Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 198 Drawing the Beast Talisman

"The talisman is up!"

Xiao Chen returned to Mei Chong Village, said hello to Wang Shun and Wang Yuwei, and then began to draw the talisman.

The talismans he used before were either brought from Qiyun Sect or looted from others.

The first time he drew a talisman, Xiao Chen had no idea at all.

He spread the yellow paper on the table, picked up the wolf hair brush, and added some cinnabar.

The way to draw the rune was too complicated.

Xiao Chen could only recall the appearance of the talisman, and draw it while thinking, and sometimes he accidentally drew it wrong.

Under high-intensity attention, when Xiao Chen finished drawing one, he was sweating all over his body.

This was a fireball talisman, Xiao Chen took it in his hand and threw it far away.

The talisman did not burn, but fluttered and fell to the ground.

"I didn't expect it to fail!"

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, picked up the talisman, and looked at it again and again.

Finally, he found the problem.

This talisman has a good appearance, but no soul.

A talisman without a soul is just a piece of waste paper no matter how beautiful it is.

All things have spirits, and spirits and souls are inseparable.

To exert the power of the talisman, you must integrate the spiritual power in your body into it.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, picked up the wolf hair brush again, and began to draw on the yellow paper.

To draw a talisman, you must finish it in one stroke without pausing.

Xiao Chen finished it in one go, and when the talisman was finished, the spiritual power was also integrated into it.

In an instant, the talisman was shining brightly, and disappeared into it.

After the first successful experience, the next talisman drawing became much simpler.

That night, Xiao Chen took a deep breath and decided to make a beast talisman.

In Xiao Chen's mind, the appearance of Zhu Jiuyin talisman emerged, and he slowly drew it.

Before he finished drawing, the yellow paper burned by itself, which was obviously a failure.

Xiao Chen did not give up, and continued to draw talismans, drawing dozens of them in a row.

Without exception, all ended in failure.

Time passed slowly. Xiao Chen didn't know how long he had been drawing, but he finally finished one.

Xiao Chen looked overjoyed. Just as he was about to continue drawing the talisman, he found that the yellow paper was used up.


Xiao Chen was a little embarrassed.

Several carts of yellow paper, all gone? The failure rate is not low!

Thinking of the power of Zhu Jiuyin Talisman, Xiao Chen felt relieved.

This kind of talisman can be used as a life-saving item, and it can fight even against a Jindan-stage strongman.

Xiao Chen put away the beast talisman and was about to sit cross-legged to practice when Wang Shun's voice rang in his ears.

"Brother Chen, something bad has happened, come out quickly..."

Wang Shun stood in front of the door, looking anxious, and knocked on the door loudly.

With a creak, the door opened and Xiao Chen walked out.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Chen realized that it was already dawn.

Unknowingly, he had been drawing talismans for a day and a night.

"Those bastards from Qiyun Sect are coming to kill us. Wang Yuwei is on top. Let's go over there quickly!"

Wang Shun didn't wait for Xiao Chen to answer, pulled his arm and ran straight out of the village.

In the air outside Mei Chong Village, there were densely packed, more than a hundred Qiyun Sect elders suspended.

The people in the village had never seen such a scene before, and they all ran over to watch.

"Oh my god, so many immortals!"

"What are these immortals doing? Why did they come to our village?"

"Could it be that they took a fancy to the disciples in the village and wanted to take them as disciples?"


In the crowd, everyone was talking and discussing.

One of the children was named Zhao Dazhu.

He rolled up his sleeves and spoke to the little kids around him with his head held high.

"You don't know this, do you? They are here to visit Uncle Xiao Chen."

"I heard that Uncle Xiao Chen is a powerful immortal."

"If these people want to break through their cultivation, they must seek guidance from Uncle Xiao Chen."


It has to be said that Zhao Dazhu is indeed a talent.

He boasts without blushing or beating his heart.

"Really? Do you know Uncle Xiao Chen?"

A friend walked up to Zhao Dazhu and asked.

"So, do you want to cultivate immortality?"

Zhao Dazhu suddenly asked.


The friends around him nodded hurriedly.

"One penny per person, no deception!"

Zhao Dazhu stretched out his hand and took the copper coins handed over by the children, his mouth was crooked with a smile.

"You don't want to cultivate immortality anymore?"

Zhao Dazhu saw that Zhou Xiaohu didn't give him money, and asked unhappily.


