Wizard of science

Chapter 130 A surprise from an old friend

The lost white fog constantly covers the sea and surrounds the sailing Conch.

Time passed, and night fell amid danger and panic.

Then it was late at night.

Lives are passing away one after another.

Finally, it finally got to the early morning of the next day.

When morning came, the wandering white fog that enveloped the big ship slowly dissipated, and the Conch struggled to get out of danger.

The place where the Demon Heart Wizard is guarding the bow of the ship is surrounded by a mess on the deck. Purple thorny vines, traces of burning flames, and embarrassing black spots left by acid corrosion are scattered in every corner. Just by looking at it, you can imagine the experience here. What a brutal battle.

The white robe worn by the Demonic Heart Wizard was no longer clean and was stained with blood. His face was full of exhaustion, but when he saw that the white mist was dissipating quickly and the ship sailed out of the surrounding area, he showed a relaxed expression.

"Phew - it's finally over." The Demonic Heart Wizard exhaled and walked to the edge of the deck.

On the edge of the deck, there was a fish carcass.

The whole fish seemed to be more than two meters long, larger than an adult man, and its shape was even more ferocious - its eyes protruded, sharp teeth extended out of its mouth, a row of bone spurs on its back, and most importantly, it had a long abdomen. With human-like limbs.

If an ordinary person saw the shape of the strange fish, they would probably be scared to death.

But now, the strange fish is completely dead.

As the white fog dissipated, the sun shone down, and the temperature increased, the fish carcasses began to emit a disgusting fishy smell, like garbage that had not been processed for a long time in summer and fermented and leaked juice.

Smelling the disgusting smell, the evil wizard frowned deeply, stretched out his foot and kicked it, and the heavy corpse of the strange fish fell into the sea with a "plop".

Something strange happened. The fish carcass was obviously very heavy, but it did not sink after falling into the water. Instead, it floated on the water, slowly drifting back as the Conch moved forward.

The Demonic Heart Wizard watched the strange fish corpse disappear from sight, shook his head slightly, and said to himself: "They say that the fallen fish in the sea are difficult to deal with, but as long as you are serious, you can't make any trouble.

If the white mist of Trekking lasts longer and more fish fall, there might be some trouble, but that's it for now. Speaking of which, the white mist of the trek came suddenly and went away quickly, which is a bit unusual... It seems that something really happened in the core area, what could it be..."

Thinking about it, the Demonic Heart Wizard frowned and subconsciously reached out to cover his lower abdomen. He saw a faint blood oozing out - that was the injury he suffered in the night battle. It was not serious, but it still made him uncomfortable.

Feeling the pain, the Demonic Heart Wizard lost interest in continuing to think, and turned around to go back to the room to treat his injuries.

At this time, two wizard apprentices came, one tall and one short.

The Demonic Heart Wizard stopped, looked at the two wizard apprentices and asked about the situation: "How is it? Have the casualty results been calculated?"

"Yes, Lord Demon Heart." The tall wizard apprentice nodded and began to answer, "In the past night, a total of twenty-seven people died. Eleven of them died due to invisible spiritual attacks, and seven were killed suddenly. Killed by aggressive creatures, three people were left with only partial limbs due to unknown attacks, three people committed suicide after going crazy, two people died after swapping heads, and one person drowned with half of his body outside the cabin. "

"Twenty-seven...it's still acceptable." The Demonic Heart Wizard nodded and said, "Usually dozens of people die every time they encounter this wandering white mist, but not too many this time."

"In addition..." Another short wizard apprentice swallowed his saliva and added with some sadness in his eyes, "In addition, Lord Demon Heart, Lark and Fite are also dead."

"Huh?" The Demon Heart Wizard raised his eyebrows instantly.

Lark and Feit are wizard apprentices. He doesn't care if some students die. After all, they haven't started yet. But the formal wizard apprentices in the White Fang Tower are different. Each one is trained with a lot of resources. If one of them dies, it will not matter. It's a heavy loss.

"What happened to the two of them? Why did they die suddenly?" The Demon Heart Wizard asked.

The short wizard apprentice did not dare to hide anything and answered quickly and truthfully: "At night, the two of them and the others formed a team and patrolled the back half of the deck. Suddenly, a huge, octopus-like tentacle stretched out from the sea and rolled them up directly. It was dragged into the sea, and the body has not been found yet. If nothing else, it should be... that it will not come back."

"Being swept away by tentacles?" The Demonic Heart Wizard fell into silence.

After a moment, he shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Okay, okay, it's a pity, especially Lark, who was very talented and young, but someone who had a chance to become an official wizard died in this mission. Maybe this is him Take your life." Without saying anything else, he walked towards the room, ready to take a rest.

After walking a few steps, he thought of something. The Demon Heart Wizard took out a hard, yellow eyeball from his arms, threw it to the tall wizard apprentice, and gave an order: "The white mist has left, but some of the The contamination may still remain, and it may cause some trouble.

There were fewer people boarding the ship this time than before, but after the white fog caused by the journey, there were even fewer people. There is no guarantee that something else will happen next, so be cautious. Use this thing to clean the entire ship and try to avoid meaningless attrition. "

"Yes." The tall wizard apprentice responded.

"In addition, find two people, a man and a woman, and bring them to my room. They should be more beautiful. I want to relax." The magic heart wizard ordered the short wizard apprentice again.

"This..." The short wizard apprentice hesitated a little, and tried to muster up the courage to remind him, "Lord Demon Heart, it's daytime now."

"Daytime?" The Demon Heart Wizard looked up at the sky and realized, "Indeed, it is already daytime."

"That is to say, I only fought yesterday and forgot to relax... Then find four people for me, three men and one woman. I am tired after a long night, and I want to relax." The Demonic Heart Wizard said seriously.


"Why, didn't you hear what I said?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The two wizard apprentices left quickly.

The evil wizard shook his head and walked into the room.

In the sea water, the body of the fallen fish that had been kicked off the deck by the Demon Heart Wizard floated further and further away. After a long while, it actually floated back into the white fog of the journey.

Just as they drifted into the white mist, a foot suddenly stepped out of the depths of the white mist and walked on the water. Then it stepped on the body of the fallen fish like stepping on a wooden board, revealing a vague figure.

The figure squatted down, carefully inspected the wounds of the fallen fish with hands as pale as corpses, and slowly announced the spell attacks: "Bramble whipping, Thorn whipping, Nafox acid arrows, Koro Stern flame cutting, thorn whipping, green forest spikes...

Well, it seems that our old friend, the Demonic Heart Wizard, has not improved much compared to before... Tsk, tsk, then it seems that we can give him a surprise, a big, big surprise. "

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