Working Prophet

Chapter 865 A guess

Thomas thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, the conversation between us was very ordinary, just reminiscing about old times. She didn't ask me anything related to Lady Ilea or this war, and she didn't give me anything. "

"That's weird," Kaiden said.

Thomas said, "I will lead people to patrol the surrounding area again, and send more people to guard outside your tent, Lady Ilea."

"If the female assassin named Selina wanted to assassinate the Queen, she shouldn't have alerted you and went to see you first." Kaiden analyzed, "But there is no harm in being cautious."

Ilea also said, "She was caught in my room before, and I still don't know why she missed it. She probably won't approach me again until we figure it out."

Thomas returned to the tent and wanted to take a few bites of bread to pad his stomach before going on patrol, but when he grabbed the bread on the plate, his eyes were attracted by the wooden wine glass on the ground.

Thomas remembered Kaiden's previous question, so he hurriedly put down the bread in his hand and returned to Ilea's military tent.

The guard captain found Kaiden and said to the latter, "I just thought of something. When Selina came to see me, she did not give me anything, but she took something from me."


"My wine glass contains the mead issued by the army tonight." Thomas said, "She threw the wine glass to the ground."

Kaiden's eyes moved slightly and he returned to the tent without saying a word.

She also had a glass of mead tonight, but Kaiden, who was used to drinking real wine in another dimension, was not very interested in the low-alcohol fake wine in this plane.

So he put it down after taking a sip. Kaiden put the wine glass under his nose and smelled it, feeling that the smell was a bit pungent.

But she didn’t know what real mead tasted like, so she gave it to Thomas.

"Smell it and see if there's anything wrong with it."

Thomas sniffed it, even tasted it a little bit later, and concluded, "I can't tell anything unusual about it."

Miss Rabbit was also alarmed at this moment, and walked out of the tent again. When she saw Thomas, she asked doubtfully, "Is there anything else?"

The guard captain looked seriously and said, "Did you drink the cup of mead that was sent to me before?"


"Do you feel any discomfort in your body now?"


Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems we have thought too much."

But Kayden didn’t think so. She looked at Miss Rabbit and said, “You told me before that when Allister occupied the Crescent Land, the lords who opposed him gathered together and formed a large army.

"But during the final decisive battle, the army first lost their commander, and then widespread diarrhea occurred in the army, causing them to lose the crucial battle. It is said that this was all the means of the Life Church."

Ilea opened her mouth wide, "You want to say that Cornelia plans to repeat her same tricks on us? But aren't we always careful?

"This batch of food comes from the territory of Lilania and his wife. We are helping them regain the Golden Valley. There is no need for them to harm us.

"And all water sources and food have been inspected repeatedly after being transported here. No one has been poisoned so far."

Kayden had difficulty explaining the causes of diarrhea to others, and she herself had limited medical knowledge.

But luckily she knew who would understand these things.

Liu Xuebin is the only doctor among the followers. Even if he is just a pet doctor, his medical skills are centuries ahead of his counterparts on this continent. He accompanied him as a military doctor during this expedition.

Kaiden quickly found him and told him his previous speculation.

Liu Xuebin blinked, "Diarrhea, excluding indigestion, cold and mental reasons, it is usually caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infection."

"But it has been several hours since everyone drank the mead. Many people should have started to have diarrhea due to ordinary bacterial infections, but I have not received such a patient here yet."

"So it's just a false alarm?"

Liu Xuebin did not answer. He pondered for a moment and said to Kaiden, "Tell me again about the war that happened in the Crescent Land, and about the Life Church."

After Kaiden finished speaking, Liu Xuebin couldn't help but sigh, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, there are supernatural powers in this universe, but they should be based on some kind of enhancement of the living things themselves, but this is also very powerful.

"By the way, there is a person in our church who can communicate with mice, right? It's incredible!"

"Stop just sighing, do you have an idea of ​​what's going on right now?" Kaiden interrupted Liu Xuebin's admiration.

The latter nodded, "If it's not a completely unexplainable magic, I think the most likely guess is parasites."


"Well, parasites may also cause diarrhea, and parasites generally have a development process in the body, which can take two or three days in a short time, or even more than a month in a long time. This can explain why our body does not have Something is abnormal."

"Are you sure?" Kaiden frowned.

Liu Xuebin spread his hands and said, "What are you thinking? Of course you can't. I don't have any testing equipment at hand. It's just a guess."

"Then if it's a parasite, can you treat it?"

"It should be possible, as long as it's not a parasite that I've never heard of, albendazole, triclabendazole, metronidazole... there's always something that can treat the symptoms. I actually have a little here, but not that much.

"Because I didn't expect so many people to be infected by parasites."

"It doesn't matter. It just so happens that Prophet Merlin will be here tonight. We can ask him to bring some more medicine, if it's late."

Selena's appearance made everyone who was almost dazzled by a series of easy victories become nervous again.

Miss Rabbit specially sent out scouts to look for traces of nearby enemies, and later added many patrols.

But until the next morning, nothing happened.

Lilania and Pipo have also arrived to join the girl. The combined number of armies from both sides has exceeded 20,000.

In addition, Ilea's second unit also entered the Golden Valley this morning, and everything seems to be developing for the better.

However, Kaiden did not relax his vigilance, but became more and more convinced of the existence of parasites.

Miss Rabbit suspended the supply of mead to the officers and did not order the army to move forward. However, she hesitated and did not choose to follow Duren's advice and retreat to the nearby castle.

Especially after Li Yu brought back a lot of insecticides and a microscope this time, Liu Xuebin used the microscope to do a routine examination of his stool. He found insect eggs in it and said that they could be treated. Miss Rabbit The desire to fish arose again.

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