Zhou Xiaohu snorted coldly, pushed Zhao Dazhu away, and went straight to where the immortal was.

In the air, Wang Yuwei was dancing in white clothes.

She glared at Wu Yunfei and the others, her eyes full of vigilance.

"Junior Sister Wang, don't get me wrong, we are here to find Xiao Chen..."

Wu Yunfei found that Wang Yuwei's cultivation had recovered, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he hurriedly explained.

"Why are you looking for him?"

Wang Yuwei asked coldly.

"The seven-day appointment has come, and we are here to confess in front of his mother's grave."

Wu Yunfei looked embarrassed, but still told the truth.


Wang Yuwei was stunned, obviously a little unconvinced.

"Really, I didn't lie to you... Look, Xiao Chen is here..."

Wu Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xiao Chen flying over.

He was really afraid that he couldn't explain it clearly to Wang Yuwei and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

The Qiyun Sect's temple was small, and if Xiao Chen went back in anger, the sect would be finished.

"Let's start!"

Xiao Chen glanced at everyone and said indifferently.

"Everyone follow me!"

Wu Yunfei led everyone and went straight to the back mountain.

After everyone landed, they all bowed down and saluted without saying any nonsense.

"We can go!"

After three bows, Wu Yunfei looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Is this your sincerity in repenting?"

Xiao Chen sneered, his eyes full of displeasure.

"What do you want?"

Wu Yunfei heard the meaning of Xiao Chen's words, but felt a little embarrassed.

They are all immortals, and their cultivation level is not low. How can they salute like a mortal?

"Kneel down and repent!"

Xiao Chen gave a low drink and spoke coldly.


Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all looked at Xiao Chen angrily.

"Xiao Chen, don't bully others too much. We have given you a huge favor by being able to come and worship your mother."

Among the crowd, Jiang Hongwei, the leader of Qilian Peak, stood up and said dissatisfiedly to Xiao Chen.

"I need you to give me face? Either kneel down or die!"

Xiao Chen looked at Jiang Hongwei, his cold eyes exuding overwhelming murderous intent.

This guy was planning for Zhao Pengchao and wanted to kill him while he was training at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Chen didn't want to argue with him, but he didn't expect this guy to jump out and seek death.

"Come on! I want to see how you, alone, can kill all of us."

Jiang Hongwei offered up the magic weapon, holding it tightly in his hands, and said with disdain on his face.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yunfei and others' expressions changed drastically.

"Jiang Hongwei, you are crazy..."

Wu Yunfei took a step forward with an angry expression, signaling Jiang Hongwei not to be impulsive.

"Great Elder, it's not that I'm impulsive, but that Xiao Chen's request is too much."

Jiang Hongwei glanced at Xiao Chen and then said to Wu Yunfei.

Wu Yunfei also knew that it was too much, but the key was that he couldn't refuse.

Xiao Chen's strength is there, if he doesn't agree, he will definitely be killed on the spot.

"Xiao Chen, please keep a line in your behavior so that we can meet each other easily in the future. How about I kneel down and repent alone?"

Wu Yunfei knew that it was too difficult for everyone to apologize, so he took the initiative to propose this suggestion.

"Yes! You can leave alive."

Xiao Chen didn't waste any time, he pulled out a small bronze sword and floated it above his head.

Seeing this small sword, Li Shangxi's face changed drastically and his whole body trembled.

"Senior Brother Xiao, they don't kneel, I kneel..."

Li Shangxi, a typical coward, knelt in front of Xiao Chen's mother's grave with a plop.

One person knelt down, and the others knelt down one after another, except Jiang Hongwei.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, he controlled the small bronze sword, and headed straight towards Jiang Hongwei.

Jiang Hongwei didn't dodge, he knew that it would be useless to dodge again.

"Xiao Chen, I advise you to run away quickly. It won't be long before someone comes to take your life..."

With a ferocious smile, Jiang Hongwei suddenly raised his right hand and slapped his head, ending his life.

In fact, the reason why he jumped out was because he received a message and the other party asked him to delay for a moment or three.

Unexpectedly, the others did not cooperate at all, and Jiang Hongwei couldn't delay it even if he wanted to.

"The ancestors of Qiyun Sect, want to become enemies with Xiao?"

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, he looked at Wu Yunfei coldly, and said word by word.

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