Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Refactor

Dole blended into the wind, regarded himself as a part of the storm, and began to slowly ponder the changes in wind currents, changes in temperature, and even changes in every inch of space. At the same time, his storm elements also It is slowly changing, and it merges with the surrounding romantic only.


   At the place where the sea connects, Baal's body more than two meters high emerges from the top of the tower, sits quietly on the side, and looks out into the sea.

"He really found a storm element. There is also a very powerful tin boat over there. He also advised me not to approach it. I'm so stupid. The storm element, I can't beat it. A tin boat that can fight the storm element. , I am definitely not an opponent either!!"

Barr raised his hand, licked the fur on his mouth, and then looked at Ashe who was sitting on the other side of the tower. At this time, the most famous genius of Wassenberg was already full of cold, icy mist, and a handful of them. wind.

   But her comprehension speed is still a little slower, the ice and snow domain doesn't even have a rudiment. If you change Duolai, it is estimated that the domain will already look like this by this time. That kid is invincible in the talent to comprehend the mood.

   At this moment, Ashe's breath plummeted, the surrounding vision disappeared, and then she woke up with a pale face.

   Her mental power is too weak, and she feels that two or three days is the limit.

   Aixi looked at the weather around him, and was not discouraged. At the same time, he received a message from Duolai and was taken aback.

   was really found by him.

   She raised her head, looked around, and saw Baal was standing on the other side of the wizard tower, and gave a slight salute, "Master Baal, do we want to change the place and get closer to Dulai?"

   Barr shook his head, and said, "Don't use it for the time being, there are powerful wizards of your human race over there, I don't want to get too close."

   Aixi was taken aback, and then he realized that humans and the monsters themselves are inherently hostile. If the opponent finds Baal, it must be another chase.

   She is an ordinary Level 4, it is absolutely impossible to have such a powerful pet, the other party will only think that Lord Barr has taken her hostage.

   So she nodded and said, "My lord, then I will go down for the experiment and rest for a few days."

  Barr shrugged the dog's shoulders, "You don't need to tell me this, but I have to go out in the past two days. Be careful."

   Ashe nodded. With the wizard tower, she doesn't need to be afraid of ordinary level five or six masters, and how can anyone be in this place where birds don't shit?

   Ashe's total mental power is not enough, so every few days, after the mental power is exhausted, she needs to rest, do experiments or something, to ease it.

Through experiments, her biological level has slowly improved. She is no longer someone who didn’t know anything before. She has already started experimenting on her own bloodline experiment. She occasionally draws out some blood, cultivates it in a petri dish, and observes. , Separated, slowly searching for the things in his blood.

The idea of ​​  meditation is the foundation of wizards, but blood is the foundation of wizards for their family wizards. Now she wants to find a way to purify her own blood, so that her talent can be raised to the next level, closer to the essence of ice blood.

Ashe’s level of alchemy is very bad, he can hardly refine finished alchemy tools. Under the influence of Dorai, there is also a bonus of complete notes. He can barely carry out some experiments. Under the influence of ears and eyes, he also understands what he should do. What to do is just a little slow in speed.

   She doesn't have much sympathy for the experimental subjects, that is, the few living people. After all, these people are here to kill them. There is no need for sympathy at all. Regular inspections, feeding, and guaranteeing that they will not die will do.

The weather in the extreme north is changeable, sometimes sunny, clear sky, sometimes gale, gale up to more than ten levels, very violent, the closer the winter, the more windy weather, and after the real winter, the windy weather It changed from about ten days a month to more than twenty days, and it was in strong winds for almost the whole month.

   Aixi has been blowing wind for several months under this condition, the surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, and the wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger. In her body, an artistic conception of ice has begun to take shape.

   Lord Barr disappeared. She was the only one in the Wizard Tower, and even Duo Lai's clone fell into a deep sleep. With his full comprehension, he had no extra mental power to maintain the clone.

  Lonely, lonely, and empty, she is the only one left in the whole world. The chill around her is getting worse and worse, and it seems that she is about to merge with the world around her.


Time slowly passed, Duola drifted along with the storm element on the sea. He would go wherever the storm element went. Anyway, the storm element would not take the initiative to attack him. He even felt that the other party seemed to take good care of him and occasionally opened up a little bit. The core area, let him go in for a stroll, and then drive it out after reading it.

Storm is a product of nature. It is very common in the endless sea, but the formation of complete storm elements is pitiful. Duola can simulate natural storms, but simulating real storm elements is a lot less interesting. After all, one It's a natural phenomenon, it's just a product under the rules of heaven and earth, it's just a dead thing, and the other has formed a living being, and it's essentially different.

Even if Dolai simulates the natural storm, but after the formation of the storm spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there will be a great change in nature, from a basic natural phenomenon to a living being, possessing an energy core, wisdom, These all need the fundamental support of the storm element, and these are the things that Dolai needs to learn, and there will be no records in the books.

The storm element drifted on the sea for several months. After chasing the tin boat to no avail, it slowly returned to the vast sea. There are no icebergs, no violent natural weather, and some are just ups and downs. , And in the boundless sea, some insignificant islands have appeared.

   After the storm, these small islands were in a mess. All that was waiting for them was to slowly lick the wound.

Dole didn’t know where he drifted with the storm element. There were two strong coordinates in his consciousness. One was the coordinates of the Wassenberg Wizard Tower, and the other was the coordinates of the Wizard Tower in the Far North, and they were very clear. No matter where he goes, he can have a vague general direction, so he won't get lost, but now, he feels that these two coordinates are getting farther and farther and farther.

   He sank into the world around him, unable to look back.

   On the sea, there is endless, and there are only sea breeze, sea waves, dark clouds, lightning, storm elements, but also full of terrifying squalls, thunder, and rumblings, which are endless.

   Duo Lai had realized at this time, the storm element in his body began to slowly increase, and it was no longer in the previous stagnant state. Observation is enough to observe, and he needs to slowly build it himself.

   If it is to build outside, he needs to leave the envelope of the storm element and reconstruct a storm element himself.

   He has this kind of understanding. When he constructs a storm, it may be when he enters the fifth level.


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