Wizard of science

Chapter 143 Return of the Dead

The crystal ball on the test table is still the one I got from Hale a long time ago.

After continuous research and testing, including some relatively crude methods, a lot of damage was caused.

After recent research, the entire crystal ball seems to have reached the edge of being barely usable.

The reason for this is that Li He forcibly cleared some internally stored information and imported some updated information.

The source of this updated information is the crystal balls placed on the stone platform in the control room of the Conch's large bilge.

Li He reached out and carefully picked up the cracked crystal ball, gently injected energy into it, and slowly activated it.

Golden light was released from inside the crystal ball, and a map was projected in mid-air for a moment.

Most of the entire map is an ocean, with some islands mixed in. At the very edge is a corner of the continent, marked with dense text.

This is exactly the chart used by the Conch ship during navigation.

Different from ordinary maps, which only mark some place names, many of the things marked on the sea map are related to wizards or mysterious powers.

At a glance, you can see the Tomon Stone Mine on Lys Island, the Purple Moon Flower Plantation on Doya Island, turbulent sea currents, and storm caves... Safe areas are generally marked with green fonts, while dangerous areas are marked with red fonts - in fact, you can tell them just by their names. Get a rough idea of ​​whether a location is safe or not - everything is crystal clear.

Looking towards the edge of the chart, some information about Cape Lann and the wizard organization was clearly visible.

For example, a port is marked with the words Rotten Port, followed by a line of small words: White Fang Tower.

According to the information previously revealed by the wizard Demonic Heart, this rotten port was the initial pick-up point planned by the Conch ship, where students would disembark and study at the real White Fang Tower.

To the south of the Rotting Port, there is another port, marked Cold Candle Port, with the same line of small words attached to the back: Shadow Academy.

Li He speculated that if there were no accidents, this might be the pick-up point for the Shadow Academy, and this is where the big ship is headed now.

His eyes continued to move. Further south of Lengzhu Port, there was an area that was obviously sunken inward on the mainland, which was the outlet of a river.

On the riverside, there are four words "Quiet Port" marked, followed by a line of small words: Dark Heart Academy.

So... this is the introduction point of Dark Heart Academy... Li He had an idea in his mind, and then raised his eyebrows.

Then, behind "Dark Heart Academy", there was a line of smaller words.

"Dark Heart Academy—formerly Solomon University."


Li He blinked and said to himself: So Dark Heart Academy is Solomon University? Is it the wizard organization that actually built this big ship? Looking at it this way, the other party's research and knowledge are very useful to him. In addition, the other party's location is close to a location set by the Blood Countess, so it is worth a visit.

"Da da da……"

Li He touched the tabletop lightly with his fingers, making rhythmic sounds as he kept thinking in his mind.

Time continues to pass and the voyage continues to advance. After experiencing two storms and a rain of fire, the Conch ship is getting closer and closer to its destination.

According to the information revealed by the wizard skeleton while watching a bloody fight one day, it would be at most half a month until they reach the shore.

This gave students who were depressed and desperate a little hope.

If you only have half a month left, you can get there if you work hard.

Of course, some people never make it - every day that passes, several people are killed in bloody fights and thrown into the sea.

Then a new day comes and people continue to be killed and thrown into the sea, and the process repeats itself.

But during the calculation, when there were still twelve days before docking, something happened.

On this day, before dawn, a sound spread throughout the ship.

"Everyone, gather on the deck immediately! Immediately!" That was the voice of the wizard's skeleton.

Accompanied by the sound, many wizard apprentices rushed down from the deck, dispersed into cabins on different levels, quickly banged on the cabin doors, and shouted: "Get up, get up, hurry up and gather on the deck!"

Many students were quite puzzled, but they could feel that something was wrong. They speculated that it might be someone who resisted the group and assassinated the skeleton, causing such great anger.

But when everyone gathered on the deck, they realized that this was not the case.

There was no wooden platform or cross erected on the deck this time, so naturally no one was crucified.

The only thing left was three wet, rotten corpses that were whitened by the sea water, lying on the bright red deck.

Many people recognized him as the man who failed in the bloody fight yesterday, was killed, and then thrown into the sea. Unexpectedly, he returned to the big ship today.

And this is why the skeleton is angry.

"Who did it? Come forward and I'll give him a happy death." Skeleton sat on a chair and asked coldly as he glanced at the crowd.

"Why did the dead people come back to the deck? Did any of you fish them out? Do you want to use this method to demonstrate against me? Haha, I have to say, it is more stupid, childish, and childish than assassinating me with a pile of rags. It’s so unbearable that I can’t stand it.”

"Come forward and let me see who it is?!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up.

The skeleton looked slightly grim. With a wave of his hand, multiple green lights flew out and fell on a few unlucky students in the crowd.

Visible to the naked eye, the student's expression became extremely distorted in an instant. He screamed and fell to the ground, his whole body twitching. He had obviously suffered indescribable torture.

After twitching for a while, he couldn't even make a roar. He just stared wide-eyed and foamed at the mouth.

One of them had the strongest reaction. His body froze for a moment and he stopped breathing.

Mental spell: Nibo's wrathful punishment!

Everyone was frightened, but still no one came forward.

"Why, are you still insisting?" The skeleton's eyes became more and more evil, and with a wave of his hand, several green lights flew out.

"Ah! Ah!"

A few more unlucky students fell down.

In one breath, the skeleton tortured more than a dozen unlucky students, four of whom died directly from the torture.

But no one stood up and admitted it.

This made the skeleton's expression become increasingly ugly.

In the crowd, Li He looked at all this, thoughtfully.

Logically, the wizard's skeleton shouldn't be so angry at the mere presence of a few corpses on the deck. If it was really done by a student, there would be no threat at all. Just like what the other party said, this approach is not as childish as assassinating someone with a pile of junk.

Then why is the other person so angry?

Unless, the other party is not because of these corpses, or the other party may not think it was done by students at all, but has other reasons.

The other person is angry for "other reasons."

Yesterday's body could appear on the deck, but would the body of the day before yesterday also appear on the deck?

What about the one before?

You know, the first body that fell into the sea was not a student.

But...the wizard's heart.

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