Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 499: remains

   Giant ships, huge ships, wizard towers of various levels, and some flying boats, mechanical birds, all in the sky in all directions.

   This situation seems to have left Duolai, it is only an eighth-level relic. As for so many people vying for it?

   Ashe looked around and sighed. She saw Duolai’s expression and said in her heart, that the full man does not know that the hungry man is hungry. This guy has a high-level inheritance. How can I understand the hardships of those who have no inheritance? In a small country, the seventh level is the peak, and the eighth inheritance is probably the peak. nothing.

   She said softly at this time, "It is estimated that these people are all for the eighth-level inheritance. You see, there are not many seventh-level masters among these people."

   Duolai was a little puzzled, "Isn't it? Isn't the human race's highest combat power now at level nine? These are also an empire anyway, so there is not even a heritage of eight or nine levels."

   Ai Xi gave him an angry look, "There are ninety-nine percent of the empire, and there is no even the eighth-level inheritance."

   Duola fell silent for a moment, seeming to understand something.

   He looked at Baal, feeling very grateful, and he was still touched by Master Baal's light.

  Barr coughed at this time and said, "Don't look at me, I will die without you. You deserve it. What is inherited or not, where life is important."

   Dolai didn't look at him, but thought about it, "So many people, do you think we still need to go in?"

   At this time, he was carefully observing the place that was suspected to be a relic, and the eye of the storm had already been used.

   Ai Xi looked at him ignorantly.

Barr was also observing, and it was puzzled at this time, "The scale of this relic is quite large, using a small world, and the rules of this small world, judging from the rules of the protected world, are actually a big world. I don’t know what’s in it. If we go in, there is really no chance of winning against these people, but we don’t want to pass on it. If we can find some natural treasures, it’s actually better."

   Dorai's Eye of the Storm is also watching.

   On the sea, colorful rays of light enveloped a large area, with a distance of hundreds of thousands of square meters, like a colorful island, reflecting strong rays of light under the sun.

   The energy response on the colorful rays of light is indeed very tyrannical, more powerful than the average level seven or eight witchcraft. If anyone rushes past this time, it must be a dead end.

   It just floated on the sea, the light reaction became stronger and stronger, and the range became larger and larger.

He has thought about the inheritance, but after seeing the battle around him, forget it. Even if you grab it, you won’t be able to enjoy it. If it’s really a place that hasn’t been developed for thousands of years, it’s estimated that all kinds of treasures are not there. Less, he just wants to collect some materials.

   "Gather some materials, it's best to pull up a tree of life." Duola said viciously.

   Ai Xi snorted, "You are ugly, but you still want to be beautiful."

   Duola looked at Ashe's exquisite profile and touched his chin, "My face is also ugly? Then everyone else can die?"

   Ai Xi's face turned red, and she stopped talking.

   Duolai's face is not really handsome, but with his wise gaze and huge aura, it gives people a sense of incomparable peace of mind. He is not a real handsome guy, but it is a real eye-catching type.

   Colorful rays of light appeared on the sea, and the scope became larger and larger, and the people around started to move around, especially after seeing the great wheels coming in the distance, other small forces began to slowly retreat backwards.

Above the boundless sea, at this time, there are nine houses with the greatest power, either a large wizard tower, towering in the air, or a giant ship, a large ship with a length of three to four hundred meters. This kind of power, There are a total of nine, and there are countless small forces.

   The three of Duolai were hidden in the distance and didn't enter at all. These large forces must have detective wizard formations, and he didn't want to expose them too early.

  Looking at the scale of today, this remains, I am afraid it is really not small.

   At this moment, Duolai's heart moved and looked back, and Ashe also looked back along his gaze.

  The people from the winning country have arrived.

  The huge ship came slowly over the sea, lining up the waves, majestic and majestic.

  On the deck of the giant ship, there stood a group of people, all high-ranking warriors, wizards, and Duolai also saw the leaders of the Amethyst Mercenary Group and Youlan Mercenary Group. These are the highest combat power of the winning country.

   As soon as the people from the winning country appeared, those around them automatically gave way to a road, which looked very aggressive.

   Dolay stretched out his hand, and a small black dot flew from a distance and landed in his cuff.

   So far, all of his mysterious corpse insects have been recalled, and none of them have been missed. These profound corpse insects are also not easy to cultivate. From level one to five, one feels a lot of loss.

   At this time, Duolai saw that the people on the huge ship began to communicate, and several big powers shouted in the air, with loud voices and chariots everywhere.

   "You guys from the winning country are here too, it's really stable!"

   "Anyway, it can't be opened for the time being. The morning and evening are the same. It is said that the relics of the old man Shangfeng are very large, and it is enough for so many of us to go in."

   "Meditation, we Lai Guo will win."

   "Hehe, our Peng country is also bound to win."


   Several big forces began to speak out.

Not long after, Duo Lai understood more than half of the ruins. He hadn't spoken yet. Ashe was surprised and said, "I have heard of this superior old man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is said that he is a very great eight. The first-level wind system wizard, after reaching the seventh level, he touched the rules and cultivated a very powerful wind system spell, which is comparable to the eighth level. After reaching the eighth level, no one has seen him again, and thought he had gone. A higher world, seeking a higher level, unexpectedly died at sea."

Dole shook his head, "It may not have died at sea, maybe it was just a place where he practiced. This old man with the upper hand can find a small world, and his spiritual power and spatial attainments are very powerful. I guess it's not far from the ninth level or entering the road. It’s impossible to leave this world so quietly."

  Barr has a different view.

"Whether it is in that world, after reaching a higher level, you will look for a more advanced world and seek a way to break through. If you don’t reach the **** level, you can’t live forever. This is a real problem. Either this world becomes a god, or you go to another one. The world, or a new world, this is an inevitable result."

   Aixi looked ignorant, and didn't know what they were talking about, what kind of gods, the world's highest level is only ninth level, it has been like this since ancient times, where is the god.

   Dolay explained, "God is a powerful being who has mastered the law."

   After ninth level, master the rules, this is the normal way of promotion.

   Aixi closed her mouth, stopped speaking, and listened to a person and a dog in silence. She felt that she was like the person living in the country, who didn't understand anything.

Dole sighed and said, "Anyway, you can only know if you go in, but the meditation thoughts are out of play. It is estimated that these forces are directed at the meditation thoughts. Let's look at the treasures of heaven and earth. I Just need some high-grade medicinal materials and ores."


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