Working Prophet

Chapter 555 You Are Crazy

A look of astonishment appeared on Du Lun's face when he heard this.

What shocked the captain of the Royal Guard even more was that the knight knight who left came back not long after, and he was accompanied by the priestess and two of her followers.

One of them is Selina, who was put back by Miss Rabbit not long ago.

The latter also saw the female lord, and then seemed to think of something, and his expression darkened.

But the female lord's attention was not on her at the moment, because Ilea heard Li Yu say, "Du Lun is in trouble now."


"Looking like this, he should have reached some kind of alliance with Cornelia before. Unfortunately, Cornelia has changed her mind now, or maybe she just wanted to use Duren from the beginning and had no intention of actually doing it. of working with Duren.”

"This is too despicable." Miss Rabbit said angrily.

She has nothing to do with Garth or Duren, but she has a good impression of the captain of the Kingsguard, because most people don't have his courage.

It is not very wise to conflict with the new emperor who is about to be crowned for the sake of a dead monarch.

And Duren's current situation doesn't seem to be very good.

Cornelia's appearance obviously exceeded the expectations of the captain of the royal guard, especially after careful inspection, Duren did not see any traces of torture on the body of the priestess.

Cornelia's expression was the same as usual. After entering the palace, she first saluted Garth and then said, "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

Gars was very satisfied with this title and returned the greeting to the priestess, "High Priest Cornelia, the man next to you told me that you used magic four days ago to penetrate into Sir Clyde's heart. Is this thing true?"

The priestess glanced at Clyde who was looking nervous, nodded and said simply, "It's true."

Hearing these words, hope reignited in Du Lun's eyes.

Garth continued to ask, "Did Clyde send anyone to Lard Street to buy a poison called Blood Feast?"

"Sorry, I haven't seen such a thing in his heart." Cornelia shook her head.

"Then have you ever reminded my father that someone wants to poison him?"

"I did receive an oracle from the goddess, but the oracles are usually not so straightforward and easy to understand. I told the late emperor that something very bad might happen next, but unfortunately he did not tell me Take your warning to heart.”

"Priest Cornelia, this is different from what you told me originally." The captain of the royal guard said in shock.

When the priestess heard this, she turned back to look at Duren. This was the first time she had seriously looked at the captain of the royal guard since entering the hall.

After a moment, a look of concern appeared in Cornelia's eyes, "Sir Duren, you did come to ask me some questions after the death of the late emperor, but I told you at that time that your Majesty had nothing to do with this matter. Any relationship.

"If you have any mental problems, you can tell me. As long as you pray to the goddess sincerely, the goddess will heal you."

The captain of the royal guard's heart sank, "But three days ago you clearly sent someone to find me and asked me to see you. You also warned me not to investigate further, otherwise..."

"There is no such thing." Cornelia said with certainty. Seeing that Duren was still arguing, the priestess took the initiative and said, "Then do you still remember where you met me? Has anyone around you seen us? Meet?"

Duren was speechless.

Even if he doesn't have a keen sense of politics, he can still smell a hint of conspiracy.

When Cornelia met him, she specially led him to a remote alley, and all the travelers she followed were wearing cloaks. Even if someone saw them, they would never recognize that they were the priestesses of the Church of Life.

But the captain of the royal guard didn't want to give up just like that. He took a deep breath and calmed down before continuing.

"I have another witness, the black marketeer who sells poison. He can also prove that someone from the Wendell family bought the blood feast.

"His nickname is Fat Cat, and he is very famous in the Lard Street area.

"Not only that, there was also a guard from the defense team present at the time, nicknamed Little Thumb. He can also prove what I said..."

Before Duren could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Duke Tinton, "Your Majesty, we have been delayed a lot of time. If we delay any longer, we will miss the best moment of the coronation ceremony.

"Stop listening to this lunatic's nonsense. Just have him escorted to the garrison first."

However, at this time, Gals was not anxious at all. He waved his hand and said, "Finding the murderer of my father is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if you take a little time. At the worst, you guys will have lunch later." .”

"The late emperor will definitely be happy to have a son like you." Duke Tinton praised and stepped aside.

Gals said to Duren, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. As long as you can find something valuable and prove that you have not neglected your duties in the past three days, I can consider exempting you from the caning."

"Your Majesty is merciful!" Finance Minister Silen praised loudly.

When others heard this, they all burst into praise.

Gals looked at the commander of the garrison and said warmly, "Sir Essos, can you find this person?"

Essos nodded, "Leave it to me."

But this time it took him a little longer, because he heard from other merchants on Lard Street that since the last time Du Lun brought people to find Fat Cat, Fat Cat packed up his things and left Lionheart Castle overnight.

Fortunately, Little Thumb was still there, but unfortunately his testimony was still very unfavorable to the Chief of Guards. According to Little Thumb, the two of them had gained nothing from their trip to Lard Street.

Durham seemed anxious at the time because the investigation was not making progress.

Little Thumb said, "Mr. Duren was worried that he wouldn't be able to deliver, so I comforted him, but then he hinted at me and asked me to help him find a way to forge evidence.

"He told me that we could frame the purchase of poison on the Wendell family, because there was a man named Little Ear in the tournament who said that he was ordered by Earl Clyde to frame Sir Ilea. .

"People may not believe that we frame others, but if it is the Wendel family, there must be many people who believe it..."

"You lying liar!"

After hearing this, the captain of the royal guard couldn't stand listening any more. He took out the sword from his waist and said sternly.

Essos snorted coldly when he saw this, took two steps, and stood between Duren and Gars.

Only then did the others wake up from their dreams and began to curse Du Lun for being rebellious.

The royal guards didn't really believe that Du Lun could do such a thing, but at this time they couldn't care less about their past friendship. Protecting the emperor was their most important duty, so they also drew their swords and pointed at Du Lun. .

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