Working Prophet

Chapter 390 Drugs are just auxiliary

Before going to Niu Xiangui, Li Yu also took the time to meet another person.

——Jin Tong

It has been two months since Jin Tong came to Green Field. During this period, he has been undergoing withdrawal treatment. However, in recent times, Jin Tong's use of antihypertensive and sleeping pills has significantly decreased.

Until now, according to Ruby, who was taking care of him, Jin Tong had not used any medicine for more than ten days, and his physical condition was quite stable, and he had even resumed some exercise.

Li Yu happened to take this opportunity to visit him.

Speaking of Jin Tong, Li Yu had a somewhat complicated impression of him. When the two met for the first time, Jin Tong led people to ambush him, and then put him in a sack and tried to pack him away.

Not long after that, this guy sneaked back into the green field and kidnapped the little maid.

Just these two things alone gave Li Yu enough reason to kill him, but later Jin Tong's betrayal in the process of rescuing Clara did play a lot of roles.

Moreover, he took the initiative to come to join the Shuanghui School, which had a certain advertising effect, and Li Yu was too lazy to settle the previous bad debt with him.

But Li Yu is still thinking about how to deal with Jin Tong in the future.

Jin Tong is somewhat similar to Jude. Neither of them is very gregarious, they are full of indifference to other people's lives, and both have a lot of blood on their hands.

But Jude kills mainly for himself. Before converting to Saturday, he was an absolute egoist and would only do it when he was threatened or when it was profitable.

Jin Tong's situation is different from his. Jin Tong is a killing machine secretly cultivated by the Silver Moon Church, and is controlled by drugs.

He didn't have much personal preference when it came to killing people. He simply followed orders and had almost no mood swings when he did it.

Li Yu was thinking as he arrived outside the small courtyard where Jin Tong was.

He reached out and knocked on the door, and soon a head popped out from inside.

"Prophet Merlin, are you here?" Ruby was a little surprised when she saw the person outside the door.

"Well, is it convenient for me to go in now?"

"Of course." Ruby said as she opened the courtyard door.

Li Yu then walked in.

As Jin Tong's condition has improved, he is no longer chained in the yard and has moved to live inside the house, but his wrists and ankles are still shackled to ensure that he will not escape.

When Li Yu entered the door, Jin Tong had already heard the noise and climbed up from the bed.

But when Li Yu came to the house, he didn't see his shadow.

The next moment, Jin Tong quietly approached Li Yu's back like a cheetah and put the iron chain on Li Yu's neck.

Now, with just a little force, he could easily break the neck of the man in black clothes in front of him.

However, the latter seemed not to feel the threat of death at all. His heartbeat and breathing rate did not change at all, and even his standing posture remained exactly the same as before.

"You are too careless. You shouldn't have come here without a guard." Jin Tong leaned into Li Yu's ear and said in a serious tone.

"The messenger of the true god cannot be killed."

"Herodotus said something similar."

"He's just bluffing, but I'm serious." Li Yu said, "If you don't believe it, you can give it a try, but I'll say it first. My tolerance is limited. When I'm resurrected again, I can only try to develop Your minimum use."

"What is the minimum use?"

"After you die, your body will be recycled and used by the heroic spirits."

Jin Tong snorted coldly, and finally removed the chain from Li Yu's neck.

At this time, Ruby also walked in from outside the house. Seeing the two people standing so close, she rolled her eyes, and then said to Jin Tong, "There is no water in the water tank. I'll go out and get some."

"Don't go!"

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do." Li Yu also said.

After speaking, he found a chair and sat down, then pointed to another empty chair in front of him.

Jin Tong didn't like the feeling of being completely controlled by the opponent in this situation, but he had no other choice, so he had to sit down after a long silence.

"How are you doing now?" Li Yu straightened his newly wrinkled collar and asked.

"It's much better than before, but now I wake up easily when I sleep. Sometimes my knees still hurt, and I feel inexplicably irritable."

"Well, these are all reactions that may occur after withdrawal," Li Yu said. "With luck, they will lessen or even disappear after a few months."

"What if you're unlucky?" Jin Tong asked.

"Probably with you for the rest of your life."

Jin Tong fell into silence again upon hearing this.

"On the bright side, at least you survived." Li Yu said, "I remember you said that no one in the Guards Corps has been able to successfully escape the control of the Silver Moon Church for thousands of years."

"The magic medicine you gave me did work." Jin Tong also admitted, "I relied on them to survive until now."

"Drugs are only auxiliary. What you can persist until now depends more on your will and mental strength."

"It's Mary."


"Mary helped me a lot. She would always come to visit me every now and then and tell me stories about Saturday and you. Although I once thought you were just a liar and planned to leave me here to die alone."

"But during my most difficult time, it was that child who gave me the courage and hope to live."

Jin Tong paused, "There is something I have never told anyone else. In fact, I once had a daughter. If she could live to this day, she would probably be the same age as Mary."

"How did you lose her?"

"Plague, in order to treat her illness, I agreed to the terms of the Silver Moon Church and joined the Guards, but she still died later." Jin Tong said, "Then I could no longer get rid of the curse on my body."

"Where's your wife?"

"Died in childbirth."

"So you have no other relatives now?"

"That's right." Jin Tong said.

"What are your plans next?"

"Mary wants me to stay, but I'm worried that you will use me and control me like Herodotus... I'm tired of it and don't want to get involved in religious struggles anymore. If you can agree to this , maybe I can stay and be a lumberjack or a farmer or something." Jin Tong said.

"With your martial arts skills, it would be a shame to be a lumberjack and farmer."

"I don't care. Besides, your man chopped off one of my thumbs, and I'm no longer a top swordsman."

"I can promise you that I will not let you participate in religious struggles again." Li Yu said, "But I have a more suitable job for you."

"What errand?"

"The Inquisition, there is a shortage of people there right now, and your resume is in line with the job requirements there. Don't worry, you don't need to deal with heretics. It's a new internal supervision agency I established."

"Are you sure that my personality is suitable for working with other people?"

"The Tribunal does not need you to have a good relationship with other people." Li Yu said, "Actually, I am planning to send all the unsociable people in this land there. It doesn't matter if you don't like each other. Anyway, you will be here in the future. Everyone does his own thing.

"Your job is to investigate those who are corrupt, abuse their power and violate the commandments, but you must also remember that when you are supervising others, someone will also be supervising you."

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