Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1303 Water Plague Evil God

"Xiao Chen, you have to think clearly..."

Yu Qiushuang did not resist, staring at Xiao Chen's eyes, and spoke word by word.

Xiao Chen's eyes were fiery, his consciousness was confused, and his body was completely out of control.

Just now, Xiao Chen killed the black shadow with a sword.

The black shadow was the ghost, and there was a strange evil power in his body.

After the ghost died, the evil power eroded Xiao Chen's consciousness through the sword.

Then, through the death resentment, Xiao Chen's body was controlled.

If the two were in the outside world, Xiao Chen could completely resolve it with his own cultivation.

Here, the situation is special, and it is in the big formation.

What's more deadly is that there is an invisible force in the darkness.

This force, with extremely strange means, turned Xiao Chen into a puppet.

As long as the other party uses a little means, Xiao Chen can get Yu Qiushuang's body in an instant.


Xiao Chen didn't say anything and quickly tore off Yu Qiushuang's clothes.

Seeing the last piece of underwear about to leave the body...

Yu Qiushuang closed her eyes, tears burst out, drowning her world.


Xiao Chen smiled grimly and was about to take the next step.

At this time, the monster hidden in the dark smiled.

However, as soon as his smile appeared, it was replaced by shock.


The Hun Tian Sword flashed and came into the darkness at an astonishing speed.

"Impossible, how can you stay awake..."

The monster with a sheep's head and a human body appeared and made an unbelievable sound.

This guy is the real Wuliang, the son of the dead God.

The one just now was just a monster cultivated by this one.

To put it simply, those monsters are the sons of Wuliang.

This one is the ancestor of Wuliang, known as the God of Water Plague.

"Do you really think that all men like such ugly women?"

Xiao Chen stood up and said coldly to the God of Water Plague.

As he spoke, he controlled the Hun Tian Sword and continued to chase the God of Water Plague.

"Boy, this innate treasure can't kill me."

The God of Water Plague snorted coldly and dodged at an astonishing speed.

It must be said that the speed of the God of Water Plague is indeed too fast.

The afterimage flashed, and he easily avoided the pursuit of the Hun Tian Sword.

"Come on, Ding!!!"

Xiao Chen shouted and sacrificed the Hun Tian Ding.

He cast a series of complex immortal spells on the Ding.

The Hun Tian Ding grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye it was more than ten feet high.

The huge Ding body released a terrifying suction force and went straight to the God of Water Plague.

"How could that person's innate treasure be in your hands."

"Fuck, who are you, why do you look like that person?"

"I know, you are his descendant, how did you find this place?"


The God of Water Plague was scared to death and spoke incoherently.

After saying that, he gave up the fight and fled to the depths of the cave at an astonishing speed.

"Where are you escaping to..."

Xiao Chen grabbed Yu Qiushuang on the ground and quickly chased after her.

Although he was very fast, he still couldn't catch up with the God of Water Plague.

In a few breaths at most, the breath of the God of Water Plague disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also chased out of the cave, and the scene in front of him stunned him.

This is a huge basin, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and a powerful formation is arranged in the air.

In the middle of the basin, a high platform is set up, and countless flags are inserted around it.

These flags are strange, and the things they depict are even more terrifying.

Just as Xiao Chen was about to take a closer look, a voice suddenly came to his ears that made him speechless.

"Xiao Chen, are you really not interested in me?"

Yu Qiushuang couldn't help it, and asked with a pout.

What Xiao Chen said just now was too much of a blow to her.

Yu Qiushuang was quite confident about her appearance.

She could not love others, but she couldn't stand men saying she was ugly.

This is Yu Qiushuang's pain. No matter who says it, she will find the other party to argue.

"Appearance is just a stinking skin. Is ugliness or beauty really that important?"

Xiao Chen was too lazy to continue talking about this topic and replied casually.

"It's very important. Tell me, am I beautiful or not..."

Yu Qiushuang didn't mean to let Xiao Chen go, and asked angrily.

Just as Xiao Chen was about to answer, he suddenly heard a voice from behind the platform.

"There are people over there, let's go first..."

Xiao Chen signaled Yu Qiushuang not to speak, and was about to walk over with a cat step.

"You are crazy, that is the altar."

"If I guess correctly, it is also the center of this formation."

"If you go there rashly, this will be your burial place."


Yu Qiushuang recognized what the platform was, and pulled Xiao Chen to warn him.

"If this is a big tomb, how can there be an altar?"

Xiao Chen was stunned and asked in great surprise.

"You should know that the altar is a place to worship the gods."

"As long as you use the secret method, you can have a conversation with the gods."

"Now you should believe in the existence of the gods and the gods' world!"


Yu Qiushuang glared at Xiao Chen and said proudly.

The meaning in her eyes was very clear. I am a descendant of the gods and can be considered half a god.

If this god had not fallen to the mortal world, you would have been punished by the gods for what you did.

Xiao Chen did not answer Yu Qiushuang's words, but looked up behind the altar.

Over there, you can vaguely see figures flickering.

If you smell carefully, you can still smell the strong smell of blood in the air.

Apparently, there was a fierce battle there and some people even died.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to smell blood from such a long distance.

There is only one situation that can explain it. The blood on the man's body has dried up.

"The boy is dead?"

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up when he thought of this possibility.

If Dongdan Fuyu is really dead, he must find the other party's body quickly.

If the situation permits, collect the remaining souls of the other party and find a way to obtain the memory.

As soon as this idea appeared, Xiao Chen was confused again by the faint sound of fighting.

It can be heard from the sound that there seem to be many people coming here.

Could it be that besides Dongdan Fuyu, someone else came here?

"What's going on? Are all the people buried here resurrected?"

Yu Qiushuang also heard the sound and said to herself in disbelief.

"This place is restricted by spiritual consciousness, let's go over and have a look!"

Xiao Chen hesitated for a while and finally said this.

"We can't go. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave quickly..."

Yu Qiu Shuang was very rational. While shaking her head and speaking, she turned and left.

Xiao Chen did not follow him, he quickly walked towards the altar with a determined look in his eyes.

"Xiao Chen, are you looking for death?"

"What kind of place is this? Don't you have any idea?"

"If the Undertaker comes to life, you will be eaten alive."


Seeing Xiao Chen not leaving, Yu Qiushuang was furious and chased after him to scold him.

"If you want to leave, go..."

Xiao Chen left these words and walked over without looking back.

"Hmph! You can commit suicide, I won't play with you anymore."

Yu Qiushuang stared at Xiao Chen's back and shouted with disappointment.

After saying that, she didn't hesitate at all and returned the same way as quickly as possible.

As soon as she walked to the cave, Yu Qiushuang was dumbfounded. She couldn't get out!

Without a man by your side, you can't form a negative yin and hold a yang, and you can't even think of leaving alive.

"Xiao Chen, come back here, I can't live without you..."

Yu Qiushuang was so angry that she lost her mind and shouted uncontrollably.

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