Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 452: Come on, poor ghost!

   Gretel and others are not stupid people. Duola's words are naturally what they want to say. Only by giving each other a chance can everyone become true friends.

   Becoming Gretel's friend is not a simple matter, but they now recognize Dolay as a friend.

   The waiter looked at Duola's face and racked his brains to think about who this is, so young, that can convince these three people, this is not a simple matter.

  On the fifth floor, generally only those who are particularly wealthy will come up. Gretel will only go to the third floor. This young man comes directly to the fifth floor. Obviously, his status and identity are not ordinary. Who is this?

   However, the professional ethics told him not to open your mouth if you can’t ask. She smiled and led the four people to a private room and stretched out the door.

   The private room is very clean and well furnished. It feels like a family banquet. After entering, Gretel pushes Dolai and sits on the main seat, while the others sit apart.

   This meal was eaten in one breath until it was dark, and everyone patted their belly and left with satisfaction.

   walked out of the gate, the lights were already on the outside, everyone's stomachs were round, and they soon separated.

  Duo Lai looked back at this treasure house as he walked, and the taste seemed to be good.

   He came today but his real body. Although the meat of those monsters has been put aside for a long time, it contains a part of energy, and it still has a part of the effect on the body. It can stimulate the body, and it feels that the power has increased a bit.

   Although I spent thousands of gold coins in one go, it was worth it. Compared with today's harvest, these thousands of gold coins are nothing.

After    separated from everyone, he immediately rushed to the wizard tower group.

   In the night, the surrounding wind blows on the face, and there is a cool feeling. The wizard towers in the distance are mysterious, powerful, and full of power, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

   Dolai came to the front of the tower group, his mind clearer.

   Below the tower group, there were many people coming and going, and he didn't pay attention.

   soon passed Tower One and came to the inside of the tower group.

There are many wizard towers in it. His twelve-story wizard tower is actually very eye-catching. After all, most wizard towers are less than ten stories, most of them have five or six stories, and there are also three or four stories, but like him Such a high is very rare.

   Duola quickly walked inside.

   At this moment, he felt a mental force fall on him, his brow furrowed, and it was almost a few tenths of a second to follow the mental power to observe the opponent.

It was a young man in a starry sky wizard robe, looking at him from a distance under a wizard tower. Behind him, two armored warriors stood quietly, their vitality was strong, their momentum was restrained, and the pressure was only on the youth in front of them. .

   Duola looked at the young man, not knowing why.

   At this moment, the person came over, "Dolly, right?"

   Duola stopped and looked at the man. He was looking at the wizard tower. It seemed to be owned by a fifth-level wizard, belonging to the starry sky genre. Is this person from the starry sky genre?

   He stared straight, his expression was indifferent, and said slowly, "Yes, who are you?"

The wizard stared at Dolay as if he wanted to see through everything. His eyes were sharp, like a knife, and he pierced Dolay’s eyes. In his body, a mysterious aura slowly flowed, forming A whirlpool of power, he looked at Dolay.

   At this time, Duo Lai felt as if he was in a weightless void. Although he knew that this was the imaginary ability of the opponent's mind, but there was no way, after all, this was a gap in rank.

   Level 5 vs. Level 4, it was originally crushed.

   However, he doesn't care about the suppression of this imaginary image on himself, and his mental power is strong enough, just a little release of mental power, he firmly resists this suppression.

   The man's face changed slightly when he saw this.

  He slowly said, "I'm Duke, Duke's brother, a member of the Sagong family. You have offended our Sagong family. Are you ready to apologize and resist?"

   Duola looked at the other party, his eyes became interesting, this person is afraid that the cultivation has broken his brain.

  His old **** was there, and he slowly said, "Oh? The Sagong family is so awesome? Why don't I know?"

Duck's tone suddenly stagnated, "You are as arrogant as in the legend, kid." He moved his feet and slowly walked over. As he walked, the pressure field formed by his magical virtual image was getting closer and closer to Duolai, yes. The greater the impact he caused.

Dolai frowned and slowly said, "Duck, I never want to be an enemy of anyone, but it doesn’t mean I’m afraid of anyone. This is the Glory Wizard Towers, and the sixth-level Wizard Tower in front of me, you think you A small fifth-level wizard, dare to be arrogant in front of someone with a sixth-level wizard tower? You are the real arrogance!"

   Nadak's footsteps suddenly stagnated, and he slowly looked in front of Duolai, his face became cloudy and volatile.

   Yes, the opponent has a sixth-level wizard tower, which is equivalent to having an energy source beyond the sixth level, and fighting with him here, wouldn't it be his own death?

   His heart condensed slightly, and he became a little annoyed. Today, he is afraid that he will not be able to pretend.

   Then, he said fiercely, "Our business is not finished, the days to come will still grow."

   Duola looked at the other party, spreading his hands, "It's up to you, you can hurry up, maybe tomorrow my wizard tower will be level seven, poor ghost."

   He snorted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned away.

  Dak looked at Duolai's background, and his face suddenly turned blue.

Ordinary wizards, if they don’t have a skill, are very poor. If they are family wizards, they are better. They have family worship every month. Ordinary wizards can only resist. Without resources, they are very poor. difficult.

   Duolai has a sixth-level wizard tower. He can be counted as a sixth-level wizard within the entire range of Wassenberg. Under normal circumstances, no one really dares to mess with it.

   Wizard Tower, their family has only one seven-level and three six-level towers, but none of them is under his jurisdiction.

   is really hateful.

   The more Dak looked at Duo Lai's back, the more angry he became, until Duo Lai's figure disappeared at the door of the Wizard Tower, and he slowly retracted his gaze.

   He can't deal with the opponent, but he can find someone.


   Returning to the Wizard Tower, Duo Lai finally relaxes and can really study potions.

   got a large batch of potion formulas. He estimated that he would be very busy and very busy in the next time. As for the bidding, Ashe looked at it, there should be no problem.

   Three or four days passed very quickly, and the agreed time of one month was about to arrive.

Duolai didn’t prepare much. The poison that the man in black wanted was refined a long time ago, put it aside, and even took the time to study the properties of the poison, and refine the antidote based on the properties, even in the Wizard’s Tower. Above, for this part of the poison, the direction of the wizard's formation was adjusted to prevent people from using this kind of thing, this kind of poison, too yin damage.

   But as long as it doesn't need to be on the Human Race himself, he is still willing to help the other party to refine it. After all, this is a matter of money. With Alan and that guarantee, the other party should not be too presumptuous.


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