World of the War Machine

Chapter 172: Decide

I recommend Captain Nicholas to the Technology Development Department. This has already been promised. Qin Yun also feels that Captain Nicholas is really a little bit technically capable. Since he is developing a body for himself, how can he not take Nicholas? The captain, the technical officer who knew him best, inserted it.

Although Qin Yun felt that if Captain Nicholas could be kept under his control, it would be possible to get something special from time to time, but it is always impossible to have a dedicated development department on the battleship to make Nicholas better. The captain exerted his abilities, and after the development of the new aircraft was completed, it was not the same that he could transfer Captain Nicholas to do his own body maintenance.

However, it is not possible to have an accurate time for the development of the body. When it will be able to deliver the body to Qin Yun, so after the destruction of the red comet, Qin Yun will receive the body to a great extent. It could be a body like Red Comet 2.

But since it is to develop a new body for himself, the department will definitely come over and ask him about the requirements of the body after the establishment, so Qin Yun must now think about what he wants from the body.

The firepower is strong, the speed is high, and the armor can be average, but the energy output must be very high. Can you also make a larger, more powerful backpack?

But it is difficult to say whether the federal government has these similar technical reserves. It will take a short time to develop all of them from scratch.

Qin Yun initially chose his driving direction at the request of the Flying Eagles, but now he really feels that firepower and speed are the most important on this kind of battlefield. Speaking of which fighting needs to be considered in the real department , Fighting ability can reach a certain level then it is enough.

Assault specialization is originally a general specialization. It relies on high-speed mobile interspersion to fight. It is really unrealistic to want a full combat operation like a super-system robot. So Qin Yun can now be regarded as a more true battlefield Clear perception.

Fighting ability is of course necessary. In the face of pilots of the same level, it is completely dependent on shooting, but it can only play a greater role on the battlefield. Accurate shooting and huge firepower. The eagle had told him this in reality.

So Qin Yun hopes that the next body will continue to have powerful firepower. There are at least four real wire-controlled guns, but also faster speed, flexibility and maneuverability that will not deform at this speed.

As for the reward of the flying eagle, Qin Yun has already figured out what he should choose, technology, a complete set of C-class airframe technology. This technology can allow the federal government to develop new airframes faster. Technology to create a special body for Qin Yun.

The federal strength can be improved, and the next counterattack will be able to occupy more advantages. The confrontation with Galler, who has not yet participated in the war, can do more. The overall strength is always better than one. An artificial life or a warframe is better.

Even with these two rewards, Qin Yun believes that there will definitely be a chance to get these things in the future, so don't worry, it is the most correct choice to choose a technology that can improve the overall federation.

Although he couldn't take the technology out of his hands directly, there was no way to explain the source of the technology, but there are still many ways to put the technology into the hands of the Federation.

After coming out of the conference room, Qin Yun returned directly to the Thor. He did n’t know what to do next, but he still asked for a few people. Of course, it ’s impossible to assign him all the elite members of the Fourth Fleet. So he just asked President Zhou how many people he wanted.

At that time, there will be 50 warships in the independent fleet, but the specific number is still difficult to say, and the number of pilots carried by the Vulcan is 60. The other 49 battleships also have about 300 pilots. Carrying amount.

Although these pilots are good to say, they will all be composed of elite pilots, but probably only the elite pilots who can achieve full quota on the Vulcan, and the other is to choose the tallest from the short and try to pick some. Better people were transferred, and this transfer was targeted at the entire federal military, so the impact on the fleets would not be so great, and this impact could almost be ignored.

Moreover, the fleets are really ready to stop here to Qin Yun. The type of Daipei is to want Qin Yun's guidance and help to improve, so that each fleet can come up with its own trump card.

Not only the fleets, but also the military side. The role and importance of the pilots have been fully reflected in Qin Yun. The military is also preparing to arrange some people to learn from Qin Yun's team. At present, Qin Yun cannot be specifically transferred out as a training instructor for pilots, but if Qin Yun can train a batch of instructors, it will be of great help to the military.

Therefore, in fact, it is estimated that there will be some people in Qin Yun's Vulcan, even if they have reached the elite level, they will only temporarily serve under Qin Yun's hands. After a period of time, they will still leave the independent fleet. Return to your original team.

