You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1002: Doctor Scum

After the news came out, it immediately attracted attention. Tong Xinyan bought the navy and bought a lot of marketing accounts and forwarded it at the same time.

So the "truth" was exposed.

It also popped up. Several insiders who had found their conscience said, yes, I testified. I was in the hospital at the time and I saw it. The doctor looked really like a gentleman, but, What he did was really disgusting.

The wind on the Internet instantly fell to one side, and the people who didn't know the truth sympathized with Tong Xinyan and apologized to her.

They all said that they had wronged her before, sorry.

And he cursed Xiang Qiuchi fiercely.

It is said that a beast like him is not worthy of being a doctor. I hope everyone will find out this beast doctor as soon as possible, so as not to hurt more girls.

Tong Xinyan's fans are clamoring even more fiercely. Those brain-dead fans have already begun to rush to Qiuchi.

Tong Xinyan's fans are notoriously poor in quality, and, coupled with Tong Xinyan's secretly operating behind, the natural arrogance is even more arrogant.

So they quickly picked up the information that Xiang Qiuchi was in the hospital.

After posting his photo, p became a posthumous photo, and threw it at Xiang Qiuchi like a bomb rain with various insults.

Moreover, they asked the hospital to expel Xiang Qiuchi, and asked the hospital to apologize and compensate Tong Xinyan.

In addition, he also posted the official Weibo of @ Kyoto police, claiming that Dr. Beast must be punished, not only to ruin him, but also to go to prison.

A few of Tong Xinyan's fans have even begun to take action, prepare things, and plan to go to the hospital to make trouble. They threatened to fill the gate of the hospital with wreaths.

Moreover, fans are already recruiting and are preparing to gather many people to go to the hospital to contain the troubles. As long as the hospital does not apologize for a day, they will not leave.

These behaviors, although some people and netizens felt inappropriate, but as soon as they made a sound, they were stepped on by Tong Xinyan's fans.

They scolded those people and cursed them for being forced X!

The matter has changed from the initial behavioral disorder of the female celebrity, to the doctor trying to invade the female celebrity, to a nationwide crusade.

Under the official Weibo of the Wellcome Hospital and the official Weibo of the Kyoto police, Tong Xinyan’s brain-dead fans and passers-by with a "sense of justice" gathered together. They did not support the message, so that the police should not pretend to be dead. , All came out to talk.

The police were the first to speak. They said that they had paid attention to this matter and would immediately launch an investigation and announce the progress of the investigation at any time.

Tong Xinyan's brain fan is there again BB: Does this still need to be investigated? Quickly catch that beast, this kind of scum, he should be castrated... a hundred times of death penalty is not an exaggeration!

However, there are some sane netizens who feel that this incident does sound very irritating, but there is no picture and no truth. Just relying on a few so-called revelations, can you attack a doctor like this?

I still hope that everyone can calm down. After all, people killed by online violence are not once or twice. Wasn't a doctor killed by online violence a few days ago?

Instead of scolding people out of righteous indignation, it is better to wait for the results of the police investigation.

I believe the police will be able to give everyone a truth soon.

If the facts are true, then it's not too late for everyone to scold it then?

Why don't you wait?


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