Working Prophet

Chapter 528: The Dancing Little Flame

The female lord was throwing whatever she caught now. After a while, she had thrown away all the smoke bombs on her body. She also threw out one of the secret weapons Li Yu gave her.

In the end, it had no effect. He was punched by the Earth Bear, and the glass bottle exploded directly from it.

Fortunately, this series of harassment finally slowed down some of the Earth Bears and bought time for Ilea. The girl pounced on the food and picked up the duel pistol that had fallen on the ground.

But this time, Miss Rabbit's hand holding the gun was shaking slightly.

She felt like she was almost being swallowed up by fear.

What kind of monster is this? !

Even after being shot in the head, he could still stand up from the ground, and his movements seemed not affected at all. Instead, he became more and more violent due to being provoked.

The earth bear's black eye socket was still bleeding out, and the other eye also turned red due to anger.

For the first time, Ilea had doubts about the Hand of Judgment. Can the small lead bullet left in the barrel really kill such a terrifying monster?

And just as she was in a trance, the Earth Bear was about to rush in front of her. The female lord took half a step back in fear and pulled the trigger again.

But she didn't know if Saturday had also given up on her, but the duel pistol that Ilea had tried her best to pick up, her last hope, actually misfired at this moment.

Accompanied by a muffled popping sound, although a small amount of white smoke rose, the lead bullet was not pushed out of the gun chamber by the gunpowder.

There was a look of despair in Miss Rabbit's eyes. She didn't expect that fate would play tricks on her at this time.

She had exhausted all means in this battle, but still could not defeat her opponent. Now she could do nothing but wait to die.

The Earth Bear arrived in front of the girl in less than a breath.

He reached out and grabbed the girl's neck again, intending to break Ilea's neck just like he did with the referee before.

The female lord had given up resistance at this time. There was nothing she could do. Her physical fitness and fighting skills were far inferior to those of the Earth Bear. Even if she struggled, she would only be humiliating herself.

However, just when Ilea was about to close her eyes and wait for death, her eyes glanced at her wrist and saw the Disney watch on it.

That was a gift Li Yu gave her on her birthday.

Ilea didn't know why she noticed this watch again at the last moment of her life, but the next moment the girl couldn't help but reappear that black figure in her mind.

No, no! We can't just die here!

Obviously if the short needle above turned four more times, she would be able to see the person again.

And she still has a lot of words that she has been hiding in her heart. If she dies like this, she will never have the chance to say them out.

Ilea thought to herself, and her confused eyes became firm again.

But at this moment, she has been completely forced into a desperate situation. Death is imminent. It will come in the next second, and there is not much time left for her.

However, in the face of huge pressure, Ilea calmed down again.

One of her hands reached towards her waist and touched the electronic explosion-proof device hidden there. But before she could lift the thing, the Earth Bear had already grabbed her wrist.

With just a slight tug, the female lord felt as if her arm was about to be torn from her shoulders.

But this also bought her some time, and while the Earth Bear's attention was focused on the electronic explosion-proof device, Ilea's other hand touched something else.


The female lord resisted the pain and turned the gear, and then a small ball of flame burst out from the top of the lighter.

Everyone, including the Earth Bear, when they saw the ridiculous little flame, thought it was just Ilea's unwilling struggle before her death.

Because the flame is so small, it can be blown out with just one breath. Not to mention facing a warrior like the Earth Bear, even a child will not be threatened.

Edward II couldn't help but sigh when he saw this. Ilea's melee skills may be a little worse, but the chivalry spirit of fighting until the last moment is moving.

Unfortunately, the strength gap between the two sides was still too big after all, and Saturday's power was not as strong as Varlia's.

The Earth Bear's other hand was already on the girl's head and was about to break her neck. The female lord used all her strength to bring the small flame closer to the Earth Bear's right side. arm.

Then, everyone saw that the flame that seemed to be extinguished at any time suddenly jumped up, turned into a fire dragon, and instantly engulfed the Earth Bear's arm!

Ilea actually had a Molotov cocktail on her body, and she finally remembered the correct use of this thing, but it was too late.

According to Li Yu, the fuse at the end of the combustion bottle needs to be lit first, and then the thing can be effective by throwing it out.

Miss Rabbit didn't have this time at the moment, but she remembered that the Earth Bear had previously used one hand to smash the incoming Molotov cocktail, causing the mysterious liquid inside to spill out.

So what she had to do was summon flames to ignite the mysterious liquid remaining on the Earth Bear.

The Earth Bear was obviously startled by the flames falling from the sky.

Being burned was only part of the reason. He was wearing armor all over, and the sudden flames did not actually burn his skin immediately.

What really shocked the Earth Bear was that the methods used by the female lord were exactly the same as those used by Cornelia not long ago.

At that time, the priestess also caused fire to suddenly burst out from his long sword, and now that he saw this familiar scene, it was no wonder that the Earth Bear couldn't help but think about it.

He began to doubt the relationship between the priestess and Ilea, as well as Saturday and the goddess of life.

And in the blink of an eye, the female lord took off the second Molotov cocktail from her waist and threw it at the opponent in front of her.

The wine bottle was put on the armor on the Earth Bear's chest, and it shattered in the next second, and the liquid inside drenched the Earth Bear all over.

Before he could react, the flame on his arm exploded again, this time swallowing him completely!

At this moment, the Earth Bear was like a pile of dry wood, completely ignited. The soaring flames and scorching heat made the audience around couldn't help but take two steps back.

Finally, the Earth Bear could no longer care about Ilea in his hand, and threw the latter aside, then rolled on the spot, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

But after he rolled on the ground twice, the fire didn't diminish at all, and at the same time, the armor was heating up at an astonishing speed, and the Earth Bear could even smell his own flesh.

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