World of the War Machine

Chapter 368: New body

The charge felt that the flying eagle seemed to be floating, an ultra-AI, a brick kept a dog as a pet, not to say, what name is the dog named Youzes? Is this definitely floating?

The point of the problem is that Uzes is also the name of a gangster in their civilization. It belongs to an extremely black kind. It is the kind of total boss behind the scenes in any world. Compared with this person, Flying Eagle is basically... It was the one who was bullied and fooled. Sure enough, the name of the dog named Youzesi was floating.

However, there is another idea in the charge, this time we must return to Blue Star with Qin Yun, even if Flying Eagle does not send Qin Yun back to Blue Star, he will send it, the purpose is to look at the dog called Youzesi, and then give That dog took a picture, yes, that's it.

Suddenly I felt a little excited about how to think about it. I was so excited. I was able to see Feiying's second-product deflated in the future. I was very happy when I thought about it. Hahaha, I can’t help it.

Then the charge suddenly disappeared in front of Qin Yun's eyes. It was accompanied by a very slight spatial distortion, and disappeared instantly without a trace.

Qin Yun: "???

Feiying said a little embarrassedly: "Why are you saying it."

Qin Yun suddenly disappeared without understanding how to charge, of course, he understood what might be the means of space jump, but it was too sudden, and he did not understand what the flying eagle is saying now.

Qin Yun asked: "How?"

"No." The light of the flying eagle's shell lit up quickly, and said, "You shouldn't say that the stupid dog's name is Uzes. Forget it."

Qin Yun shook his head inexplicably: "Where did he go?"

At this time when Qin Yun was not sure to leave, the mysterious incident once again fell on the Stargate Alliance fleet, but this time it was not Qin Yun’s Babel fortress, but the fortress of the Carel fleet.

So even if Feiying didn't say where the charge went, Qin Yun soon knew.

A communication called Qin Yun to the headquarters, saying that the fleet of Calel had changed, and then all the fleets at Star Gate began to get nervous, but watching the fleet of Calel begin to approach their fortress, and a After the root pipe was connected to the fortress like the previous Star Fortress, a fireworks feast that lasted for several hours appeared in everyone's eyes.

Beautiful, the whole fortress plus so many battleships in Calel, with all kinds of mechas, anyway, as long as the energy-consuming gadgets are all put out to start a trick show, energy shield, electromagnetic stand weapon, and that The countless rays of light are scattered all over the entire universe.

The beams of light exploded, exploding in countless light spots and spreading in circles, just like the rainbow rain forming a colorful light curtain. It is very beautiful to appreciate.

Qin Yun saw these knowingly and knew where the charge was going. With the passing of the first mysterious event, the second mysterious event appeared immediately.

I don’t know how many people looked at each other under the energy dump of Calel. Some people thought that what happened before the Babel fortress was intentionally made by Qin Yun, but now this is even true of Calel. Did it counterattack or really did it happen, what exactly happened the same bizarre situation in succession?

Really TM horror, is there really a ghost?

Qin Yun once again lamented the situation in the fortress of Caler. This charge is indeed a rash product, but at least it is okay, he still has a brain, and his work is very organized. Even the mattress wool is not staring. Babel came to a fortress and knew to change the place, but the flying eagle came up with two brains.

No, it should be said that Feiying usually has no brains, and both Super AIs are snake spermosis.

Qin Yun didn't sigh away from the headquarters until Calel was quiet. He didn't forget to ask people to question Caler, which meant asking for care.

When Qin Yun saw the charge again, this guy was already in Qin Yun's bedroom.

Qin Yun opened his mouth but said nothing in the end, but Flying Eagle jumped out of Qin Yun's pocket and laughed hahaha.

"You're a scumbag, you can't control yourself, ha ha ha."

The charge may have released a pass, and now my mood and emotions are very flat: "I am more curious. After contacting there, some people know that you have a dog called Uzes. I don’t know if you will eventually become a party. Still become round."

Flying Eagle: "!!!!!! I haven't, you bullshit."

"Ha ha."

Feiying stopped talking and slowly returned to Qin Yun's pocket.

But Qin Yun grabbed Feiying and pulled him out: "Don't make trouble, how do you send me back?"

Flying Eagle said: "Using hyperspace navigation technology you can reach Blue Star in a few seconds, but this process is very troublesome, your body does not have hyperspace navigation capabilities, nor space jumping capabilities, then you say you want to It would be even more troublesome to go back without knowing it."

The charge said aside: "What is the trouble, you can show him the form and send him back directly. The technological level of this world has not found you possible."

"Don't." Feiying refused decisively without hesitation: "I don't want to show the form, I like this way. He is not the only one this time. After this time, I will definitely frequent Blue Star and Star Gate. Don’t use it as a means of transportation every time. It’s very troublesome to change this kind of form.”


Qin Yun rolled his eyes and shook his head instead of looking at the second product but looked at the charge: "So how to do Feiying Road:" Anyway, don't let me use it as a means of transportation for you, now You want to ride me very early, I promise you to let you go back, but I haven't said I will take you there. "

"It's easy for you to go back, anyway, just give you a way to go back, right?"

Qin Yun: "That's what I said, but you took it out."

Flying Eagle replied: "I'm going to give you a body to use as a means of transportation. Do you want me to take it out for you?"

Qin Yun was surprised: "The body?"

Feiying hummed twice: "Since the charge has already been said, I will include you in the official legion permission level. I naturally have to give you what the corresponding permission level should have. That is really to add something to you. There aren’t many, and it’s okay to give you a body."

"Under normal circumstances, a Class B pilot will always have a body with super space navigation capabilities, and in our legion, even a Class C pilot has more than one body to deal with various situations, so It is also necessary to prepare another body for you."

Qin Yun felt a little surprised and asked, "What kind of body is it."

"You have the dawn of the main battle body, and what you need now is a body that allows you to travel freely and will not be discovered, so it must be a high-speed body with high enough stealth performance, and it needs to be with dawn. Mechas have completely different characteristics and can adapt to situations where Dawn Mechas are not suitable."

"So the body I prepared for you this time is a deformed fighter. This body is still a real body, but there are very special places. You will know the specifics by then."

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