Working Prophet

Chapter 818 Reunion

It is said that a short farewell is better than a newlywed, and besides, Li Yu was away for a full month this time.

When he returned to the Bratis continent again, Miss Rabbit jumped up happily and jumped towards him with a tiger pounce.

Upon seeing this, Li Yu quickly dropped the third-generation traveler backpack he was holding, stretched out his hand to catch the girl, and Ilea hung on him like a sloth.

"You're back!!!"

"I'm back." Li Yu said.

"I never thought a month would be this long."

"Sorry, I brought you a gift." Li Yu said as he reached for the backpack at his feet, but the girl did not get off him.

Miss Rabbit stayed close to Li Yu for a while, and even put her cheek to Li Yu's ear, sniffing the faint scent of shampoo left on his hair, and then returned to the ground with satisfaction.

Then she moved her eyes to the backpack in Li Yu's hand and said excitedly, "What did you bring me, a Coke?"

Miss Rabbit has drunk a lot of earth drinks, but her favorite is the sweet black syrup with a lot of gas.

"Coke next time." Li Yu said, "I brought you something else this time."

The prophet who was on vacation opened his backpack and took out everything inside, including lanolin, wine, a pair of snow boots, Brela boots, biscuits, chocolate, milk powder, jam...

The girl's eyes were almost dazzled.

"Wow, so many, are they all for me?"

Li Yu nodded and said, "Yes, these are all for you."

"But you just gave me a dress not long ago." The girl unscrewed a bottle of jam, put it under her nose and smelled it, then stretched out her index finger, dipped some in her mouth, and her eyes immediately lit up.

"It's delicious." As she said this, she opened the lanolin oil again, dipped some in it and put it in her mouth, but was stopped by Li Yu.

"This is not for food, but for skin care."

"Skin care?"

"Yes, it's about protecting your skin and keeping it shiny and firm."

"Isn't my skin shiny and firm enough?" Miss Rabbit pricked up her ears.

"No, no, it's just a precaution."

Li Yu then simply introduced the uses of those things to the girl. He was worried that someone might not remember them, so he wrote a note on them.

Then he asked the female lord, "Have you encountered any trouble during my absence?"

Miss Rabbit shook her head, "It's no trouble. The war is going very smoothly. If nothing else happens, we will be able to control all the land in the Western Region in another week, but..."

"But what?"

"But both Claudio and Allister sent envoys to find me."

"A member of the Vespasian family?"

"Alister hopes that I will recognize his status as emperor. If necessary in the future, I will respond to his call and follow him to fight everywhere. In return, he will make me the Guardian of the West.

"As for Claudio, he is also willing to let me become the guardian of the West. He just wants me to let Ilkander and his five thousand people go. Who do you think I should listen to?"

Li Yu did not answer the girl's question, but instead asked, "What do you want to choose?"

"If I feel right, they seem to be wooing me now."

"Well, after all, you defeated Solomon and the army he led and drove them out of the west, and we now have a dragon. Whoever wants to be emperor, Claudio or Allister, will get your support. The odds of winning are greatly increased.”

"But when the Western Territory was invaded by Solomon, no one thought of us."

Speaking of this, the female lord became a little angry, "Claudio has been pretending to be dead and hiding somewhere, and Allister is also shrinking in the north, without any movement.

"And as soon as we defeated those Wing Tribe people, they couldn't wait to jump out. Allister even considered himself the emperor of the empire. This is too despicable."

Li Yu didn't answer.

Miss Rabbit was a little proud in the afternoon. It felt like both Claudio and Allister were vying to canonize her. This proved that everyone quite recognized her as the new master of the West.

However, while she was waiting for Li Yu, she had nothing to do and thought about it again, but she felt a little unhappy again.

"It's's like the wheat we planted was harvested by others."

The girl gestured, feeling a little inappropriate after she finished speaking, and explained, "I'm not saying that I want to be the emperor. Being the new master of the Western Region is something I couldn't even imagine before. I don't care about Claudio and Allister, who becomes the next emperor of the empire, just feels they should be a little more sincere."

"Then don't choose anyone." Li Yu said.


"You said they all want to win over you, you can wait."

The girl's eyes lit up, "You're right, this is just like bargaining in business. We shouldn't sell things so quickly. We can hold them in our hands for a while. This can also stimulate competitors to sell. Higher prices.”

However, she frowned again as she said this, "I'm afraid that if it drags on for too long, the party that wins in the end will be dissatisfied with us."

Li Yu did not interrupt. His main energy now is focused on the affairs of Shuangxiujiao. Miss Rabbit has gradually matured. The prophet of Shuangxiujiao is also deliberately cultivating her ability to make decisions on her own, and only guides when necessary. one time.

The female lord thought for a while, then relaxed her brows, "I don't have this kind of courage, and I will definitely not be the emperor in the end. Then I will write back to them and tell them that I am not ready to become the guardian of this land." ."

Seeing that the entire Western Territory was about to be recovered, the female lord was not so anxious. Anyway, the lords under her now regarded her as the new owner of this land.

It doesn't matter if she takes the title of temporary agent first and waits for a while.

After making the decision, Miss Rabbit felt a lot more relaxed, but there was still a problem she needed to deal with right now, and that was Ilkand.

The territory occupied by the latter was now surrounded by the rebels. After careful consideration, the female lord did not intend to follow the Second Sons Alliance's request and let Ilkander go.

Regardless of whether what the Second Sons League said is true or not, Ilkander was the direct murderer of Marquis Cullen. Clovis's death had already caused dissatisfaction among some nobles. If Ilea bypassed Irkander, , will definitely attract more criticism.

In addition, the most important thing is that the female lord also respects Marquis Cullen. She wants to become the new owner of this land, and it is her duty to avenge Marquis Cullen.

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