Fifty warships counted more than 300 pilots, and it would be almost enough to have a hundred elite pilots. Qin Yun also thought that this would be enough.

Today, the meeting Qin Yun will participate in is also here for the time being. The Independent Fleet will have another week to set up, and this time is of course the longest one week, but now it ’s still invisible. Qin Yun can only Wait for the specific transfer order first.

Not long after returning to Thor, two people, Hunt and another Brigadier General of the Fourth Fleet, no, and three of Hunt ’s Lieutenant Captain Lin stopped Qin Yun and took them to Thor's lounge. in.

As a flagship, how could it not have its own lounge, and even plant some flowers and plants, just like a small indoor park.

Four people and two people were sitting. Hunter couldn't be Captain Lin and he didn't dare to sit. Qin Yun was also somehow confused. The three people brought themselves over to do something.

Hunter is afraid to pat Qin Yun's shoulder now. He is just strong in muscle. Qin Yun is simply invincible. So he stood on a walking car and said to Qin Yun: "This is Brigadier General Mo, the fourth The Deputy Minister of the Fleet Military Affairs, but my dear brother, how did you go out and come back in a while? It is already a colonel. Although you are a colonel, you have greater authority than me. "

Qin Yun smiled: "President Meng, they saw that they were promoted two levels at once and also became the commander of the independent fleet. I did not expect that this would become the case. How did you know so quickly, it has not been announced yet. What. "

Hunt pouted and said, "This kind of thing that does not need to be kept secret will of course spread immediately. I am afraid that all things about the military about you will soon spread out. One person destroys hundreds of mechas. Ten Nine-year-old colonel, my God, your younger brother, you are a real NB, even without muscles, you are a real NB. "

"Let's wait until the next time the sister-in-law raises them, and let them take a good look at you. Don't forget to learn me if you have the chance."

Brigadier General Mo looked at Hunter with a black line and thought that this silly big **** was really not particular about talking, and he was the deputy director of the Fourth Fleet's Military Department, which made Nima uncomfortable. The key is that the two guys are equal and this is the flagship captain.

Brigadier General Mo headed directly to Qin Yun and said in a friendly manner: "This time, Commander Zhou and Commander Bai Li asked me to come and introduce you to the operation of the fleet and teach you some experience."

As soon as Qin Yun's eyes lighted up, he was still reliable. He nodded and said to Brigadier General Mo: "Thank you, Brigadier General Mo. When you came here, I really didn't know anything."

"Understandable." Brigadier General Mo nodded with a smile, and said, "After all, you have not even served as the official captain. Suddenly, it ’s normal for a commander to jump into a fleet. Commander Zhou and Bai Li The commander thought of this, and let me come here to introduce it to you. "

"First of all, the fleet you will be leading next belongs to the independent fleet from the organizational system, which means that in addition to its size being different from other conventional fleets, this fleet itself is an independent conventional fleet, but the size is different, and Under the direct jurisdiction of the Space Force Headquarters, Commander Raymond. "

"But you do n’t have a base of your own ~ ~, nor a subsidiary department such as the Technical Department. It is a pure combat fleet, and all logistics supplies are provided directly to you by the Lunar Base. But for a fleet, it also has to have its powers. "

"Now for you, the military affairs of the headquarters, the fleet, or the description of internal affairs should be more suitable. The logistics and other aspects of the structure must also be perfected. It is not necessary to create a regular department like the fleets. However, there must always be corresponding direct management measures, and the persons responsible for some related work still need to be designated. "

Qin Yun nodded again and again and said that he had made all the notes. Next, Brigadier General Mo has been pulling dry goods out of his stomach, how to manage it, how to be responsible for logistic docking, cross-department establishment, restrictions on the internal power of the fleet, and internal rectification. Regarding the adjustment of personnel affairs, Qin Yun is really imparting many years of management experience in military affairs and internal affairs.

I will also give some specific examples for illustration, trying to make Qin Yun use a straightforward method to figure it out.

Brother Hunt is picking his nose and ears from time to time, and with a complete look, I just accompany you to say what I don't understand. Instead, Captain Lin listened very carefully and remembered.

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