacefully, and raise yourself fat.",

A shy blush appeared on Mu Chaochao's face.

The little girl's facial features are actually very beautiful, but because of chronic malnutrition, the original good-looking appearance loses its color.

She sincerely said: "Thank you sister, thank you..."


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