Working Prophet

Chapter 387 Revenge

As the first person to be reincarnated in the green field by his hand, Li Yu is still very concerned about Niu Xiangui's situation.

However, after the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony was held that night, Li Yu was unable to go to Bratis's side in the following weekend.

In addition, he was basically busy during this period of time, so Li Yu didn't want to pay attention to work matters on Saturdays and Sundays.

I found an American TV series and nestled on the sofa to watch it. When I watched half of it, I felt that the TV in the living room was a bit small.

So I opened and placed an order and bought an 85-inch Sony high-definition TV, which can be used to watch movies and play games.

The TV was delivered early Sunday morning.

In the next room, Wang Guowei, who played games until early in the morning, was awakened by the knock on the door of the courier, rubbing his sleepy eyes and poking his head out.

As a result, after seeing the big-screen TV in the living room, his eyes straightened.

After Li Yu turned on the power to check and confirmed that there was no problem with the screen, Wang Guowei was not afraid of the cold and ran out of the house in his shorts, circling the new TV and mumbling something.

"Ah, Brother Li, 85x90k, the price is about 15,000 now, and I bought it when I said I would buy it."

"The company's business has been pretty good recently, and we signed another big deal, so I bought a TV to reward myself," Li Yu said, "And you also helped me a lot before, introducing Brother Dog to me, and They help me design web pages. You can also use this TV to play games."

"Be particular, you are so particular, Brother Li, from now on you are my half-brother!" Wang Guowei gave a thumbs up, and then he chuckled, "Then I'm not welcome, I've already I just want to play 2077 with a 4K big screen.”

The two of them then lifted the TV onto the TV cabinet themselves without waiting for the installation master to come to the door.

Wang Guowei couldn't wait to move his game notebook out of the bedroom, connected it to the new TV, and started Steam.

Li Yu watched him play the role of a cybermaniac in Night City for a while, fighting passionately with the Terrorist Mobile Team, and then received a message from Zhang Yanlin.

Zhang Yanlin asked Li Yu if she wanted to go shopping together. The office still lacked a coffee machine. She liked Delonghi's. There happened to be a discount in the mall, and she could buy a sweeping robot by the way.

Li Yu thought for a while and typed - see you in the mall.

About an hour later, the two met outside the shopping mall near Zhang Yanlin's home.

It was almost late autumn now, and the temperature had dropped. Zhang Yanlin wore an off-white waist-cinching windbreaker with a turtleneck black sweater underneath.

When he saw Li Yu from a distance, he waved to him. Li Yu also quickened his pace after seeing him.

After meeting, Zhang Yanlin first handed Li Yu a cup of milk tea and said, "I'm sorry, there's no extra sugar."

Li Yu did not refuse. After taking the milk tea, he said, "Then I'll treat you to lunch."

"Okay, the boss invites you to dinner. I can't think of any reason to refuse."

"If you asked me out at this time, you must have had the idea of ​​having a meal together early in the morning."

"Don't think that I am so scheming. I actually want to ask about Niu Xiangui's situation. Is his reincarnation going well? After all, I have been doing back-up exercises for him during this period, and I feel that I am more familiar with him than my boyfriend. So I still care about him."

"Well, there was nothing wrong with the ceremony. He has successfully appeared on the continent of Bratis, but in the form of a half-orc."

"Half-orc programmer? Hmm... I still find it a bit unimaginable."

"He is much stronger than before. I hope he can spend some time and energy to maintain his current body shape in the future."

"Then have you thought about what you want him to do?"

"Well, I built an upgrade system there, and I plan to let him do operation and maintenance after he graduates from the language school. He can be regarded as a professional counterpart." After finishing speaking, Li Yu saw Zhang Yanlin's expression was a little complicated and asked again, "What's wrong?"

"I just didn't expect you to do so many things there in just a few months. Besides, it still feels unreal for me to discuss this kind of thing with you now."

"These reincarnations, different worlds, and things like missionary work are all incredible... Of course, what surprises me the most is you. We have been colleagues for a year, and I didn't notice anything about you at all. abnormal.

"At that time, I just thought you were a nice person, but your niceness was also within the scope of normal human beings."

"These past few months have indeed been a big turning point in my life." Li Yu also admitted, "If I hadn't experienced it personally, I would never have imagined that a job would bring such a big change to me."

"Then what are your plans for the future?" Zhang Yanlin asked again.

"At this stage, just work hard, let's save some money first, and I like the job content this time, and the salary is good, I should work for a while."

"Then let me help you."


"Don't get me wrong, the main reason is that this job pays really well and the work is very easy." Zhang Yanlin said, "So I plan to keep doing it."


"Go shopping and pick a coffee machine you like."

"Haven't you already done your homework?"

"Ah, yes, but who made you the boss?"


After two days of rest, Li Yu returned to Luye again, and it was eight days ago that Niu Xiangui last saw him.

But before Li Yu could return to the Shuangxiu Church's territory, he heard a new piece of news from Miss Rabbit, or to be precise, two new pieces of news, both of which were related to the Silver Moon Church.

It has been more than two months since the tragedy in Scaled City, and the Silver Moon Church finally elected seven new high priests.

As expected, under the pressure of a number of noble families in the Western Territory, the seven newly elected people were, without exception, opponents of the church's weaponization. Moreover, the seven people issued another statement the day after they were elected as high priests. joint statement.

Emphasizing that the Silver Moon Church is unwilling and will not form any military force in the future.

This joint statement was unanimously praised by all the nobles in the Western Territory. However, just three days later, a group of unknown people attacked Hongta City.

Hongta City had suffered from a rat plague before, and the city suffered heavy losses. It has not yet fully recovered, and as a result, that group of people took advantage of it.

They sneaked into the city and directly attacked the city lord's palace, and it took only a short time to capture the city lord's palace.

Kamzi, the head of the Trelles family, was also captured alive by them.

It is said that Kamzi asked them how much money they wanted and expressed their willingness to collect money. However, the group ignored them and killed Kamzi, his three sons, two daughters, and a son-in-law. .

Except for the infant grandson of Camzi, the important figures of the Trelles family were almost completely wiped out.

And when the manager in the mansion asked those people why they were so cruel, the group of people just said two words softly.


Sorry, this chapter is a bit late

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