The staff hurriedly said: "It's not a problem, we will definitely keep a close eye on the partners for you. They are definitely not the kind that are troublesome. Don't worry, it will definitely not delay your progress in collecting waste." "That's fine." Su An nodded and agreed. He put away all the things, and the staff of the program team left. In the following time, Su An saw that it was getting late, so he started a live broadcast in the hotel to promote the product. Razors, mobile phones, or laptops are okay. The fans were neither enthusiastic nor cold. Until Su An picked up a box of hot spring passion condoms. The fans in the live broadcast room were boiling all of a sudden. [Brother Su, I can't tell, you are quite good at playing. 】

【How unattractive is a dry introduction? We want to see the real thing, doge~】

【Brother Su, my sister is just 18 this year, her measurements are 99, 57, 90, she's flirtatious. 】

【Bah, you are a money-grubbing gold digger, I despise people like you the most, unlike me, I just like the feeling of hot springs, Brother Su, can you accept a man? I'm 175cm tall, with fair skin, long legs, and a body softer than a woman. If you agree, I'll take a taxi here right away! 】

【Brother Su, don't you still have a school beauty? This thing is just right for you and the school beauty, let the school beauty explain it, she must know the real touch of this thing! 】

The comments are getting more and more unbearable.

It also involves the school beauty Gigi Lai.

Su An was a little speechless and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Gigi and I are just ordinary friends. You can buy this thing if you need it, and forget it if you don't need it."

After saying that, he hurriedly threw the small box aside, and regardless of the netizens' retention in the live broadcast room, he began to introduce other things.

After going through all the things, seeing that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, Su An went off the broadcast.


As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being fat.

This sentence makes sense.

The re-explosion soon made Su An feel the pressure.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel door in the morning, he was stopped by a group of people.

"Brother Su, I am your loyal fan, let's take a photo together!"

"Brother Su, do you have a girlfriend? Do you think I can do it?"

Men and women surrounded Su An and pulled him to take a photo.

This photo took more than an hour.

Su An's face was frozen with laughter!

After finally cooperating, he was stopped again before he took a few steps.

A whole morning passed, and he still hadn't started work!!!

He just took photos with his fans.

It's not enough that he didn't make any money, it's even more tiring than collecting waste!

He had to remind them many times: "Everyone, I'm still working on the live broadcast. When I'm done, you can come to me for autographs or chat, but now is the live broadcast time, please understand and don't disturb my work..."

Not only him, the program team, realizing the seriousness of the problem, also sent people to persuade and drive these people away, asking them to leave, because if this continues, Su An's work cannot be carried out, which is a huge loss for the program team!

With the cooperation of both parties, the people who came here soon realized that this blocked Su An's work, and left after being persuaded.

There was no other way except to leave. If they stopped Su An again, the fans who didn't come to the live broadcast room would drown them with saliva!

At about 11:30, Su An was finally empty.

But even so, the people brought by the program team didn't dare to leave.

They had dealt with this kind of situation many times, and knew that those fans were just pretending to leave temporarily, but were actually still snooping around and taking pictures.

For example, in the parking area not far away, there was an uncle holding up his mobile phone and broadcasting live to Su An!

But they did not drive him away, because he was too famous and would naturally attract attention.

As long as they did not disturb Su An, it would be fine.

It was not until Su An drove away on the electric tricycle that the staff of the program group made sure that no one was following him, and then drove away.

Driving the electric tricycle.

Su An drove towards a place with fewer people.


He left the city center and came to the Rhino District, which is located in the northwest of Qingjiang City and is under the jurisdiction of Qingjiang City.

There were crowds of people here.

There were also many vendors.

But the surrounding buildings were not high, and unlike the city center, they were old.

There was the largest Rhino morning market, night market, and wholesale market here, close to the Rhino subway station.

At this time, it was noon.

The Rhino morning market had not yet ended.

There were still many people coming in and out.

The hawking of various vendors is heard everywhere.

There was also the sound of sad begging music.

Su An passed the morning market gate, turned the car head and drove in.

He hadn't eaten lunch yet, so it was just right to eat here.

As soon as he parked the car at the entrance of the fried noodles, he saw some old things next to it.

Among them were wood carvings, jade ornaments, some Taoist instruments, and old paintings and calligraphy and porcelain that can be seen everywhere in the antique market.

The stall owner was a middle-aged man, and in front of him stood a 17 or 18-year-old country boy in old clothes.

The two were pulling.

"I won't sell it, I won't sell it!"

The boy held a few porcelain plates in his hand, stuffed them into the bag he was holding, and kept walking out.

The stall owner held him tightly, stretched out his hand and snatched the bag from his hand, shouting: "You said you don't want to sell it, then don't sell it? The price has been agreed upon, you just leave when you say so, it's too unruly!"

The boy looked flustered and almost cried: "I didn't take your money, I don't want to sell it, is it okay?"

The stall owner looked fierce and said ruthlessly: "No! You can't regret it after the agreement, you must sell these porcelains to me today!"

As he said, he snatched the bag, held it in his palm, and then took out a few red bills and forced them into the boy: "The transaction is completed, the money and goods are settled, these porcelain plates are mine!"

The boy's eyes were red with anxiety, his lips were whispering, and he looked angry but dared not speak. He wiped his eyes, rubbed the red bills, and turned away.

The stall owner was as happy as if he had found a treasure, his face was full of joy, and he carefully took out the porcelain in the bag and carefully placed it on the stall, as if he was dealing with a treasure.

This scene quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Some people sneered at this, while others were moved.


A middle-aged man came to the stall and checked the porcelain that the boss had received from the teenager.

[Too much! This boss is simply robbing! ! ! ]

[How could there be such a person, bullying a teenager, so rubbish! ]

[Fuck, look at the boss's mean look, the porcelain in the bag must be genuine! ]

[What else is the anchor eating, why don't you go buy it, you will definitely get rich if you buy it! ]

The new fans were so angry that they all started to sing passionately in the live broadcast room.

[Newcomers, don't get excited, take a closer look, this is a setup! ]

[That's right, newcomers, watch Su Ge's previous live broadcasts, there were also people who set up a setup before, although the methods were different, but they were all acting! ]

[As an old fan of Su Ge, I can tell the newcomers directly that the boy and the stall owner must be in the same group! ]

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