Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 651 Attracting Immortal Power

"Xiao Pengzi, who are you scolding?"

Ling Chuyin woke up from practice and asked Kunpeng.

She was wondering why this guy was cursing for no reason!

"Look boss, he actually broke through..."

Kunpeng pointed at Xiao Chen and said with a shocked expression.

Ling Chuyin looked up and his eyes widened when he saw the scene in front of him.

How long has it been?

Before she even touched the threshold of the infantile transformation stage, Xiao Chen broke through to the infantile transformation stage?

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, even if she was beaten to death, she still wouldn't be able to believe what she was seeing.

At this moment, she really wanted to curse Xiao Chen like Kunpeng.

Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, are you still a human? You are a monster!

The square was half empty, in nothingness.

A huge force is gathering quickly.

Strangely enough, this power is not spiritual power, but the purest immortal power.

Because the immortal power is so strong that countless light spots can be seen flashing.

These are not ordinary points of light, each one contains precious energy attributes.

If you absorb all these energy attributes into your body, your cultivation level can be improved quickly.

"Sister-in-law, this is too nonsense!"

"How can a mortal cultivator, the boss, attract immortal power?"

"Is it possible that the rules of heaven and earth believe that an immortal has made a breakthrough?"


Kunpeng's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

"With so much immortal power in his body, who would think that he is an ordinary monk?"

"I didn't expect it! There are times when the rules of heaven and earth are misunderstood."

"Let's sit cross-legged and practice quickly, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in one go."


Ling Chuyin looked at the gathering immortal power and said excitedly.

After saying that, she closed her eyes and began to attack the bottleneck of infantile transformation.

Kunpeng also felt that this was an excellent opportunity and immediately entered into cultivation.

As soon as the two closed their eyes, Huntian Cauldron began to operate on its own without anyone controlling it.

The huge immortal power gathered was all sucked into the Huntian Cauldron.

After Huntian Cauldron purified the immortal power, most of those energy attributes remained within the cauldron.

Some of them were scattered around and entered Xiao Chen's body.

Others were absorbed by Kunpeng and Ling Chuyin, helping them successfully break through the bottleneck.

Not long after, the dantian areas of Ling Chuyin and Kunpeng also released dazzling light.

These two rays of light rose into the sky and merged into the void.

After Xiao Chen made a breakthrough in cultivation, heaven and earth gave him a certain reward.

Ling Chuyin and Kunpeng are the same, but the rewards are different.

Xiao Chen's reward was immortal power, and Ling Chuyin's reward was spiritual power.

On Kunpeng's side, instead of these two powers, it became demonic power.

So much energy appeared at the same time and was quickly absorbed by the Huntian Cauldron again.

No one noticed that Huntian Cauldron was quietly changing at this moment.

The original simple tripod released colorful lights, which became more and more dazzling.

You know, only legendary immortal weapons can release this kind of light.

Among the energy absorbed by Huntian Cauldron, the original quality is being activated little by little.

At this moment, if Xiao Chen wakes up, he will definitely be shocked.

He had known for a long time that the Huntian Cauldron was not a vulgar object, but he did not expect that it turned out to be an immortal weapon.

At this moment, all the purified power of Huntian Cauldron was spitting out to Xiao Chen's side.

Xiao Chen quickly inhaled it into his body and began to stabilize his initial stage of infant transformation.

In his dantian, his soul was slowly changing.

The originally milky white soul became more solid, gradually approaching the appearance of flesh and blood.

If you look carefully, except for the smaller size, there is no difference from the physical body.

"How is this possible..."

Thousands of miles away, the old man in black stood up, his eyes full of shock.

He never expected that there would be as many as three breakthroughrs outside the Immortal Palace.

One of them is a fairy, one is a human, and one is a monster?

Damn, how is this possible?

How do immortals, humans, and demons get mixed together?

"I don't care how you got together."

"You don't deserve such a strong power."

"Bring it all to me!"


The old man in black smiled ferociously and went straight to where Xiao Chen was.

He believed that when everyone had just broken through in cultivation, it was when their defenses were at their weakest.

If you can get close to them, you can kill the three of them in one go.

After the three people die, although the rewards from heaven and earth will stop, the energy in the air will not dissipate.

If you take this opportunity to devour the souls of three people, you can renew the heaven and earth rewards for free.

I have to say that the old man in black had a good idea, but the result was completely different from what he thought.

When he came to the square outside the Immortal Palace, he found that there was a powerful formation arranged here.

The old man in black finally understood why those old guys didn't come.

It turns out that they had already sensed it with their spiritual consciousness...

This defensive formation is extremely powerful and cannot be broken in a short time.

"Hmph! A bunch of idiots, even the most powerful formation has flaws."

The old man in black snorted and flew around quickly.

He flew for a long time but could not find a flaw in the formation, let alone break the formation.

The old man in black did not give up and continued to look for flaws in the formation, but still found none.

"What kind of immortal formation is this and why is it so powerful?"

The old man in black was so angry that he glared at the formation and gritted his teeth.

"You three, don't be so proud."

"I don't believe that you won't come out after you finish your training."

"I'll let you live a few more days."


The old man in black looked at where Xiao Chen was and said indignantly.

After saying that, he gave up looking for the flaws in the formation and turned to leave.

However, the old man in black did not go far, but hid nearby.

He wanted to wait for Xiao Chen to come out and kill him by surprise.

At the same time, 100,000 miles away, in a huge valley.

Hundreds of cultivators were sitting on the ground, sighing.

The clothes on these people looked exactly the same except for the different colors.

They were all disciples of Tiangang Sect, and almost all the people from the nine pavilions were here.

The leader was Lei Tengxu, the pavilion master of Tianlei Pavilion.

"What the hell is going on?"

Lei Tengxu was very depressed and muttered unhappily.

Not long ago, he crushed the beacon fire and summoned everyone here.

Except for Xiao Chen, all the living Tiangangmen disciples came.

But among these people, Xiao Chen, who he wanted to see the most, did not come.

Lei Tengxu had thought that Xiao Chen had discovered the immortal mansion and successfully entered it.

After a moment of thinking, this guy felt that it was unlikely.

The mysterious realm is so large, and there are monsters everywhere around.

It is not easy to find the immortal cave?

There is only one possibility, unless Xiao Chen did not come in.

Lei Tengxu was thinking deeply, and a woman walked towards him quickly.

"Master Lei, is Master Xiao here?"

Tang Zhihan came to Duan Chengfeng in a few steps and asked.

She didn't see Xiao Chen in the crowd, so she was a little anxious.

"You are his woman, don't you think it's ridiculous to ask me?"

Lei Tengxu snorted coldly and retorted unhappily.

"He has so many women. Does everyone know his whereabouts?"

Tang Zhihan thought of Ling Chuyin and replied with some jealousy.

"Uh... you make sense."

"Who knows which girl Xiao Chen is hanging out with."

"Of course, there is another possibility that he was eaten by the monsters here."


Because he didn't see Xiao Chen, Lei Tengxu was unhappy and teased unhappily.

However, just after he finished speaking, he saw an incredible scene.

In the distant void, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged.

A huge force was gathering towards that place at an astonishing speed.

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked up, and their eyes widened, full of disbelief.

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