Working Prophet

Chapter 795 Conquering Rock Snow City

This battle ended faster than Ilea expected.

The defenders in the city were frightened by the roar of the white dragons and Italian artillery, and had no fighting spirit at all.

And the old oak tree was just like Ywang's analysis. Seeing that the situation was not good, he only resisted for a moment and immediately led his people to sneak away from the east gate.

Yanxue City is not his territory, and he has no interest in defending the city for the Figuerola family. He just took this opportunity to retreat to Lake City to join Solomon's army.

His departure caused the morale of the remaining defenders in the city to completely collapse.

Kamzi easily captured the city gate without much effort, and then the rebel army poured into Rock Snow City.

They encountered almost no decent resistance along the way, and easily took over important facilities such as city walls, granaries, and ordnance depots.

Finally came to the castle of the Figueirola family.

This castle was originally built by the Enriquez family, which cost a lot of manpower and material resources. After Snowclaw Philip took over, he not only repaired it, but also further strengthened its defense.

The inner city wall was raised so that it was nearly half higher than the outer city. Then trenches were dug in front of the castle and a stone bridge was built. Now it has become a small fortress.

The stone bridge outside the wall has been closed as expected, but there is a figure standing at the end of the road.

Everyone heard his curse before they came far away.


"You have broken those sacred and ancient vows!!! You have blasphemed the ancient spirit of your family and shamed your ancestors and descendants!!!"

"You will definitely be cast aside by the people in this land!!! The people here will not surrender to you, they will show you their tenacity and unyielding character..."

Fabrice pulled the reins, stopped the horse, and interrupted the man.

"With all due respect, we didn't feel any tenacity or unyieldingness when we entered the city. I didn't even find where your army was. They all disappeared before they saw us.

"And why didn't you escape back to the castle and be with your people, Lord Guise?"

"Because I want to stay here and scold you despicable villains in front of you!" the nobleman named Giss said angrily, his beard trembling as he spoke.

"I want you to see the courage of the Figueirola family. I am not afraid of your bows and arrows!"

"If you were really so courageous, you should have led us to fight against the Wing Raider instead of betraying Sir Ilea."

Yinsong, who came from behind, also interjected.

However, Guise still kept chattering, "Ilea is a despicable [beep]. If Marquis Cullen hadn't spoken for her, she would never have been able to become the head of the Arias family. As a result, she was not only ungrateful, but also He also betrayed Piscia.

"He got together with the vicious heretic named Merlin, and then he turned to the evil path. He even wanted to replace the Figuerola family. David shouldn't have just killed her father, he should have killed her too!"

"Have you scolded enough?" Thomas also rushed over at this time, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and one hand was already pressed on the hilt of the sword.

However, Gis showed no fear, and looked at the young knight with a provocative look, sneering, "What, you dare to do it but not admit it? You eggless cowards, if you dare, kill me!"

Veins popped up on Thomas's arm, and he was about to draw his sword when he was held down by Kamzi, "Don't be impulsive, he is eager for you to kill him now, so that he can leave his name forever.

"And you are Lord Ilea's vassal, if you kill him, the debt will be settled on Lord Ilea's head."

"Then am I here to listen to him making rumors and insulting Lady Ilea?" Thomas said coldly.

"Of course not," Kamzi shook his head, "I'll have him taken prisoner first, and we'll discuss how to deal with him later. The top priority now is to knock down the castle in front of us and capture Clovis."

Before Kamzi finished speaking, he heard a whoosh, and something flew past his shoulder.

When he looked back, he found that Geese, who was still chattering and squirting vigorously, suddenly closed his mouth. His neck was pierced by a sharp arrow, and blood was pouring out.

He covered his neck with one hand and stared at the archer with wide eyes.

"Who did this?!" Ramsay said angrily.

"Me." Jude threw away the bow and arrow in his hand nonchalantly, "I am not from Sir Ilea, I am just the deputy commander of the Black Dog Guard. I should be able to kill him."

After saying that, he looked at Guis again, "Stop talking bad about the Prophet Merlin in the future. Oh, by the way, if you see your ancestors after you die, remember to tell them that they are the Enriquez family. Jude sent you to greet them."

After Jude finished speaking the last word, Keith's body fell backwards and fell into the deep ditch.

This small episode did not affect the next actions of the army.

When the people arrived, the nobles began to attack the castle, but this time their opponents were the guards of the Figuerola family.

These people were all professional soldiers who did not have to engage in production. They were highly skilled in martial arts and loyal to the Figuerola family. They were not frightened by the dragons and cannons like the militiamen and garrison troops in the outer city.

Relying on the tall and solid city walls and the rebels launched a deal.

It's a pity that their number is too small. Marquis Cullen brought some of the family elites to deal with the savages, but most of them were buried in the small valley with Marquis Cullen.

Afterwards, Ge Wen was defeated in the Scaled City and lost more than half of his elite troops. Now there are less than 400 guards left in the castle, and some are newly recruited.

The fighting power is obviously not as good as those veterans. In addition, the White Queen visited here before, and burned some people to death, and the trebuchet on the city wall can no longer be used.

With the onslaught of the rebel army, the people in the castle soon became overwhelmed.

But what makes everyone a little strange is that Clovis has not shown up until this moment. Hells is still being detained by the Wing Tribe people at the moment. Clovis is the actual person in charge of the Figuerola family now.

But he didn't go up to the city wall to command the battle. At this time, even if he scolded the enemy on the city like Guise, it would be good to boost the morale of his men.

Or did he escape with Old Oak and his gang?

Camzi frowned, when did Clovis become so cunning?

However, those Yi people already had Hells in their hands, and it seemed useless to ask for another Clovis.

He was thinking about hearing someone report that Clovis had been found, in the library.

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